How did the Webb court distinguish the facts of Webb from those in what seems to be a similar case discussed by the court, which is the one brought by a police officer against the city of Newark?

Webb v. City of Philadelphia Case Summary and Analysis

Your analysis of the Webb v. City of Philadelphia case requires that you identify the facts, the legal issues facing the court, the various laws that guide the court, and the decision the court came to and why.

It does not need to be in essay format. It is helpful to use subheadings such as:

FACTS – this section should be about 1/3rd page in length and should describe the story as to why Webb brings the lawsuit against the City of Philadelphia. The procedural history is NOT necessary.

ISSUE – this section should describe the issue facing the 3rd circuit judge in one or two sentences.

LAWS – this section should recite the statutory law used by the court to guide its decision in this case.

ANALYSIS – this section should be half a page or more in length and should analyze several of the cases the court used to inform its decision, stating how the cases were similar or different from the Webb case .

CONCLUSION/HOLDING OF THE COURT – state in one sentence the court’s decision.

Then, please answer the following 2 questions:

1. How did the Webb court distinguish the facts of Webb from those in what seems to be a similar case discussed by the court, which is the one brought by a police officer against the city of Newark?

2. Set forth your reasons as to whether or not the court reached the correct decision.

This project consists of a two-page, 1.5 spaced paper with 1-in margins.

Describe an analytic understanding of the major issues that surround the topic.

The term paper is a critical analysis of a chosen topic in the field of criminology. The paper must describe an analytic understanding of the major issues that surround the topic. The topic should have a Canadian context. If the criminology phenomenon pertains to another country or is international in scope (say, human trafficking or organized crime), then then the paper should include a Canadian perspective.
This is the description that my teacher wrote for the essay the topic has to be either about a criminal topic in canada or the canadian view of a criminal topic, for the topic was thinking something along the lines of theft but honestly its up to you because I just really need this paper done

What were the arguments that McDonald’s should pay damages and what were her damages?

Business Law

There is a lot of discussion regarding frivolous lawsuits but is this always true? This is a two part discussion. First, find the case involving McDonald’s and a woman who sued when she was burned when she spilled coffee on herself.

What were the arguments that McDonald’s should pay damages and what were her damages?

Part 2 is to find another case where you feel the lawsuit could result in positive changes.

Identify two words and their definition that you were unfamiliar with prior to reading the article, chapter or reading selection.

The courts

1. What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection?

2.Summarize the article, chapter or reading selection:

3.What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading?

4.Discuss at least one main point or part of the article, chapter or reading selection that supports their argument.

5.Identify two words and their definition that you were unfamiliar with prior to reading the article, chapter or reading selection.

Explain what tort would be involved if the injured party filed suit.

Torts, Part 1

For this report, you are to create your own “Top 10 Sports Torts List.” Start by finding 10 of the most bizarre, craziest, dumbest, most violent, wildest, or simply most interesting instances of one person doing something to another person involving sports – it can be player-on-player, player-on-fan, fan-on-fan, or even anything involving referees or other event personnel.

Then, for each instance:

(1) explain what happened,

(2) explain what tort would be involved if the injured party filed suit, and

(3) provide an analysis of applying the elements of the tort to the facts of the case, including providing your opinion on the most-likely result if a lawsuit were brought over each instance.

You shall be graded on your complete and proper explanation of the elements of the torts and language usage, all as noted below. The report must be no more than 3,000 words and is to be submitted in typed, double-spaced form.

Discuss two privacy data elements for GBLA and two privacy data elements for HIPPA that are under compliance.

Individuals and customers should normally expect companies and health providers to protect personal information. Custodians of private information should protect it as they would any other asset. Personal information has great market value both to other companies and would-be thieves. Because of this value, numerous examples exist of companies opting to share, sell,or inadequately safeguard their customers’ personal information. The result has been two landmark pieces of legislation.

The purpose of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is to make organizations responsible and accountable for protecting customer privacy data and implementing security controls to mitigate risks, threats, and vulnerabilities of that data. Both of these laws impact their industries significantly.

In this discussion, you will identify the similarities and differences of GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws, you will explain how the requirements of GLBA and HIPAA align with information systems security, you will identify privacy data elements for each, and you will describe security controls and countermeasures that support each.


Using your favorite search engine, search for information on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

Read about this act.

Next, research the privacy and security rules for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

Using your favorite search engine, research the compliance law HIPAA.

Read about this law.

Next, research the privacy and security rules for HIPPA.


Discuss how GLBA and HIPAA requirements align with information systems security.

Discuss two privacy data elements for GBLA and two privacy data elements for HIPPA that are under compliance.

Discuss what the GLBA and HIPAA privacy rules have in common.

Discuss how the two are different.


Your initial post is due Thursday by 11:55 PM. In your initial post, in no less than 500 words, answering each of the questions.

What constitutional issues and amendments were involved in these cases?

Describe the US Supreme Court cases of: Johnson vs Louisiana (1972) and Apodaca vs Oregon (1972)

What constitutional issues and amendments were involved in these cases?

In 2020 the US Supreme Court decided the case of Ramos vs Louisiana.

Describe that case, and the constitutional issues that were decided.

What effect, if any, did that decision have on the first two cases?

Do you agree or disagree with the courts decision in the Ramos case and why?

What are your overall impressions of the events that transpired?


Watch either Fyre Fraud on Hulu or Fyre Netflix and write an impression paper on the series of events. Following is a format that also describes what am looking for in this assignment:


One paragraph description of the overall event.


What happened here?

Legal Issues

What are the practical issues that arose?

What are the legal issues that arose? Don’t worry about it being an international event. You do not need to resolve the legal issues, just describe them.

Practical Resolutions

How would you resolve the practical issues?


What are your overall impressions of the events that transpired?


The paper should be no more than eight pages, double-spaced, 11 point font. If you use a cover page, it does not count in the page count. Your works cited page does count in your page count. The paper is due on 11/21/2021.