List and describe the procedural steps taken by you, the Legislative Drafter to produce a new piece of of legislation.

Questionnaire To The Legislative Drafter

Questionnaire should reveal specific primary legal research answers. Answers to be reflected in a combination of ways, i.e. the narrative, table or graph format.

As a form of a guide /suggestion, here are some examples of questions to be asked within said questionnaire:

1. Are you a qualified Attorney-at-law? Yes / No

2. How long have you been practising law with the Attorney General’s Chambers?
a. 1yr to 5 yrs b. 6 yrs to 10 yrs c. 11 yrs to 15 yrs d. over 15 yrs

3. How long have you been practising as a drafter in the Legislative Drafting Unit
within the Attorney General’s Chambers?
a. 1 yr to 5 yrs b. 6 yrs to 10 yrs c. 11 yrs to 15 yrs d. over 15 yrs

4. Are you a certified and trained in the specialized skill of Legislative Drafting?
Yes / No

5. How are your Drafting Instruc c. Verbal
d. Combination of a & b e. combination of b & c

6. What type of office/department do the majority of your written Drafting Instructions originate from?

a. Legal Officers within gov’t departments
b. Permanent Secretary of govt department
c. Cabinet Secretary
d. Office the Prime Minister
e. Parliamentary Representative Office

7. Referring to the foregoing question 6, what are the combination ways have
you received a Drafting Instruction for piece of legislation?
a. Only _______ ;
b. A combination of _____ & ______ ;
c. A combination of _____ , _______ & ______ ;
d. A combination of ____ , _____ , ______ & _____ .

8. How would you rate the level of interaction with the Policy Maker “the
politician”, once a formal Drafting Instruction is assigned on your desk?
a. Never,
b. Almost never;
c. Sometimes’
d. Often

9. How would rate the level of interaction with thew Policy Maker “the technocrat’ with the instructing government department once a formal Drafting Instruction is assigned on your desk?
a. Never
b. Almost never
c. Sometimes
d. Often

10. List and describe the procedural steps taken by you, the Legislative Drafter to
produce a new piece of of legislation.

11. List and describe the procedural steps taken by you, the of the Legislative
drafter to produce an amended piece of legislation?

12. Are you familiar with the Legislative Drafting principles of Grant Thornton?
Yes / No

13. Which of his five (5) principles best describes your approach to drafting a
piece of legislation?
a. Understanding the proposal
b. Analysing the proposal,
c. Designing the law
d. Composing & developing the law
e. Verifying the draft
f. a Combination of ________
g. All of the above.

14. Have you ever been directed by a policy maker contrary to a written
Drafting Instruction? Yes / No

15. Would you consider yourself a solitary drafter?
16. Do you feel exposed to the political whims & fancies of the policy
maker to produce legislation quick legislation? Yes / No

17. Through the established Legislative Drafting procedures of your LD
Unit, do you feel buffered, shielded from the overarching policymaker,
who is both a member Executive and the Legislature?
a. Yes,
b. No


As the CEO of one of these companies, how would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances? How would a Biblical worldview influence your decisions?

The companies that developed the vaccines and treatments in the covid pandemic provide very real-life, real-time examples of the questions of protecting patents as business assets while answering social responsibility concerns.
As the CEO of one of these companies, how would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances? How would a Biblical worldview influence your decisions?
Consider, for example, the following:
Rowland, C., Rauhala E., & Berger, M. Drug companies defend vaccine monopolies in face of global outcry. The Washington Post.

D’Eminio, F. . Moderna has no plans to share its COVID-19 vaccine recipe. AP.

Do we have a social responsibility to get the information out there so other countries can develop a vaccine to save lives in countries that cannot afford to buy them?

Now in 2019, the world went crazy with the discovery of Covid-19 and the panic the mounting death tolls created. We were unprepared for this, even though we knew it would happen. Fortunately, we have been studying Corona Viruses vaccinations for a decade spending $2.5 billion . Terrific research has already been done, and we were able to apply this research to the new Covid-19 variant to quickly create a vaccine. On December 18, 2020, the U.S.
Other companies have started producing vaccines for Covid-19. We are starting to have competition. That is great news for more people being able to get vaccinated, but I worry about protecting our IP.

Do we have a social responsibility to get the information out there so other countries can develop a vaccine to save lives in countries that cannot afford to buy them? IP is critical for pharmaceutical companies; we need to protect out data, creating vaccines is expensive but what price do we put on human lives, and how many lives lost are too many?

How should the organization/provider respond to the issue? What should the organization/provider do to prevent future issues or mitigate any future harm/damage to the patient or the organization?

Using the scenario, identify the issue and indicate the regulation or best practice principle involved. How should the organization/provider respond to the issue? What should the organization/provider do to prevent future issues or mitigate any future harm/damage to the patient or the organization?

Create two bullet-point outlines for each counsel’s oral arguments:as if you are the lawyer for Trinity Church.

Trinity Church v. Walmart Oral Argument

Read the case attached. Listen to the oral argument here:

Create two bullet-point outlines for each counsel’s oral arguments:
1- as if you are the lawyer for Trinity Church
2- as if you are the lawyer for Walmart
These should be of what you would say in support of your client and preparation to make your argument addressing all relevant issues.

Finally, as the Judge in the case, create 3 questions and answers you have for counsel and be prepared to challenge the arguments from counsel.

Do the benefits exceed those risks and is Friedman right when he argues that neighborhood effects sometimes create business opportunities? How so? Can you think of any opportunities?

As informed by the following definition of neighborhood effects and video links , please provide an argument as to whether the state  may justifiably enact laws seeking to prevent and/or regulate any impacts of anthropogenic climate change. Are there any risks associated with such government actions? Do the benefits exceed those risks and is Friedman right when he argues that neighborhood effects sometimes create business opportunities? How so? Can you think of any opportunities?

How did the Webb court distinguish the facts of Webb from those in what seems to be a similar case discussed by the court, which is the one brought by a police officer against the city of Newark?

This section should be half a page or more in length and should analyze several of the cases the court used to inform its decision, stating how the cases were similar or different from the Webb case .

CONCLUSION/HOLDING OF THE COURT – state in one sentence the court’s decision.

Then, answer the following 2 questions:

1. How did the Webb court distinguish the facts of Webb from those in what seems to be a similar case discussed by the court, which is the one brought by a police officer against the city of Newark?

2. Set forth your reasons as to whether or not the court reached the correct decision.

This project consists of a two-page, 1.5 spaced paper with 1-in margins.

Review the Legal Content Videos Employment Law and the Workplace Part 1 and provide a 2-page 1.5-spaced reflection on your impressions of the contents of the videos and what you learned.

Employment Law and the Workplace Part 1 Reflection

Review the Legal Content Videos Employment Law and the Workplace Part 1 and provide a 2-page 1.5-spaced reflection on your impressions of the contents of the videos and what you learned.

2 Videos:

Are there any risks associated with such government actions? Do the benefits exceed those risks and is Friedman right when he argues that neighborhood effects sometimes create business opportunities? How so? Can you think of any opportunities?

Neighborhood Effects

As informed by the following definition of neighborhood effects and video links , please provide an argument as to whether the state  may justifiably enact laws seeking to prevent and/or regulate any impacts of anthropogenic climate change.

Are there any risks associated with such government actions? Do the benefits exceed those risks and is Friedman right when he argues that neighborhood effects sometimes create business opportunities? How so? Can you think of any opportunities?