Discuss risks that might emerge during a crisis situation.

Introduction to Crisis Communications

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Explain the fundamental stages of a crisis.

1.1 Classify the crisis stages of an event: factfinding, unfolding drama, blame game, and

2. Assess the different types of risks and crisis situations an organizational leader must acknowledge.

2.1 Identify the steps a leader must implement during a crisis.

2.2 Discuss risks that might emerge during a crisis situation.

Reading Assignment
In order to access the following resources, click the links below.

JordanMeier, J. (2011). Crisis management. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 28(8).


JordanMeier, J. (2012). Appearances do matter: Leadership in a crisis. Leader to Leader, 2012(66), 1620.


JordanMeier, J. (2012). Straight talk Is best strategy for dealing with bad news. MWorld, 10(4), 3840.


Simpson, L. (2011). From Columbine To Norway: Planning for today’s active shooter events. Continuity
Insights, 9(7), 48.


St. Amant, K. (2021). Creating Scripts for Crisis Communication: COVID19 and Beyond. Journal of Business
& Technical Communication, 35(1), 126133.


Discuss/Distinguish how Lincoln did or did not display one or more of the follwoing concepts t of leadership: charismatic, situational, indirect and direct, informal, legitimate, and positional.

Book synopses of Lincoln on Leadership,Donald T. Phillips,Warner Books,New York, NY, 1992

Discuss/Distinguish how Lincoln did or did not display one or more of the followoing concepts t of leadership: charismatic, situational, indirect and direct, informal, legitimate, and positional. You can also examine his historical leadership with contemporary leaders.

I need you to reference at 2 sources – Lincoln on Leadership, Donald T. Phillips, Warner Books, New York, NY, 1992 Leadership: Theory and Practice, Peter G. Northouse, 2018, 9th Edition

Critically analyse and evaluate an organisational situation and change so as to inform and improve performance and enhance value.

Contemporary management issues in the 21st century

LO1: Understand the dynamic of business management issues in the contemporary global business environment

LO2: Critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary management issues by synthesizing relevant theories

LO3: Assess and critically evaluate the significance of contemporary change and the impacts on decisions, behaviours, human capital and the organisation configuration

LO4: Critically analyse and evaluate an organisational situation and change so as to inform and improve performance and enhance value

LO5: Evidence highly developed autonomous learning skills, problem solving and the ability to clearly and appropriately communicate findings and recommendations.

Discuss the ethical dynamics of your organization and discuss how an ethical leader should handle each situation.

The Link below is the group shared document. I need Only section 6 rewritten and Edited according to the section 6 requirement. On the document sections 6 are all labeled. to sum up what I need to be done, use the document below and make section 6, one completed section.


Requirements for section 6

Recognize and manage the dynamics of change as they relate to self and the supervision of others. Distinguish between “good” and “poor” work ethics when given a variety of workplace situations.

Discuss the ethical dynamics of your organization and discuss how an ethical leader should handle each situation. (10 points)

How can this model be applied to the situation at hand?

Case Study: Organizational Structure & Culture Assignment Instructions


Chapters 1-3: Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Blanc, T. A. (2014). Public administration: An action orientation (7th ed.). Wadsworth, CenGage Learning.

In this Case Study, you will apply the Statesmanship model discussed in Module 1: Week 1 to a real, specific public administration context. In other words, choose an organization that is dealing with organizational change, design, and structure. Describe what happened in as much detail as necessary.

Next, apply the statesmanship model discussed Module 1: Week 1 to this situation. The overarching idea of statesmanship is the call for moral character. In the context of this assignment, how can this model be applied to the situation at hand?

What in your own experience corresponds to what you read?

Management in the Corporate Workplace


Read each article.

Write a 200 word reaction to each of them. It can include things like:

What was new or surprised you?

What you agree or disagree?

What in your own experience corresponds to what you read?

What was the main ‘takeaway’?

Should your peers read it or not? Why or why not?



Create a response to each of your article reactions. 200 words each.

Your response can include:

What in your corporate work and corporate environment experiences corresponds to what was described in your reaction?


Which of the three issues Dr. Davis is taking to the Management Committee are procedural decisions and which are policy decisions?

Organizational policies and procedures case study

Read the Midwest Hospital case available in this week’s LibGuide. Answer these questions about the case:

Which of the three issues Dr. Davis is taking to the Management Committee are procedural decisions and which are policy decisions? Be sure to explain your answer.

Write policy statements for those of Dr. Davis’ issues that pertain to policies and write procedures for those issues that pertain to decisions that are procedural.

How will MLT team get support for the design?How will your team get support from the production team if the MLT design is chosen?

PowerPoint© Assignment: The Product Development Team

You will prepare the PowerPoint presentation that includes notes below each slide will prepare the audio portion (See Course Resources) with a transcript.

A new medical products company that specializes in products that benefit the disabled, began about a year ago. They realized that product development is further enhanced when their creative product developers and engineers work in teams. The company vision is: Provide enabling products to enhance lives. Their mission is to provide products that make daily living easier for the disabled. Their values are embodied in the company saying: Integrity and customer-driven design in all that we do. Several teams of two (an engineer and a product designer) are tasked with developing the newest energy efficient motorized wheel chairs. These teams will compete on their designs for the new products and the best product will be produced. The executive leadership has given the teams a deadline of 4 months. You and your teammate represent one of the teams in this competition. Your team name is the Motion Launch Team or MLT. You will demonstrate your ability to communicate as team members to executive management in this Assignment.

Based on the scenario and the company vision, mission, and values address the following items concerning your MLT process to be used in developing your eventual team product submission.

Describe how MLT will build trust within the team based on your reading?

How will MLT team get support for the design?How will your team get support from the production team if the MLT design is chosen?

How will MLT anticipate and overcome objections?

Provide the team’s timeline to realize deliverables.

Name the company departments that would be responsible for the various steps in the process. (See Learning Activities practice.)

Identify two KSAOs which could be assessed with an employment interview and describe how you would optimize the interview process to accurately assess those KSAOs.

Employee interview process

Write the paper for the role of Aerospace System Engineer* KSAOs and additional info can be found on O*Net Online

Identify two KSAOs which could be assessed with an employment interview and describe how you would optimize the interview process to accurately assess those KSAOs.

Be sure to include the following in your submission

Identify two KSAOs from your work analysis that you could assess with an interview. Justify your selection using information from your work analysis and reading on interviews. For example, what critical tasks does this individual difference support? Why are those KSAOs particularly well suited for an interview?

Outline what elements of structure you would incorporate into the interview questions. Include in your response an explanation of:

The types of questions you would ask in the interview to provide an accurate assessment of these KSAOs (e.g., situational, experience-based).

One question you would ask for each KSAO included in the interview.

Whether you would ask candidates the same questions or different questions.

How you would collect validation evidence that the questions measure what you intend to measure.

Outline what elements of structure you would incorporate into the interview scoring. Include in your response an explanation of:

How interviewers will be asked to score candidates and what materials you will provide to guide those scores.

Whether you will have one interviewer or multiple interviewers interview the candidate at the same time.

How you will collect validation evidence that the interview scores predict job performance.

Outline what topics you would cover in interviewer training (e.g., factors affecting the decision-making process).

What would you anticipate the validity of your interview would be, based on the elements of structure you’ve outlined above.

Explain how your chosen company’s current logistics and/or supply chain management practices supports each of the four dimensions of customer service.

Measuring Customer Service

For this assignment, you will research a large global transportation company, write a paper that discusses how customer service supports logistics and supply chain management, and then analyze how this relationship contributes to a company’s competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

In your paper,

Select one transportation company from the list of the World’s Largest Transportation Companies (Links to an external site.), published by Forbes.

Explain how your chosen company’s current logistics and/or supply chain management practices supports each of the four dimensions of customer service. (The company’s website and annual report are often good starting points for your research.)

Assess how the company can strengthen the contribution of each dimension to future gains in profitability and/or customer service with at least two of the four dimensions. Provide two to three examples of how other companies have already done so to support your assessment.

Contextual (Level One) headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts.

Must include and integrate supporting information and reasoning from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible business source.