demonstrate your knowledge of the Modernist theme that you selected in the Research Proposal by using two literary texts and scholarly research to convince readers how and why your chosen theme is representative of Modernism.

Benchmark – Modernist Themes in Literature Research Essay

In 1,500-2,000 words, demonstrate your knowledge of the Modernist theme that you selected in the Research Proposal by using two literary texts and scholarly research to convince readers how and why your chosen theme is representative of Modernism. Your essay must be an argument with significant literary analysis and well-integrated scholarly sources.

How has your artifact’s meaning has been shaped or altered through a variety of social settings or contexts?

Cultural Artifact Project

Consider the meaning of an artifact of your choice as well as what it reveals about the culture(s) it is part of. Your essay should analyze what exactly the artifact is, its impact,and what we can learn about society as a result of studying it.

Specifically, your paper must address the following:

What does it mean to study an artifact as a cultural document? Assess the methods of two case study texts we’ve read in terms of how they have shaped your own work. How has your artifact attained meaning through its production and consumption?

How has your artifact’s meaning has been shaped or altered through a variety of social settings or contexts?

What effects does your artifact have on other artifacts, industries, societies or the planet more generally (whether through its creation, usage, or eventual obsolescence)?

Discuss and evaluate debates about the development and nature of the novel from its beginnings to the present day.

Two novels MUST be the main source of material when answering the question. Daniel Defoe’s ‘Moll Flanders’ and Muriel Spark’s ‘The Prime of Jean Brodie’.This is a must have. All other sources have been used in the essay as well to make rewriting easier, but more can be used if wanted. The essay gained only 20 marks out of the needed 40, so an extra 20 is needed for a pass.Here are the learning outcomes for this module:
By the end of the module, you should be able to:

Discuss and evaluate debates about the development and nature of the novel from its beginnings to the present day
Recognise the complexity of the relationship between the formal and thematic concerns of particular novels and their historical contexts
Show understanding of how individual novelists employ specific techniques in order to serve their particular narrative strategies
Compare how different novelists have used the novel to address recurrent thematic concerns and exploited the possibilities of the form in different ways.


What can be said or conjectured about the content of this lost work?Can it be ‘reconstructed’ with any confidence?

Case Study: The new fragments of Sappho- the brothers poem/song

Your essay should address all of the following questions:

What do we know of this lost work, its author, its genre and its original literary and historical context?

What types of evidence do we possess for this lost work,and what are the special characteristics and limitations of this evidence? Does this material present any methodological challenges to the scholar?

What modern editions, ranslations and discussions exist, and how useful are they?

What can be said or conjectured about the content of this lost work?Can it be ‘reconstructed’ with any confidence?

Why, in your view, is this lost work particularly interesting or significant?

This assignment is designed as a cross between a traditional essay, an independent research project and an exercise in literary detective work.

Must discuss provenance!!

In what sorts of ways do Greek and Latin authors characterize these concepts, especially metaphorically?

Your essay response must discuss in detail at least three of the primary source texts we have read during the term.

What constitutes courage (vs. cowardice) for the Greeks and Romans?

In what sorts of situations can an individual be described as courageous?

What aspects of a person’s character contribute to their courage (vs. cowardice)?

What actual conditions, especially of military training and organization, contribute to the courage of Roman soldiers in battle? And how, in practical terms, was valorous behavior encouraged, and cowardly behavior discouraged or indeed punished?

In what sorts of ways do Greek and Latin authors characterize these concepts, especially metaphorically?

What is the relationship of courage to notions of ‘manliness’?

Does the ancient world have a concept of moral courage?

How does Lanier’s book hold up when viewed through contemporary scholarship?

Throughout this lesson,respond to Lanier’s arguments for deleting your social media.You’ve moved through 2000+ years of rhetorical theory,and you have produced and analyzed different argumentation methods.

For your discussion, then, pick one quotation from those above and replace “rhetoric” with “social media.” Considering these quotations, how does Lanier’s book hold up when viewed through contemporary scholarship?

For your discussion below, you’ll want to develop your response using 1 outside source in a response of approximately 250 – 500 words. If you’re struggling to develop your discussion, you may find guidance on this page useful: Writing Toolkit: Developing Your Discussions.