Does “peer-based hiring” lead to better employees? Argue

Is Google’s elaborate recruitment and selection system justified? What are appropriate criteria for assessing its effectiveness?

Google receives over 3,000,000 applications for 7000 positions. Is this an effective approach? How might you introduce efficiency and effectiveness to processing such large numbers of applications?

What attributes might Google use in selecting “team players”? How might they recruit and assess for these attributes?

Does “peer-based hiring” lead to better employees? Argue your point.

Explain which Operations Management practice this article is most closely associated with.

Find a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (or other reputable news source) that discusses an operational win or challenge that a company has gone through which has had a significant impact on its business. Focus on one of the topics we are covering that week.  In selecting your article:
Do not limit your search to organizations in any particular sector. Remember that best practices are everywhere if you are willing to look for them.
Identify the wins/challenges that connect to one of the topics we are covering in the upcoming week.
You may select the same organization for your submissions or you may select a different organization for your submissions.

In the Forum for the week, write a brief introductory “executive summary” identifying the organization, the challenge and the current state of affairs. Remember to include a link to the article for easy reference.
Explain which Operations Management practice this article is most closely associated with
Summarize the problem and the impact that the tools had (or could have had) in addressing it
Explain how this example can be used as a lesson in your own organization to either point to an area of opportunity for a similar win, or to warn of a potential risk that could have significant impact on your business, if left unaddressed

Discuss General description of cultural, economic, and political challenges and opportunities

Solar Inc. Corporation has decided to begin expanding globally within the next 18 months. The decision to expand includes the caveat that the expansion will take place in either Canada or Mexico. As the newly appointed manager of global expansion operations, you have been asked to provide a presentation of your expansion recommendation on which country should be first. Your proposal should be based on your review of the challenges and opportunities of each country. Your presentation must discuss the political, economic, and cultural challenges and opportunities.

Create a recommendation presentation that includes the following:

General description of cultural, economic, and political challenges and opportunities (6 slides minimum), devoting at least 1 slide for each of the following points:
Cultural challenges
Economic challenges
Political challenges
Cultural benefits
Economic benefits
Political benefits
Description of the Canadian challenges and opportunities (3 slides), dedicating 1 slide for each of the following challenges and opportunities:
Description of the Mexican challenges and opportunities (3 slides), dedicating 1 slide for each of the following challenges and opportunities:
Recommendation based on the comparison between both countries, referring to earlier slides to conclude the discussion and provide a recommendation as to which country to expand to first (3 slides)
Use a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides in your training presentation (not including a cover slide and a resource slide). Be sure to include speaker notes on each slide.

What is EI? How is EI measured?Discuss

1. Leaders who bring empathy or any sense of emotional connection to the internal customers (employees) and the external customers is the key toward higher employee and customer satisfaction.

Integrating empathy when dealing with the customers and employees is highly effective. But, what is empathy, and do all leaders have it and/or more important, apply it? The ability of leaders, managers, and employees to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others is key in serving others.

Are you familiar with emotional intelligence (EI)? In 1995, the concept of emotional intelligence was popularized after the publication of Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.”

What is EI?

How is EI measured?

2. It is always fun to find relevant articles to support discussions, especially when I know the author! In Week 3, we shift specifically to customer service and process improvement. Since my background in in the food service industry, I thought this was a great article to share. My affiliation with a state Restaurant Association I was involved with the city water and waste program, specifically eradication of waste, so this topic is not new to me. The estimated economic cost of energy, fuel, water scarcity, labor, commodities, and miscellaneous for food waste is estimated as $2.6 trillion per year (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States [FAO], 2014). Approximately 133 billion pounds of food is attributed to the food chain supply, one-third of that waste from restaurants. (Gollnhofer, 2017; Kowalska, 2017; Massow & McAdams, 2015). Granted there are some restaurant concepts that produce more waste than others and what is also important to note here is the type of waste. Grease is the worst! In the study by Blum (2020), the first step is to develop standardize protocols as a way to quantification measures. Specifically, restaurant leaders are encouraged to track and monitor food waste to identify where loss and waste is occurring. Strategies to reduce food waste and costs associated with waste include, but are not limited to, a system of regularly rotating food, using software inventory management, and waste recycling. Strategies to achieve waste reduction include setting measures, monitoring, staff engagement, and reduce overproduction (Blum, 2020). Restaurants are not the only operation that should be conscientious of food waste. What are some of the things that you do in your home to help with the reduction of food waste? Do you have any systems to share?

Assess the current human resource programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives in terms of effectiveness.

Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in which you have an interest. Research and analyze the organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, OR initiatives. Evaluate their effectiveness and select a program, policy, procedure OR initiative which you believe needs to be changed.

Write a one-page paper (Coversheet not included) in which you:

Assess the current human resource programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives in terms of effectiveness.

Why are call center employees voluntarily leaving the company at such a high rate?Discuss

An affinity diagram is a visual tool that organizes ideas by themes often used in brainstorming sessions to determine both root causes and potential solutions for a problem. Use this tool to brainstorm a viable business problem and its root causes and determine the best one that fits within the scope of influence you and counterparts might have on that particular problem. This tool is most effective for face-to-face meetings; however, with the advancement of technology and shared desktop spaces, this method could be adapted for virtual teams. Participants in the process should include individuals from all stakeholder groups associated with the problem.
Identify a high-level problem in your business or industry. Consider areas where the organization or department is not meeting metrics (example: low customer satisfaction, attrition problems, defects, etc.). Normally, the facilitator has identified the problem or issue prior to the meeting and introduces the problem or issue to the participants. The process of introducing the problem and explaining how it is defined in the context of the project increases understanding of the participants, as well as producing ideas that are aligned with the problem.
Example Problem/Issue: Voluntary attrition in the call center is 60%.
Proceed by brainstorming causes for the problem. Participants should use a separate sticky note to identify each item they believe is a cause of the problem (see example below). “Why” questions are often very beneficial when thinking about the problem.
Example “Why” Question: Why are call center employees voluntarily leaving the company at such a high rate?

Consider the impact of globalisation and critically analyse the extent to which it has influenced the practice of HRM, identifying current challenges and complexities.

1. Consider the impact of globalisation and critically analyse the extent to which it has influenced the practice of HRM, identifying current challenges and complexities.

2. Identify a specific country and critically analyse the extent to which globalisation has driven convergence in human resource management practice.

3. Critically analyse the factors that might lead to divergence in human resource management practices in MNE’s.