Discuss the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring, as well as two other learning interventions within an organisational context.

Coaching and Mentoring

Refer to sept2021 coaching and report guidance documents enclosed your reflection should critically evaluate the following:

• Discuss the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring,as well as two other learning interventions within an organisational context. You should consider the tangible and intangible benefits of coaching and mentoring to organisations (Return on Investment).

• The line manager as a coach/mentor, including an assessment of the necessary skills and behaviours.

• The role of coaching and mentoring in building resilience and dealing with change.

• Your own performance in the peer coaching exercise, with reference to relevant reflective cycles and the coaching model used. You should present an honest and transparent reflection, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses. You should also include a personal development plan. Note: Whilst Tasks 1-3 should be in third person,the personal reflection (Task 4) can be written in first person, if preferred.

How might having strong information literacy skills impact your academic or professional career?

Reflect on a time when you were biased about a topic. These can be hard to identify, so think of a time when it was difficult for you to reason with evidence that you were presented or the ideas another person had about that topic.

How have your information literacy skills changed as a result of the resources in this module?
From the module resources, identify the sources of information that were the most impactful to you.
How might having strong information literacy skills impact your academic or professional career?

Guidelines for Submission

Your submission should be a Word document, one to two pages in length, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the APA Style Guide available through the Shapiro Library for more information on citations.

Module One Short Answer Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Importance of Information Literacy Skills Explains the importance of developing information literacy skills Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in explaining the importance of developing information literacy skills Does not attempt criterion 22.5
Information Literacy and Module Resources Evaluates how information literacy skills changed as a result of module resources Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in evaluation of how information literacy skills changed as a result of evaluating the module resources Does not attempt criterion 22.5
Identify Sources of Information Identifies the sources of information that were most impactful Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail about the sources that were most impactful Does not attempt criterion 22.5
Impact on Academic or Professional Career Explains how having strong information literacy skills impacts academic or professional career Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in explaining how having strong information literacy skills impacts own academic or professional career Does not attempt criterion 22.5
Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas 10

Identify the types of evidence used when looking through each lens.

Using the resources from this course, identify the key characteristics of each of the four lenses: social science, natural science, history, and humanities. Be sure to include relevant points that help explain the characteristics.

Identify the types of evidence used when looking through each lens.

Determine similarities and differences among the lenses, based on the characteristics you have identified.

Topic Proposal

Last, in preparation for your project, select a topic to work on from among the following three topics. Document what you know about the topic you select and what you want to know more about.
Voting rights
Climate change
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your analysis of the questions above. Your submission should be a Word document, one to two pages in length, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the APA Style Guide available through the Shapiro Library for more information on citations.

Module Three Project Introduction and Proposal Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Identify Key Characteristics of Each Lens Identifies key characteristics of each lens and includes subpoints to explain how the lenses relate to the topic selected Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in identifying the characteristics of each lens and including subpoints to explain how the lenses relate to the topic selected Does not attempt criterion 22.5

Types of Evidence Identifies the types of evidence used when looking through each lens Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in identifying the types of evidence used when looking through each lens Does not attempt criterion 22.5
Similarities and Differences Determines any similarities and differences among the lenses, based on the characteristics identified Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in determining similarities and differences among the lenses, based on the characteristics identified Does not attempt criterion 22.5

Select a Topic Selects a topic and conducts preliminary research to describe main issues surrounding topic Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include more detail in selecting a topic and conducting preliminary research to describe main issues surrounding topic Does not attempt criterion 22.5

Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas

What do you think the key differences are between organizations that use a transformational approach and those with non-leaders?


For this case, you will fully discuss transformational leadership theory, using credible sources to back your work.


1.Perform research and describe a team or organization that uses a transformational approach.

2.Compare the transformational environment you outlined above to a non-leadership environment (laissez-faire).

3.What are the key differences between the two approaches?

4.In terms of morale, productivity, and overall commitment, what do you think the key differences are between organizations that use a transformational approach and those with non-leaders?


Transformational Leadership Model

Transformational leadership theory is one of the most widely accepted and implemented theories in modern leadership. Stemming from Burns’ (1978) seminal work in the field in his book “Transforming Leadership,” the theory described a continuum from the transactional leader (give me this and will give you that), and the transformational leader (let’s make one another better, and build a better organization together). On the complete opposite side of the continuum from transformational leadership is non-leadership, or laissez-faire leadership.

Let’s spend some time looking at various resources that delve into each aspect of transformational leadership.

Transformational Leadership. Pointing to Mahatma Gandhi as a classic example of a transformational leader, Burns (1978) described a leadership style referred to by Northouse (2018) as “the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower” (p. 176). In making the connection between this type of leadership and Gandhi as an example, Northouse states that “Gandhi raises the hopes and demands of millions of his people and in the process was changed himself” (p. 176).

Review the following passage, available in the Trident Online Library, regarding transformational leadership:

Mesu, J., Sanders, K., & Riemsdijk, M. v. (2015). Transformational leadership and organisational commitment in manufacturing and service small to medium-sized enterprises: The moderating effects of directive and participative leadership. Personnel Review, 44(6), 970-990. doi:10.1108/PR-01-2014-0020

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Factors. The factors above are explained briefly here along with additional resources for a deeper dive.

The first transformational factor, idealized influence, is often referred to as charisma. A leader with idealized influence is often considered “special” and strong in qualities that followers like to emulate. Idealized influence should be used ethically and morally by a leader who does the right thing consistently. Nelson Mandela is an excellent example.

The second transformational factor, inspirational motivation, is embodied by a transformational leader who provides clear communication of his or her high expectations to followers. This type of influence inspires followers to jump on board and work harder than they ordinarily would as they follow a clearly explained vision.

The third transformational factor, intellectual stimulation, inspires followers to dig deep and conceptualize, and try new things. An important characteristic to go along with this factor is insulation from some or all of the consequences of failure. Followers are far more willing to try new things and take risks when they know their leaders will “have their backs” when things do not go as planned.

The fourth and final transformational factor, individualized consideration, is characterized by the leader who listens and cares about the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and concerns of the individual follower. When followers feel authentic consideration of their individual needs, it inspires them to follow and pursue positive outcomes for the leader and the organization.

The first transactional factor, contingent reward, is the classic example of a transaction. In this case, a reward is contingent on providing something in exchange (effort and productivity). An example of this is the way parents provide an allowance for their children. The children will likely be given a specific list of chores with the promise of a specific allowance once all the tasks are done to the parents’ satisfaction. It is very important to understand that, when we view transformational versus transactional leadership, we must be careful not to consider one of them bad and the other good. A key purpose of this course is to provide you with a toolbox of styles that can be chosen and used based on the situation and the other influences.

The second and final transactional factor, management-by-exception, has two different forms. The first is active, and the second is passive. Active management-by-exception involves watching followers very closely and waiting for them to make a mistake or to violate a rule or regulation. Once this occurs, the active manager-by-exception corrects the behavior immediately. Passive management-by-exception involves far less feedback and correction on a typical day. An example would be a leader that sits down with a follower and provides a negative performance review without having ever brought up any performance issues prior to the review. Both active and passive management-by-exception are primarily negative in nature. While there are definitely uses for transactional leadership (mainly through contingent reward), management-by-exception is rarely the right choice.

Before we move on to non-leadership (laissez-faire), let’s review a few more learning resources from the Leadership Channel and Books 24×7 that help explain transactional versus transformational leadership.

Leadership is More Personal Than Transactional – Leadership Channel

Thompson, K. (2016). Leadership is more personal than transactional. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library. [Video File].

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

Cameron, E., &  Green, M. (2017). Chapter 6 – Transformational and transactional leadership. Essential leadership: develop your leadership qualities through theory and practice. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Non-Leadership (Laissez-Faire). We have all experienced non-leaders in our lives. According to Northouse (2018), this factor of leadership represents the absence of leadership. The leader “abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, and makes little effort to help followers satisfy their needs” (p. 186).

This excerpt, titled Failure of Confidence, explores the void of leadership in more detail:

Rosenbach, W. E., Taylor, R. L., & Youndt, M. A. (Eds.), (2012).  Chapter 25 – The antileadership vaccine: Failure of confidence. In Contemporary issues in leadership (7th ed.) Available in the Trident Online Library.

Leadership Styles and The Tribe: Making Your Own Connections

Now that we have explored style-based leadership, let’s apply that knowledge to The Tribe. This is your opportunity to make your own connections between two major concepts. Rather than providing you with an application of tribal leadership to trait theory, you will look for these links yourself within the SLP as well as both discussion questions for this module.

Cameron, E., &  Green, M. (2017). Chapter 6 – Transformational and transactional leadership. Essential leadership: develop your leadership qualities through theory and practice. [Books24x7 version] Available in the Trident Online Library.

Rosenbach, W. E., Taylor, R. L., & Youndt, M. A. (Eds), (2012).  Chapter 25 – The antileadership vaccine: Failure of confidence, Contemporary issues in leadership (7th ed.) Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Rubino, L. G., Esparza, S. J., Reid C., Yolanda, S., (Eds.), (2014). Chapter 10 – Transformational leadership: Transformational leadership defined. New leadership for today’s health care professionals: concepts and cases.  Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library.

Thompson, K. (2016). Leadership is more personal than transactional. Available from Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro) in the Trident Online Library. [Video File].

What is racial color blindness?Why, according to the authors you have read and,in the video, given, is color blindness problematic?

Do watch the video below and read the required readings listed below
Answer the following questions. In your post you MUST include either the entire question for each answer or the number designating the question:

1. What is racial color blindness?
2. Why, according to the authors you have read and, in the video, given, is color blindness problematic?
3. What is your view of race relations in general? And what is your view of color blindness, at work in particular (or at university for students who do not currently work)?
Format & Other Instructions:

To structure your post do include the questions or, to save space, the number designating the question
Write at least one page.
You can use double- or single-spacing format, size 12
References are not included & counted in the length expected (at least 1 page no more than two)
DO add the references at the bottom of your post.
Make sure your answers are supported with relevant knowledge and clear references. Do use the in-text and end of text standards given. DO NOT plagiarize.
Check that your answers are well-written, persuasive, and contain no mistakes.

Materials to watch and read


Does unitarism or pluralism provide a more convincing understanding of organisational behaviour in each case?

Fox’s Unitarism and Pluralism

Using Fox’s unitarist and pluralist frames of reference, critically analyse
the idea that organisational members share the same values and
objectives. Illustrate your answer by discussing two topics from the

• Analyse the arguments for/against both unitarism and pluralism
(not one or the other)
• What does unitarism/pluralism look like for the chosen topic?
• Does unitarism or pluralism provide a more convincing understanding of organisational behaviour in each case?

Structure Example:

• Introduction
• Unitarism
• topic 1 unitarism
• topic 2 unitarism
• Pluralism
• topic 2 pluralism
• topic 2 pluraism
• Conclusion


•Provide a focussed response to the assignment brief.
•Clearly base your answer around the frames of reference and topics
discussed in the lectures.
•Reference correctly.
•Use academic literature to support your argument.
•Illustrate you argument with examples taken from news stories

Describe what you would do differently (if anything) if you were (or might be) faced with the same situation described and why that course of action would be effective based on what we have learned.

Try to use motivation or ethics as the main theme of the paper

Write a short thought paper about a topic related to current management issues.
You will need to apply relevant theories discussed in class and do some outside research (enough to support your arguments).

Examples of possible approaches:
describe what you would do differently (if anything) if you were (or might be) faced with the same situation described and why that course of action would be effective based on what we have learned.
or describe a situation that you found confusing when it occurred, but that makes sense to you now that you have more management knowledge. In that case, you would explain the situation and explain how you have made sense of it based on specific class theories and concepts. Another type would be to ask yourself: what is the biggest challenge that I have faced/will face with respect to this issue? What have  learned in this class that can help me overcome this challenge?

The goal of the assignment is to apply knowledge from the course to your actual or possible experiences at work.

Critically examine the role of the State (or government) as an actor in employment relations.

Critically examine the role of the State (or government) as an actor in employment relations

This essay will look at the UK government’s role in implementing the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough Scheme), which was designed to help people, jobs, and businesses.

The impact of the policy on other actors in employment relations (workers, employers, trade unions, etc.) will also be analysed; the approach could be limited to the UK or take a comparative look at similar policies/initiatives (short term working schemes) in other EU countries such as Germany (Kuzarbeit) or France (Activité Partielle) or even the policy adopted in countries like the US.

The requirement is to stay focused on answering the question, to demonstrate broad reading and critical engagement with the literature that you read and cite, to back up arguments with evidence from published sources such as scholarly journals or books whenever possible, and to write an essay that is well structured and analytical.

What are the possible impacts or implications of a global supply chain on jit?

What are the possible impacts or implications of a global supply chain on jit?

M7 Written Assignment 1: Impact of Global Supply Chains on JIT

By Pixabay, CC0-Public Domain
Just-in-Time (JIT) refers to a strategy in which goods are received only as they are needed during production. This approach is used by companies to increase efficiency and reduce waste, basically ensuring that no more is acquired than what is actually going to be used.

Implications of JIT
For this assignment you will look at some implications of JIT. After reading chapter 18 in the textbook, answer the following question in a paper of no more than two (2) pages.

What are the possible impacts or implications of a Global Supply Chain on JIT?
Refer to Text Exhibit 18-6 on page 561, Example JIT Characteristics and Best Practices