Identify the topic you will be speaking on: Hate crimes Prepare an outline that covers the key elements of the speech you will be making at a rally in a public park.
Community Action Group
Community action groups are private and public not-for-profit organizations. They work with local, state, private, and federal resources to assist under-supported residents of the neighboring community.
Imagine that you are the leader of a community action group. You will be presenting at a rally on how to improve safety in your community, which is racially and ethnically diverse.
Identify the topic you will be speaking on: Hate crimes
Prepare an outline that covers the key elements of the speech you will be making at a rally in a public park.
Include the following in your outline:
• Overview of the issue
• Explanation of how this issue affects your diverse community
• Specific recommendations your action group will be making to local law enforcement
• Summary of the significance this issue is to your community and why law enforcement needs to act