Discuss how telecommunications and mobile technology networks are vital to companies and how they are fundamentally changing organizational strategies. Discuss the mobile strategy used by Google, Apple, and Facebook.

Based on your reading of the case study “Google, Apple, and Facebook Battle for Your Internet Experience” on page 290-292 of the textbook, address the prompts below.

Explain what is meant by mobile technology.

Discuss how telecommunications and mobile technology networks are vital to companies and how they are fundamentally changing organizational strategies.

Discuss the mobile strategy used by Google, Apple, and Facebook.

Discuss at least two challenges posed by the Internet and networking.

Based on your reading of the case study “How Secure Is the Cloud?” on page 324 of the textbook, address the prompts below.

Discuss at least two security threats to cloud data.

What should companies do to protect cloud data?

Discuss why both the company and the cloud vendor are responsible for security.

Discuss at least one security control that companies can use to increase security.

Explain why data management has a tremendous impact on an organization’s survival.

In formatting your PowerPoint presentation, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use bullets, graphs, and/or charts in your slides to identify important points, and then discuss those points in the speaker notes of each slide.

Describe specific items that could essentially be transported to a project that you are managing. Could these items be based on elements from other organizations?

Look at how projects are managed within a well-known organization, is there a specific setup for how each project is executed?
Describe specific items that could essentially be transported to a project that you are managing. Could these items be based on elements from other organizations?
Typically, some form of a plan is used within an organization. In what ways could that process be enhanced? What obstacles could come into play? What specific information would be needed?

Summarize the four parts presented in the How to Win Friends and Influence People video .Which 1-2 parts or sub-parts, if applied, would enhance your current or future managerial skills? How?

Case Analysis – How to Win Friends and Influence People
Summarize the four parts presented in the How to Win Friends and Influence People video .
Relate a minimum of two of the four parts or sub-parts presented in the video to a minimum of two concepts described in the Williams text, MGMT. Concepts from the Williams text, MGMT, must be cited using APA formatted in-text citations. *Reading
Williams, C. . MGMT12: Principles of management . Cengage.
Which 1-2 parts or sub-parts, if applied, would enhance your current or future managerial skills? How? *Provide examples of application*
Which 1 part of sub-part can you apply immediately? What results would you expect?
Link : https://youtu.be/9X6z0PDLePE





Is the number any different from one of the days from last week? Do you think you could refrain from sending or receiving any of these types of communication for a day? Why, or why not? How reliant are you on telecommunications? Explain.

Unit 4 Discussion info systems

How much do you rely on communications? When you answer this, consider the number of text messages, phone calls, and e-mails you have either sent or received in the last 24 hours from your computer or smartphone.

Is the number any different from one of the days from last week? Do you think you could refrain from sending or receiving any of these types of communication for a day? Why, or why not? How reliant are you on telecommunications? Explain.

In what ways could that process be enhanced? What obstacles could come into play? What specific information would be needed?

For the final paper, you will be writing about the following project management topics based on what you have learned in this course this term. You will write a 5-7 page paper that effectively addresses the topics below.

Look at how projects are managed within a well-known organization, is there a specific setup for how each project is executed?
Describe specific items that could essentially be transported to a project that you are managing. Could these items be based on elements from other organizations?
Typically, some form of a plan is used within an organization. In what ways could that process be enhanced? What obstacles could come into play? What specific information would be needed?
Mechanics: This assignment is to be submitted as an academic essay. You are required to reference the readings and articles that provide evidence to support your points. Give your paper a title, a brief introduction, and a conclusion. Adhere to the American Psychological Association guidelines for citation and references. Limit it to 5-7 typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1″ margins.

How would you explain this to them, and what recommendations would you make to reduce the organization’s liability in workplace violence incidents?

Upper management at the CSU Widget Factory does not understand why they have any liability when it comes to workplace violence. How would you explain this to them, and what recommendations would you make to reduce the organization’s liability in workplace violence incidents?

Your response should be a minimum of 400 words.

Due to its location on the Gulf Coast, the CSU Widget Factory is subject to hurricanes and floods. Using the plan, practice, evaluate, and adjust framework, describe the emergency preparations that the organization should make to minimize the adverse effects of these severe weather emergencies.

Assess strategic planning theories applicable to solving real‐world problems in public sector organizations.

Formulating and Adopting Strategies and Plans to Manage the Issues

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
 Assess strategic planning theories applicable to solving realworld problems in public sector organizations.

Implement the priorities of stakeholders in the development of formal strategic plans.

Discuss strategies for overcoming barriers in strategic planning related to institutional and structural problems.

Contrast approaches to resolving strategic plan stoppages associated with criticisms from advisory boards or legislative bodies.

Describe the people-related problems or issues Ann Wood faced during the day. Did she handle these effectively? If not, what do you believe she should have done?

Review the All in a Day’s Work Case Study  and answer the three discussion questions. Responses to each question should range from 100-200 words. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards . Be sure to use the text and/or other sources to support your responses and properly cite the use of such.

Below are the 3 Discussion Questions.

1. Describe the people-related problems or issues Ann Wood faced during the day. Did she handle these effectively? If not, what do you believe she should have done?

2. Is Ann Wood a high-involvement manager? If so, provide evidence. If not, how well do you think she’ll perform in her new job as head of marketing?

3. Assume that Ann Wood wants her managers and associates to be the foundation for her department’s competitive advantages. Use the framework summarized in Exhibit 1.2 to assess the degree to which Ann’s people are a source of competitive advantage at this point in time.

Determine the key components of supply chain management for the company you have selected. Determine three major issues that could affect the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and supply chain of your organization. Provide a solution to each issue.

Vice President of Operations, Part 2

Using the production organization you selected, write a 6–8 page paper in which you:
Evaluate 2–4 weaknesses that are evident in the selected organization’s product life cycle. Generate a new product design and product selection, and then determine three strategies that the organization needs in order to strengthen the operation. Provide support for the rationale.
Determine the key components of supply chain management for the company you have selected. Determine three major issues that could affect the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and supply chain of your organization. Provide a solution to each issue.
Develop a total quality management tool that identifies and analyzes any future issues. Provide a rationale for developing the selected tool.
Analyze three advantages in employing the just-in-time philosophy in your organization. Evaluate 3–5 potential impacts the philosophy will have on quality assurance. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Determine a qualitative and quantitative forecasting method for your operation. Next, create a table in which you identify the characteristics of the operation that relate to each method. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.