Explore two of the below concepts and demonstrate your knowledge and insight gained from that exploration:
Audism (Tom Humphries, 1975)
Deafhood (Paddy Ladd, 1993)
Deaf Space (Hansel Bauman, mid-2000s)
Deaf Gain (Aaron Williamson, mid-2000s)
Deaf Ecosystem (Kelby Brick, late-2000s)
Directions: Select two different concepts from above. Once you select the two different concepts,begin researching the two concepts until you have a sufficient understanding of what they means and you feel comfortable with your ability to discuss the impact of learning these concepts has on you as a hearing individual. Your research should include both text and videos. Many videos in ASL on YouTube are captioned,encourage you to view Deaf individuals’ insights on these concepts. Ensure that your resources include multiple perspectives and not just one.The goal is to explore these concepts from the lens of the Deaf community while considering your own personal lens.
Identify the concept chosen (2 different ones)
Define this concept in your own words based on your research (define it in a way that someone who has not yet researched the concept would understand):
List at least three resources used to develop your definition (use direct links, book titles, etc. – text and video must be included):
Describe how these concepts are signed amongst the Deaf community:
In your own words describe how learning about this concept has helped you to gain perspective of Deaf culture and the Deaf community:
What questions would you have for a Deaf community member about these concepts if given the opportunity to interview them in person (include a minimum of three questions per concept):