What might he/she do to deal with that situation or problem?How successful do you believe the application of that philosophy to the problem would be?

Richard Wright

Choose any one of these writers and, first, find a direct quote of his/hers that reflects his/her philosophy. (One of the best places to find that quote is ). Next choose a current situation or problem, explain its origin, then tell how that writer’s philosophy might be applied to either explain or solve that situation or problem. In other words, if that writer were around today, what might he/she do to deal with that situation or problem? How successful do you believe the application of that philosophy to the problem would be?

(Hint: The more narrowly you define the situation/problem–meaning the more you focus on an event as opposed to a subject area–the easier it will be to apply a philosophy to it. For example, it’s better–and easier–to discuss Marcus Garvey’s philosophy regarding the shooting death of Breonna Taylor in particular than it is to discuss it regarding police brutality/abuse in general.)

Identify, read, and analyze five different scholarly sources that all correlate to a specific theme within the realm of the class’s topic, “Caribbean Diaspora in Britain.

Investigation of a specific phenomenon related to the intertwined histories of the Anglophone Caribbean and Great Britain. This assignment is based on a topic of your choosing.

The final assignment requires you to identify, read, and analyze five different scholarly sources that all correlate to a specific theme within the realm of the class’s topic, “Caribbean Diaspora in Britain.”

You would need to conduct research and develop a bibliography with texts all associated with a single theme that you also must identify.

Must be in own words and correlate within the realm of Caribbean Diaspora in ?Britain.

Examine how gender and sexuality are connected to colonial oppression in any two texts from the module.

Contemporary Literature, Postcolonial Fictions Essay Questions

This is a 2500-word essay and is worth 100% of the total mark for this module.
It should be submitted by 4pm on Monday 10th January 2022.
Answer ONE question. All answers must refer to AT LEAST TWO texts on the module. You must use at least TWO postcolonial theorists in your essay.
▪ To construct a coherent argument that answers the selected question and provides evidence from the primary texts and other critical and theoretical sources where necessary.
▪ To present your work according to guidelines.

Essay Questions:

1. Explore how hierarchies of race and ethnicity are linked to colonialism and postcoloniality in any two texts from the module.

2. Examine how the legacies of colonialism and its histories of oppression continue to shape the postcolonial present in any two texts from the module.

3. Walter Mignolo writes: ‘Decoloniality means first to delink (to detach) from that overall structure of knowledge in order to engage in an epistemic reconstitution. Reconstitution of what? Of ways of thinking,languages, ways of life and being in the world that the rhetoric of modernity disavowed and the logic of coloniality implement’.
With a focus on ‘ways of thinking, languages, ways of life and being in the world’, examine how any two texts from the module contest the logic of coloniality.

4. Examine how gender and sexuality are connected to colonial oppression in any two texts from the module.

5. Sami Schalk argues that authors who innovate with genre and form may ‘change the rules of reality in their texts to contest oppressive systems of thought and behavior’.
Analyse how innovation in genre and form might contest colonial systems of oppression in any two texts from the module.

6. Analyse how any two texts from the module use language to articulate new and less unequal visions of the future.

NB: These questions are subject to approval by external examiners.

What is the leader’s,movement’s or organization’s efficacy,impact and the history which inspires it or on which it is based.

Final Analysis

Follow directions

Use history methodology learned from our Berry & Gross textbook, to analyze (via essay/paper or in any other approved format of your choice) to assess/evaluate the efficacy, impact and/or potential of a contemporary/current womanists leader, organization or movement from the 3 you described in Discussion #6, or one from a classmate’s discussion threads, or from Giddings’ feedback. What is the leader’s,movement’s or organization’s efficacy,impact and the history which inspires it or on which it is based. You may chose 2 leaders, organizations/movements and offer a comparative analysis. Write professionally, grammatically, proofread your work and use the TurnItIn tool to ensure against plagiarism.

Option #1: Paper/essay 3 pages minimum; 5 sources minimum (including Berry & Gross and any related work); formal essay format: a unique and descriptive title; clearly stated thesis or abstract; well developed paragraphs for each point/argument and support same with detailed evidence; a conclusion which outlines the limitations and suggested future ways forward with the research; a work cited/reference/bibliography (any disciplinary style guide: Chicago Manual/Turabian, APA, or MLA, etc.)

Describe one change Locke would make to the U.S. Constitution and explain why he would make it based on his reading and belief of free will.

Changes to the U.S. Constitution

After reading the “Second Treatise of Government” by John Locke, “Political Writings,” by St. Augustine, and “Politics” by Aristotle, answer this question:
You must propose three different amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The first is an “Aristotelian” amendment.

Describe one change Aristotle would make to the U.S. Constitution and explain why he would make it based on his reading.

The second is an “Augustinian” amendment.

Describe one change that Augustine would make to the U.S. Constitution and explain why he would make it based on his beliefs and his reading.

The third is a “Lockeian” amendment.

Describe one change Locke would make to the U.S. Constitution and explain why he would make it based on his reading and belief of free will.

If you had to choose one of the three amendments to adopt, which one would it be? Explain why you would support it.

What evidence could C.S. Lewis draw from “Leviathan” to support this description of the substance and implications of Hobbes’s argument?

The Abolition of Man

After having read “The Abolition of Man,” by C.S Lewis and “Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbes this is the questioned probed:
C.S. Lewis could argue that Thomas Hobbes is a “conditioner,” whose aim is (whether he avows it or not) the “Abolition of man.” What evidence could C.S. Lewis draw from “Leviathan” to support this description of the substance and implications of Hobbes’s argument? Evaluate this claim. Do you agree or disagree—in part or wholly—with it? Explain your assessment.

What is Shakespeare suggesting about women’s value in the family?How does the play’s discussion of fidelity and commitment intersect with its statement about marriage?

Specific ideal in Othello related to theme

Examples of starting off questions that can lead to a research paper on Shakespeare’s Othello:

What is Shakespeare suggesting about women’s value in the family? How does the play’s discussion of fidelity and commitment intersect with its statement about marriage?
What is Shakespeare saying about jealousy?

What is Shakespeare saying about the nature of evil? The nature of goodness/innocence?

What is Shakespeare suggesting about otherness, including but not limited to race? To what extent does “outsider” equal “other”?

Finally, you could consider writing a character analysis. Choose a character (other than Othello
or Iago) and answer the following fillintheblank questions: “What is function in the text? How does contribute to the theme(s) of the text?”