Compose a comparison or contrast essay. Do not show similarities and differences; rather, show how two characters, settings, or situations are either alike or different.

Choose two characters, settings, or situations from two poems. Choose poems by two DIFFERENT authors.

Compose a comparison or contrast essay. Do not show similarities and differences; rather, show how two characters, settings, or situations are either alike or different. If you write about how two poems are alike, then your thesis will state three similarities. If you write about how two poems are different, then your thesis will state three differences.

As is true in any 5-paragraph essay, have a good introduction with a well-planned thesis statement that is the focus of your essay. Then, have 3-4 body paragraphs that support your thesis. Finally, conclude your essay with a strong conclusion that sums up or restates your thesis in your introduction. Use your own critical thinking skills for this essay. You do not need to do any research for this essay. If you do quote from the poem, then cite the author’s last name and the page number from the textbook in parentheses after the quote. Make sure you put a title at the top of the first page.

Determine if the article fits the criteria of being a report of a single research study.

Childhood obesity

The topic is on childhood obesity formulate a literature search follow these rule
Identify two current scholarly NURSING RESEARCH articles related to childhood obesity. These articles are to be complete reports of a single research study. Mixed methods, literature reviews, program evaluations, psychometric evaluations, integrative reviews, systematic reviews are not acceptable.
Determine if the article fits the criteria of being a report of a single research study. use articles that meet the requirements from a scholarly peer-reviewed nursing journal
The articles must be from a scholarly, peer-reviewed nursing journal. For example:
Nursing Research, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and Applied Nursing Research ARE
scholarly nursing journals. Nurse Practitioner, Advance for Nurses, Nursing Spectrum,
and Nursing Standard are NOT scholarly nursing journals. In addition to submitting the
two articles, you will provide an include reference list that includes all the
identified articles AND the corresponding study purpose statement, as noted in the

What does Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis suggest about Gregor Samsa’s work and his transformation? In what way does the transformation comment on his work and/or lifestyle?

No secondary sources are required for this essay, and I would prefer you base your essay on your own interpretation, not on additional research. That said, if you do complete additional research, you must acknowledge whenever words or ideas that you have taken from others appear in your essay. In the case of words directly taken from other sources, these must:

a) Be presented in quotation marks,

b) Followed by a complete MLA formatted citation indicating the origin of the words, and c) a work cited list giving all of the required information for an MLA Work Cited entry. In the case of ideas taken from other sources, you must do ALL of the following:

a) Use signal phases to indicate where ideas originate with others ,

b) Provide MLA formatted citations that give the required information about where the ideas originate,

c) Provide a corresponding Work Cited List entry at the end of the essay that gives all of the information required in MLA format for the cited source, and

What does Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis suggest about Gregor Samsa’s work and his transformation? In what way does the transformation comment on his work and/or lifestyle?

List a minimum of five (5) sources that relate to your topic.Under each source write three paragraphs: A brief summary of the information in that source.

The Works Cites to use the annotated bibliography
Annotated Bibliography Content

Having read the information and guidelines in the previous module, “An Annotated Bibliography”, it is time to sort through all the sources you have reviewed, so far.
“The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited” . Ignore the APA example.

The annotated bibliography is the next step before drafting the 1st draft of your research paper.

State your thesis or topic one line below the title of the document
List a minimum of five (5) sources that relate to your topic
Under each source write three paragraphs: 1) A brief summary of the information in that source. 2) A brief evaluation of the quality of the source’s information, and 3) A brief evaluation of whether the source is useful for the purpose of the research.
Use the MLA style citation.

Analyze a text, a document, a web site, a speech, or some other textual artifact, conduct a grammatical analysis, and write an analytical essay or article about your analysis.

Grammatical analysis is the study of a text with a focus on how grammar is used to
derive meaning. Grammatical analysis can include identifying language patterns
and writing style in relation to the meaning and effect they produce for readers. Think
back to the article on the Texas textbooks at the beginning of the semester.

How was grammar used to narrate the history of slavery in the U.S.? That article is an example of a grammatical analysis.
People use language to inform, argue, persuade, convert, and even manipulate their

Analyze a text, a document, a web site, a speech, or some other textual artifact, conduct a grammatical analysis, and write an analytical essay or article about your analysis.
Your analysis must include insightful study of the artifact and use of grammar and not
obvious observations. You must include relevant research on the artifact, such as its
author, purpose, date, any historical, political, or social importance of the artifact, and
other relevant research. Incorporate meaningful information from 3-5 research sources
cited in proper APA format in the text and on the references page.
You may choose to write a typical academic essay, or you may choose to write an
expository article that you might submit for a conference, a blog post, or for another
relevant publication.

Briefly discuss implications of the policy and ways social workers will use the policy to engage in practices to advocate and advance social, economic, and environmental justice.

Select and study a specific social policy on the local, state, or federal level that promotes social, economic, environmental justice, peace, or equity.
Research the existing literature on the issues of your selected policy.

Discuss if the policy was developed by legislators, congressional persons, or interested parties who had a mutually agreed-on focus for its development with desired outcomes. Discuss advocacy skills that were evident in the literature that was used to advocate for human rights and social and economic, and environmental justice.
Critically analyze the policy using cognitive and affective processes .
Write a 3-4 page critical analysis paper of the policy. Briefly describe the policy content, level of government and main issue(s) and goals.

Discuss and critically analyze the arguments for and against the issue (s), underlying values, beliefs, and assumptions reflected in the policy, how would you modify the policy to be more effectively meet its goals, and what makes the issue(s) political. Also discuss strategies within the policy to promote human and civil rights.

Briefly discuss implications of the policy and ways social workers will use the policy to engage in practices to advocate and advance social, economic, and environmental justice.

Discuss the works of literature you have selected.  Engage them critically; do not just summarize them.  Think about what does each piece say about your topic and how it conveys its message.  Why are these pieces important? How does the work of art expand and complicate its theme?  Does the work tell us something new?

Communication and Relationships in T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Iver’s Sure Thing.

Literary Research Paper Guidelines:

Format:  MLA format with a MLA works cited page
Length: minimum 6 pages typed
Font and Spacing:  Times New Roman 12pt, Double Spaced
References:  Two Primary Texts, Two Secondary References

After a semester of looking at different genres of literature, what ties do you observe between life and the art of the written word.  Select a theme or issue and at least two works of literature, be it poem, story, or play, etc., to illustrate this connection.
– Define Literature in your introduction. Reflect of its importance.  Feel free to quote someone else’s definition, but be sure to reference MLA style.
– Select an issue or aspect of life that you will be focusing on.   Then select at least two works of literature, i.e. poems, plays, songs, stories, or films.  Spend time detailing and reflecting on the theme or issue.  How is your topic important to the overall human experience?
– Next, discuss the works of literature you have selected.  Engage them critically; do not just summarize them.  Think about what does each piece say about your topic and how it conveys its message.  Why are these pieces important? How does the work of art expand and complicate its theme?  Does the work tell us something new?
–  Consider the themes of the works.    –  For your conclusion, what is the overall connection of literature and life?  What can we learn from each work?  Why do we care about the theme of the words? How do these works of literature, and literature in general, enrich the human condition and experience?

Develop an argument with a careful analysis of the primary text and support your position with credible outside material.

Choose from our assigned texts a story that interests you most and investigate it further with a question of critical inquiry, whose answer will become the essay’s thesis statement. Develop an argument with a careful analysis of the primary text and support your position with credible outside material. In addition to textual evidence from the story itself, you must supplement your analysis with at least one (1) scholarly secondary text and at least one (1) credible popular text. Synthesize into your argument the ideas of others: think critically about them, analyze their value, then use these ideas to support your own article.”