Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence, the Right to Inspect the Property, Destructive Testing, the Contractor’s Failure to Take Any Action, the Contractor’s Failure to Honor an Agreement to Make Repairs, and the time limits to complete promised repairs.

Ethics Paper

“Ten Pages of Content or longer-term paper with proper accreditation addressing:
Florida’s Construction defect statute F.S. 558.001 and the balance of chapter 558 which became effective on May 27, 2003, has caused considerable confusion among construction practitioners and contractors relating to its procedure and enforcement. This statute dramatically altered the industry in the litigation of construction defect claims by requiring home owners to provide contractors and other allegedly responsible parties with prior written notice and an opportunity to cure the alleged defects prior to filing a lawsuit.

Furnish a summary of the obligations, responsibilities, and time limitations imposed on the parties required to serve notice of the defect and those parties receiving notice of the defect.Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence, the Right to Inspect the Property, Destructive Testing, the Contractor’s Failure to Take Any Action, the Contractor’s Failure to Honor an Agreement to Make Repairs, and the time limits to complete promised repairs.

Describe what legal liability risks your agency might incur when constructing a mutual aid contract.

University City Fire Rescue has been tasked with updating and creating a formal mutual aid contract in response to a request from a neighboring fire department, across from University City River, in a neighboring state.

Review the potential legal ramifications of entering a compact and providing service or support to a neighboring state. Write a report about the possible issues and how they should be addressed. Include the following topics in your report.

Describe what legal liability risks your agency might incur when constructing a mutual aid contract.

If you had an agreement in place before the EMAC legislation was established, how might this legislation change the agreement?

Describe the legal aspects of mutual aid contracts.

Describe the components of a valid contract.

What limits should you establish for providing emergency medical services across the state line?

What would you be sure to cover in your contract?

Make certain to address each issue from the perspective of an agency providing aid and an agency receiving aid.

Your report should be at least two pages in length. Other than the legislation mentioned, you are required to use your textbook and at least one other outside source for your report. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.