Demonstrate a good familiarity with and understanding of an appropriate methodological or theoretical perspective,with its central terms and concepts clearly defined.

Issues In Culture

Introduction to methodological or theoretical perspective:

One or more slides that explain and clarify the methodological or theoretical perspective that will inform the critical analysis (e.g. Foucault’s theory of biopolitics or Butler’s performative theory of assembly to analyse its chosen cultural object etc.).

Demonstrate a good familiarity with and understanding of an appropriate methodological or theoretical perspective,with its central terms and concepts clearly defined.

You must demonstrate some familiarity with and manipulation of theoretical perspectives with central terms clearly defined.


One or more slides that outline your central argument or hypothesis: the starting point or assumption of your critical analysis that you will demonstrate and argue for the essay itself.

Explains why the object/issue you have chosen is significant and what you hope or intend to say, reveal, or argue about it in your conclusion.

Suggests, anticipates, or indicates a knowledge of what would make an original analysis, criticism or argument regarding the chosen cultural object or topic, even if that hasn’t been fully developed and substantiated at this stage.

You must demonstrate a clear indication of the direction of the argument with potential to be strong eloquently expressed and show originality and coherence within and between elements and identification of anticipated conclusion that shows synthesis of material and independent judgement.

Engagement with sources:

Where appropriate and relevant, include key textual quotations or visual detail from the primary material i.e., cultural object, and quotations or central terms and ideas from the secondary sources for example, the critical sources used.

Appropriate referencing to explain and illustrate theoretical approach.
This must be supported through relevant sources (either by simply citing, paraphrasing with citation or quotation with citation).

Why does Highway mobilize different genres and how do his genre choices reinforce other themes in the novel?

Free Quote

Academic Argument Assignment (1100-1200 words)

This assignment asks you to imagine that you are a researcher, responding to a CFP or “Call for Papers” on the topic of the novel, Tomson Highway’s Kiss of the Fur Queen. Your response to the CFP must propose an original argument about the novel that emerges from the scholarly state of knowledge and utilizes a close reading of a passage from the novel (you may choose the best passage) as evidence for your claims. This is not an essay. You will be graded based on the appropriateness and ingenuity of your argument, the accuracy and clarity of your state of knowledge, and the persuasiveness of your close reading. Remember the “Read Aloud Protocol”: you want me to be able to “use” your Academic Argument Assignment in an efficient way, where I can understand how the argument emerges from the state of knowledge and how the close reading proves the argument.

CFP (Call for Papers)

“New Approaches to Tomson Highway’s Kiss of the Fur Queen”

Tomson Highway’s Kiss of the Fur Queen is generically complex. Highway weaves different genres such as myth and oral storytelling into the genre of a novel; he brings together fiction and nonfiction elements; and he unites the historical with the fantastical. This CFP solicits short (1100-1200 word) arguments about the role of generic experimentation in Kiss of the Fur Queen.

Why does Highway mobilize different genres and how do his genre choices reinforce other themes in the novel? Scholars have explored these questions from various angles, but there is still much left to explore! Your goal is to create an original argument that responds to the state of knowledge on the novel, and that brings a new perspective to the ways in which Highway experiments with genre.

Overall,am looking for:

Your response should begin by establishing a state of knowledge, orchestrating the arguments of Sam McKegney, Nancy Kang and Lindsey Claire Smith (1-2 paragraphs). Don’t forget to include the limits of knowledge or a “knowledge deficit”

Next, you should introduce your argument as the logical outgrowth of the state of knowledge (this could be the first line of a new paragraph, following those paragraphs that describe the state of knowledge). What did these scholars miss that you will focus on? Which of their ideas will you expand upon?

Next, you should perform a close reading of a passage from the book that illustrates your argument in action. This might be 1-2 or 2-3 paragraphs, depending on what you need!

Finally, provide a brief conclusion that gestures to the larger project (perhaps an entire academic article!) that you think could come out of this preliminary work

Why Was Shakespeare Hamlet Angry?

Why Was Shakespeare Hamlet Angry?

Create discussion post with 3 sources

Use work cited entry for your first chosen research source

Write well develop paragraph 2-3 sentences that summarizes, evaluate and explains relevance of each individual source (make sure each paragraph contain specific information and include statement about author background and credibility)

In other words show you know what source is and can state relevance for your paper (Use parenthetical citation when appropriate)

Select short no more than two line quotation that address issue you are researching support or explain your thesis

Explain how the cited material connects to your main point and why it is important.


Tip to being successful! For each main point that you make in your body paragraphs, you need to do the following:

Make a point or communicate an opinion that is unique and insightful.

Use specific words or lines from the text to show what you are talking about.

Cite information from one of your sources to establish credibility and/or further the concept

Explain how the cited material connects to your main point and why it is important.

What statement does it make about sex and gender?

Orlando,What statement does it make about sex and gender?

Write a 6 page essay.

The opening paragraph should include the title of the book and the authors name.

Essay should use direct quotation and brief passage summary to support any claims you make.
Note: summaries should be brief , assignment is to interpret,not summarize.

Source list should be called ” Works Cited”

Book – Orlando,by Virginia Woolf

What is a substantive difference between the standard deviation of ransom requests and their standard error?Explain in plain English.

Cyber Policy: Problem Set

What is a substantive difference between the standard deviation of ransom requests and their standard error?Explain in plain English:

Statistical Inference

Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and standard error for the ransom variable in d and store them in ransom.mean,, and respectively.

What was the most important cause of this shift in thinking regarding cholera AND how did it impact environmental inequality within New York City?

From your reading of the book, what was the most important cause of this shift in thinking regarding cholera AND how did it impact environmental inequality within New York City?

The topic of the essay is to state clearly in the paper’s introduction the overall argument regarding both the cause of this change and its impact on inequities among different groups of urban residents.

Second, in the rest of the paper, support your argument with evidence from Charles Rosenberg’s book.

What type of Buddhist concepts are discussed (e.g. karma, nirvana, samsara) and with time whether there has been a change of interpreting or choosing these concepts.

Identities of transmission of Buddhism in to the west: Modernist Literature

Am planning to apply to different universities in different countries for a PhD in English Literature. So,can’t give an exact proposal template. Follow a reputed university proposal guidelines (from Uk)

Research methodology

This is a comparative analysis of the modernist literature period.
However, readings are oriented around the social, political, historical, or biographical context of the following writers. Non-literary material will be used to explore the actual Buddhist influence in the west. (attached ebook)
(include a better methodology other than the above vague ideas/or elaborate on the these)

James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941)
30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972 Ezra Pound
Thomas Stearns Eliot Four quarters September 1888 – 4 January 1965)
Joseph Conrad 1895–1923
Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963)
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899)
George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda (1876)
Phra the Phoenician (1890)
Kim (1901). Kipling’s
Wells’ highly popular Short History of the World (1922)
cummings’ poetry
A Single Man (novel) 1964 novel by Christopher Isherwood.
The Sea (1978) Christopher Isherwood.

1.The research investigates the above writers and the mentioned texts and, the period from 1900 onwards. will take each writer and analyse the representation of Buddhism in their work.

2.The study will also look at whether there is a transformation of the Buddhist identity across time.

3.What type of Buddhist concepts are discussed (e.g. karma, nirvana, samsara) and with time whether there has been a change of interpreting or choosing these concepts.

5. What for of Buddhism is commonly used in these works. (zen/Mahayana/Theravada)

6. Whether or how the social background has influenced to portray such Buddhist identity.

7. How the writer education or Buddhist background if there’s such has influenced the writing.

8. Whether or how the identity of Buddhism has been changing in these literary works over the period of given time.

Existing literature shows no such transformation of Buddhist identity over time, merely represents the Buddhist aspects in western literature with a background analysis of each writer in most of them.

Find literature from the attached or feel free to find your own literature. However, fully analyze at 3 contemporary literature.

Give reference, Use MLA format. When you give minimize referencing webpages/ebooks and articles, instead give the original book citation

Arnold, E. L. [1890] 1913. The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician, with an Introduction
by Sir E. Arnold. London: Chatto & Windus.
Bauld, B. ‘Conrad’s Heart of Darkness’. In Explicator (Spring 1992). Printed online (site accessed
11th April 2014). Available online:
Joseph C. Heart of Darkness. [1899] 1989. Ed. R. Kimbrough, Norton Critical Editions, 3rd ed.
New York: Norton.
Eliot, G. Daniel Deronda. [1876] 1999. Ed.ited by Graham Handley. Oxford: Oxford University
Kipling, R. [1893] 1907. Many Inventions. Macmillan Pocket Series. London: Macmillan and
[1901] 1908. Kim. Macmillan Pocket Series. London: Macmillan and Co.
Prickett, S. 1979. Victorian Fantasy. Hassocks, Sussex: The Harvester Press Limited.
Yoe, S. (J. G. Scott). [1882] 1910. The Burman: his Life and Notions. 3rd edition. London:
Macmillan and Co

Identify and evaluate cultural symbols,target audiences,shared belief structures, assumptions and the arguments (rhetoric) used by advertisers to persuade consumers to buy products.

With a little analysis of the shoe company’s name, we can see all sorts of cultural symbols. We can also understand why and how they developed their name and trademark.

Rhetoric and Target Audience: Since all media is a form of argument, examination of how rhetoric works in the media to promote ideas and values helps us to make better choices. Imagine that you are designing an advertisement. Would you be happy that only people who legitimately need your product buy it? What if you could encourage people to believe that they need your product even if they do not? After all, did you know that you needed a cell phone that told you where the nearest coffee shop was before you saw one? How do people know that they “need” a shirt with an American Eagle logo?

You might be tempted to answer that you buy these things because they are convenient, because you simply want them, and because they make your life better. Chances are that you have been influenced by the rhetoric of advertising, though, whether you are aware of it or not.

Advertisers are not just in the business of promoting their product based on its usefulness. They are also in the business of creating desire for their products, and to do that they use rhetoric. Just as you consider what values you might appeal to in order to persuade your ideal community of readers, so, too, do advertisers and the authors of televisions shows, movies, new broadcasts, songs, billboards, and newspaper articles consider their rhetorical appeals, their ideal community of readers (the target audience), and the values that audience shares.

For this paper, identify and evaluate cultural symbols,target audiences,shared belief structures, assumptions and the arguments (rhetoric) used by advertisers to persuade consumers to buy products.

Issues of Format:

Your paper is required to be 4-6 pages
Use perfect Academic Tone Download Academic Tone
Be sure to use the title of the ad in your paper
Give your paper a catchy title
Standard MLA format
Interact with at least three LARC sources in addition to the ad itself. This means you will include a Works Cited page with at least 4 sources: The ad and your outside sources.