Explain either a new idea you discovered from the article, or an idea from prior learning that is reinforced by it.

News Reaction Journal

For this journal, select an online article published within the past two years about a cybersecurity problem with a focus on legal and ethical issues. (Access the MSCJ Professional Sources guide (https://ashford-mscj.weebly.com/) for assistance with finding appropriate resources.)

For this assessment, you will write a 500-word minimum “news reaction journal,” to the article. The written reaction should include your insights on the issue, incorporating both your personal views and the content you have learned in your studies thus far. In addition to a full-APA citation, in your written reaction journal, please provide substantive responses to the following elements as they pertain to legal and ethical issues in cybersecurity.

Explain either a new idea you discovered from the article, or an idea from prior learning that is reinforced by it.
Summarize how this article changed or reinforced your understanding of the basic legal rights of individuals or businesses who are affected by cyber crime.
Breakdown the arguments either for or against at least one of the legal or ethical issues posed in the article.

Required Resources
Johnson, T. (2015). Sorry I lost your files: Cybersecurity threats to confidentiality. Utah Bar Journal, 28(4), 41-44.

The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Academic OneFile database in the UAGC Library. This article provides an introductory overview of cybersecurity threats to confidentiality.
Napolitano, J. (2013). Is the U.S. government adequately addressing threats to the nation’s cybersecurity? International Debates, 11(4), 26-46.

The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the MasterFILE Premier database in the UAGC Library. This article explores how the United States government is addressing threats to the nation’s cybersecurity.
RSA Research. (2019). 2019 current state of cybercrime (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from https://www.rsa.com/content/dam/en/white-paper/2019-current-state-of-cybercrime.pdf

This report explores the most current cybercrime threats.
Accessibility Statement does not exist
Privacy Policy does not exist.
Simshaw, D. & Wu, S. (2015, March). Ethics and cybersecurity: Obligations to protect client data (Links to an external site.). American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment Law. Retrieved from http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/events/labor_law/2015/march/tech/wu_cybersecurity.authcheckdam.pdf

This article discusses ethical considerations in the protection of client data.
Accessibility Statement does not exist
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Recommended Resources
MSCJ Professional Sources (Links to an external site.). (http://ashford-mscj.weebly.com/)

This resource site will provide assistance in researching additional sources for the assessments within this course.
Web Page
Reynolds, G. (n.d.). Top ten slide tips (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.garrreynolds.com/preso-tips/design/

This online resource provides helpful information on creating an engaging and interesting PowerPoint presentation.
Supplemental Materials
University of Arizona Global Campus. (n.d.). Jing quick-start guide (Links to an external site.) [PDF]. Canvas@UAGC. https://student.uagc.edu

This guide will aid you in the use of Jing.
University of Arizona Global Campus. (n.d.). Screencast-O-Matic quick-start guide (Links to an external site.) [PDF]. Canvas@UAGC. https://student.uagc.edu

This guide will aid you in the use of Screencast-O-Matic.
University of Arizona Global Campus. (n.d.). Where to get free images [PDF]. Canvas@UAGC. https://student.uagc.edu

This guide will aid you in finding copyright free images for your projects.

Describe at least one additional technique that the clinic can utilize to further protect itself against cyber crime.

Cybersecurity Consultation

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please read all of the required resources for this week.

For this interactive assignment you will take on the role of a newly appointed data security consultant for a mental health clinic. The clinic has adopted a new system that allows clinicians to take and store notes from individual counseling sessions in their clients’ files in a far more effective and efficient manner. This new system has lessened operational costs for the clinic allowing them to lower client costs per session, as well as allowing for more integrative care within the clinic. This system has shown improved benefits in the standard of care for all patients. In a recent news report, however, this same system was cited as having been recently breached by hackers looking for personal data. This system has been adopted for use in thousands of clinics across the country and this is the first report of a security breach. The clinic now faces the dilemma of whether to continue using the current, beneficial system, or revert to the older system that had time-tested security benefits.

In your role as a consultant, you have been tasked by the clinic’s board of directors to make a recommendation about whether to keep the current system, or to switch back to the old system. Evaluate the ethical and legal issues related to the clinic’s dilemma and create a presentation for the board.

For your initial post, you will create a three-five minute screencast video of a PowerPoint presentation for the clinic’s board addressing the security issues related to the system and providing them with your recommendation. For the screencast video portion, you may use any screencasting platform you wish. (Quick-start guides for Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.) and Jing (Links to an external site.) are provided for your convenience.)

Your PowerPoint presentation must include the following elements.

Explain your recommendation about whether to keep the current system or revert back to the older system.
Describe at least one ethical and/or legal issue that the clinic must consider as a result of your recommendation.
Describe at least one additional technique that the clinic can utilize to further protect itself against cyber crime.
Explain the basic legal rights of the clinic if it is affected by cyber crime in the future.
In order to stay within the three-five minute time limit, it is highly recommended you write out a script to read with your presentation, or utilize the speaker’s notes section of your PowerPoint to read from while presenting. It is also recommended that you practice your presentation to ensure it will fit within the time limit.

It is a best practice to include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece-to-content piece, and slide-to-slide. (Images should be cited in APA format as outlined by the UAGC Writing Center (Links to an external site.). You may wish to use the MSCJ Where to Get Free Images guide Download MSCJ Where to Get Free Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.) It is recommended that you access Garr Reynolds Top Ten Slide Tips (https://www.garrreynolds.com/preso-tips/design/) that provides useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations.

Once you have completed your PowerPoint and script, use the platform and/or screencasting software of your choice to create your three-five minute video and post the URL for the video to the forum.

Where to Get Free (and legal) Images
For Use with MSCJ: Cyber Crime
It can be difficult to find images that are guaranteed to be free to use. There are many sites that have some
free images, but you have to hunt for them among all the fee-based images. Others allow you to download
some free images but then force you to buy a membership to continue. Here are four sources of always
free (and copyright free) photos and illustrations in the public domain or under creative commons license.
You should always attribute the photo by including the source. The images below were found using
keyword searches on cybercrime, cybersecurity, hacking, data, and privacy.
MorgueFile Free Photos

Freerange Stock

If you find other great sources for copyright free images,share with your classmates!

Why is the source important?What was going on at the time the source was written?

Report and Presentation

Law 2031 Law in Action Project – guidance

1. The Law in Action project is a practical assignment, as it involves you finding out answers to the questions that your focus group has, so that you can best advise them on their issues. Unlike other assessments that you will have done, it does not involve detailed academic analysis of the law. So you do not need to look at academic journals, though you will need to identify and explain the relevant law in an accessible way for your target audience/focus group.
2. As with any assessment, you are looking for a range of sources relevant to your project topic. Suitable sources for this assignment may include Law Commission Reports, Government material, Parliamentary material, material from charities and third sector organisation websites, material from pressure groups, investigative journalistic sources, statistics and other appropriate reports relevant to your project topic, to help you provide the information your focus group has requested. Your Mentor is the best person to discuss any issues relating to sources relevant and appropriate to your project topic.
3. The material must relate solely to the law in England Wales. You should not take a comparative approach with other jurisdictions although appropriate reforms from other jurisdictions might be relevant.
4. You must include relevant and up to date law from England and Wales. Be selective in the law that you include and chose the material carefully – remember what your focus is and what your task is with the project.
5. This Law in Action project is a desk based online research activity. It does not involve carrying our research with people in any format. You must NOT therefore interview anyone in any way as part of this project even if they are friends or family. If you do you will be liable for academic misconduct for breach of the ethical requirements.
6. You must reference your sources in the usual way and provide a bibliography, using OSCOLA.
7.To identify the overall value and relevance to your project of the various materials that you find through your research, you will find it useful to carry out a ‘source analysis’ exercise.
This helps you identify the currency, reliability, and purpose of your sources, so helping you utilise them as effectively as possible.

In engaging in such a ‘source analysis’ exercise you may consider, for example:
Who wrote/produced the source?
When was the source written?
Is it a primary or secondary source?
Who was it written/produced for?
Why was it written/produced?
What effect did the author want to create?
Is the source reliable? Does it contain a high degree of bias or is it objective?
Why is the source important?What was going on at the time the source was written?

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of questions that you can use to evaluate/comment on/analyse your research material, but it is a useful starting point.

For further information and guidance on finding sources, the types of sources to use and source evaluation, see the Skills Hub section on ‘Evaluating Sources’, under the ‘How to Research’ tab.
See eg: videos on ‘Finding information on-line’; ‘what are academic sources’; ‘evaluating information’; ‘evaluating sources for credibility’ and pdf documents on ‘evaluating sources’ and ‘critically evaluating sources’.

Critically analyse the legal principle established in this case and evaluate its relevance to thelaw today.

Commercial law

[subsequently Lord] Bingham inRhodianRiver Shipping v Halla Maritime Corp [1984] 1 Lloyds Rep, described Watteauv Fenwick [1893] 1 QB 364as “a somewhat puzzling case.”  Watteau still stands as good law despite this view and a vast amount of judicial and academic criticism over the last century.

Critically analyse the legal principle established in this case and evaluate its relevance to thelaw today.

Discuss a biblical worldview as it relates to the case study,and integrate biblical references to support your discussion.

Corrections program




You will be researching and evaluating residential community supervision programs in this Case
Study Paper Assignment. Choose a particular program (preferably in your area), after exploring the various types of programs outlined in the chapter. These will include halfway houses, work release programs, shock incarceration, correctional boot camp programs as well as other forms of community supervision and programs.


Step 1: Considering your local resources if by using the internet, find a community-based residential correction program. Gather information from the website and/or from a phone interview with a representative from the program. Use the questions below to collect the information from the website and/or ask questions during a phone interview.

Section 1: Program Description

What are the goals of this program?
What tolls or techniques are used to meet these goals?
What is the capacity (how many clients can be treated at 1 time)?
How many contact hours/treatment hours are part of this program?

Section 2: Clients

Who are the clients being served?
What does the typical client look like (gender, age, education, and so on)?
What are the client’s perspectives of the treatment program?

Section 3: Staff

What is the client-to-staff ratio?
What are the staff backgrounds and qualifications?
What are the perspectives of the staff about working there (or about program effectiveness)?

Section 4: Evaluation

How many clients finish the program and how many drop out or do not complete it?
What are the reasons for not completing the program?
What is the daily (or yearly) cost per client served?
Have any clients been tracked after they leave the program? What were the results?

Step 2: Write a case study in Microsoft Word, based on the information you have collected from the website and/or phone interview.

1. Organize the case study using current APA formatting. Begin with a title page. Be sure to include appropriate headings, paragraph structure, and logically connected sentences.

2. Follow with an introduction. Identify the organization you selected, and be sure to include a citation to this source on the reference page. Describe the program, the clients,and the staff.

3. Evaluate the program’s effectiveness. Be sure to apply what you learned about residential community supervision programs from the Learn section to your evaluation.

4. Include a reference page, and support your assertions with evidence from at least 3–5 references. Be sure to cite the references in-text, using current APA formatting. The body of your paper must be a minimum of 5–7 pages.

5. Discuss a biblical worldview as it relates to the case study,and integrate biblical references to support your discussion.

6. Conclude the case study with a substantive summary of key points.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Live in Houston Texas for reference point.

Discuss the impact of global law and transnational law upon traditional comparative methods.

Comparative law/foreign legal institution transplanted to China

Comparative Law (LLM)


This course conveys a basic understanding of what is meant when we say “Comparative Law.” Moreover, it is an introduction to the theory, methods, and practice of Comparative Law. Over the course of the semester, we will explore some of the legal traditions around the world, with a particular emphasis on the common and civil law traditions. We will also canvass emerging topics around the convergence of law, global law, and transnational law


By the end of this course, among other things, you should be able to do the following:

Carry out a comparison (with some depth) of different legal systems;

Describe the basic contours of the major legal traditions around the world;

Discuss the impact of global law and transnational law upon traditional comparative methods; and

Indicate some seminal comparative legal theorists and specialists in particular traditions.

Identify related sources that address the legal issues in the scenario.

Contract Law

TMA 01 tests the following outcomes:


Produce a plan which will focus on advising Philomena of any potential liabilities in contract law.
Identify related sources that address the legal issues in the scenario
Demonstrate in-text referencing whilst providing an outline plan
Produce a reference list at the end of your work which reflects the academic style outlined in the Law undergraduate guide (LUG).


Digital literacy through the use of module materials and/or online legal databases
Communication skills
Evaluative skills.

Describe the principles that determine the success of Denial and Deception efforts.

Deception Essay

Essay 1: Comprehend basic theories of the use of Denial and Deception in shaping perception.

Joseph W. Caddell’s article, “Deception 101 – Primer on Deception” describes several theories associated with shaping perception via deception. Select an example from Caddell’s case studies of a “passive” deception and how it was designed to shape adversary perceptions.

Essay 2: Describe the principles that determine the success of Denial and Deception efforts.

Describe and discuss the relationship between: Focus, Objective, Centralized Planning and Control, Security, Timeliness, and Integration in Denial and Deception Efforts.

Each essay should be 3-4 pages in length (not including title page and reference list). The body of your paper should follow standard Chicago style formatting and utilize 1 inch margins on all 4 sides, be double spaced (without an extra space between paragraphs), use times new roman 12-point font.

You must support each answer with references to the literature. You should format your references using the Chicago ENDNOTES. Do NOT use quotes.

What types of information can only be collected by human espionage versus technical espionage.


This page count does not include a title page, graphics, or the references/bibliography page(s), which are also required in accordance with Chicago. The source material should result primarily from self-led external research of scholarly articles. In addition, you may use the course-required reading materials. It is a requirement that you use at least 6 scholarly sources in researching and writing this assignment.

Topic: Espionage exists in many forms. Compare and contrast human intelligence espionage versus technical espionage (imagery, communications, electronics, cybercollection, etc.).

Here are are a few questions to prompt your thinking. But you should develop your own measures and present them in your paper. What are the strengths and limitations of each,what types of information can only be collected by human espionage versus technical espionage, what are the organizational differences in how we conduct human versus technical espionage, what are the costs invested in human versus technical espionage, what are the problems in managing the information we collect by human espionage versus technical espionage, etc.

You must use facts and examples to bear out your evaluation. Include real-life cases (with specific dates, places, names, outcomes, effects, etc.). You must conduct research beyond what is in the readings in the class. You are expected to have at least 6 outside reliable sources (journals, government reports and studies, verified public information, etc.).

Optional Readings: You may use either of the following references for ideas…

To help you learn more about the day to day activities of human intelligence espionage please see the attached book that discusses espionage and counterespionage operations in Latin America in the 1960s. It should provide plenty of detail and insight. You are not required to use this reading. It is provided, though, for you to get a good understanding of the purpose, methods, and issues in espionage.

Haste Hastedt, Glenn P. 2011. Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage [2 Volumes] : An Encyclopedia of American Espionage. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2011. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost),