Explain the requirement to understand individuals’ needs, feelings and motivations, and to take an interest in their concerns.

Within an organisation explain the requirements for integrity, fairness and consistency in dealing with individuals. Analyse the impact for the organisation if discriminatory practice occurs.

Describe how an organisation can understand individual’s needs, feelings and motivations and take an interest in their concerns. Where possible cite practical examples.

Guideline word count: 350 – 450 words

A.C. 3.1 – Explain the requirement to understand individuals needs, feelings and motivations, and to take an interest in their concerns
A.C. 3.3 – Describe the need for integrity, fairness and consistency in dealings with individuals

Describe the organisation’s equality and diversity policies and how these are communicated within the organisation.

Leading equality and diversity

Describe key characteristics which should be contained within an organisation’s equality and diversity policy in order to comply with UK legislation. Explain how these policies can be communicated within the organisation.

Discuss how behaviour, actions and words, of all members of the organisation, support the commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity. Use practical examples where possible to illustrate your answer.

Analyse the workforce diversity profile. Review the workforce and benchmark the information
against the local and/or national population. Draw conclusions from this analysis in relation to
the diversity of the workforce

Guideline word count: 900 – 1,000 words
A.C. 2.1 – Describe the organisation’s equality and diversity policies and how these are communicated within the organisation

A.C. 1.2 – Discuss how behaviour, actions and words, of all members of the organisation, support the commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity

A.C. 2.3 – Conduct a review of the diversity of the workforce against the local and/or national population and identify areas for review

Critically evaluate the statement including an assessment of why the concept of hiring for culture fit has become controversial and the significance of this.

Human Resource Management

Coursework 2

Coursework 2 is worth 70% of the module mark.


Discuss the following statement taking into account implications for recruitment and selection strategy and practice in organisations today:

Although most managers would agree that it is important to hire people who fit in, the idea of hiring for culture fit has become controversial… Most of the controversy boils down to a single key issue: the wrong definition of culture fit.” (Hofmans and Judge, 2019, p. 2).

Source; Hofmans, J and Judge, T.A. (2019). Hiring for culture fit doesn’t have to undermine diversity. Harvard Business Review, 18 September 2019. Retrieved on October 1, from https://hbr.org/2019/09/hiring-for-culture-fit-doesnt-have-to-undermine-diversity

In developing your essay, you should:

Critically evaluate the statement including an assessment of why the concept of hiring for culture fit has become controversial and the significance of this.
Examine if you agree with the rational for the controversy being explained by the wrong definition of culture fit.
In addressing the implications for recruitment strategy and practice you should provide recommendations for how current best practices could be enhanced and improved.
Provide evidence of engagement with recommended literature and knowledge from this module.
Conduct independent desk research into literature and empirical cases to strengthen your answers.

The word count should be in the range of 2300 – 2500 words (excluding references).

Evaluate the role of strategic technology management across a range of organisations.

Strategic Technology Management

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this assignment you will be able to:
1. Understand the role and scope of strategic technology management.
2. Evaluate the role of strategic technology management across a range of organisations.
3. Analyse the importance of recognising the evolution of technology in its strategic management for organisations.
4. Analyse the potential for strategic technology management across a range of cultures.
5. Prepare a strategic technology management plan for an organisation.

Critically evaluate the role of managing change and leadership and the impacts of Covid19 in the workplace.

Critically evaluate the role of managing change and leadership and the impacts of Covid19 in the workplace.

A guide for the essay. HRM 7012.

First paragraph- Define and evaluate change management. (500 words).

Second paragraph- Critically outline the role of leadership in change Management and identify one leadership style that may be appropriate for change within organisations (Transformative leadership style) 500 words.

Third paragraph- Critically analyse the role of HR in managing Change including the role of the change agent. (500 words).

Last paragraph- Assess the role Covid19 has had on change,leadership and HR. Highlight some of the key challenges and any recommendations. ( 500 words).

The lecturer has requested that we mainly use writers that she introduced us to as references so I will be uploading the lecture slides and other guides for the essay. Can request for the writer to use these majorly and only add few other academic sources. Week 5 expo slides is the main one on “Change management”.

For the third paragraph, she wants us to use articles by Prof Dave Ulrich on “Change agent”. It’s included in the materials.

Don’t be alarmed by the amount of articles I included. She just wants us to use some of them not all! It saves going on the Internet to find sources

Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and conceptual understanding of the theories and principles of leadership and people management.

Critically Evaluate the Strategies for Managing and Leading People and Teams

You must include reference to your practical experience in setting, identifying how leadership and management theory could explain practice. This essay could include the following:

• An introduction which sets the scene, which gives the aims of your essay and its structure.

• Theoretical models that reflect the style and philosophy of your setting. You will need to consider and critically evaluate these models, discussing their effective application from a practical perspective.

• Practical examples of how people are managed, you will need to critically evaluate these models, remembering to consider alternative models, more suited to the setting in context, justifying your choice in relation to the theory/ perspectives you have researched.

• Quality improvement strategies, these will need to be critically evaluated,with evidence to support their success and impact. Further you will need to demonstrate that you understand the purpose of quality assurance, self-assessment and inspection ideology.

• A rationale for change with reference to professional standards, encompassing specific aspects of these.

• Conclusions and recommendations that identify your theoretical and philosophical position.

Learning Objectives:

L01 Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and conceptual understanding of the theories and principles of leadership and people management

L02 Critically evaluate the use of leadership and people management models,staff development methods and problem-solving tools

L03 Demonstrate critical understanding of quality assurance theory, self-assessment and inspection ideology, processes and tools