Can Gunther challenge the requirement under the French Decree that all alcoholic food be sold only in licensed premises on the ground of its incompatibility with Article 34 TFEU?

The following is a hypothetical situation. Your research should only be addressed to the legal scenario described in this question.

Gunther runs UberChoc GmbH , a German company, which makes speciality chocolates. It has developed a new range of chocolates infused with alcohol . The alcoholic content of the new chocolates is between 2% and 5%.
UberChoc also manufactures alcoholic drinks made from spirits and ready mixed with real fruit juice.

Gunther has tried to export his alcohol products to France but has encountered the following problem with the French authorities, namely that:

a) all alcoholic fruit drinks sold in France are subject to a standard rate of duty at 20% of the wholesale price of the products. The duty paid on imported products has to be paid to the French authorities at the point of entry into France. The duty on alcoholic fruit drinks produced in France must be paid within 30 days after the sale to the consumer in France.
Furthermore, UberChoc has been informed that their chocolates exported to France will be subject to the French Décret no 2350-2022 du 13 May 2022 relatif à la vente au détail de produits alimentaires alcoolisés which requires that:

Answer the following questions
⦁ Can Gunther challenge the 20% duty on alcoholic fruit drinks on the ground of either Article 30 or 110 TFEU?

⦁ Can Gunther challenge the requirement under the French Decree that all alcoholic food be sold only in licensed premises on the ground of its incompatibility with Article 34 TFEU?

⦁ Is the French legal requirement that all alcoholic food be labelled with obvious warnings about the health risks associated with consuming alcohol compatible with Article 34 TFEU and, if not, can it be justified either under Article 36 TFEU or under Cassis de Dijon?

Write an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate each of these threats.

Threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. 

Write an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate each of these threats. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in quantitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions.

Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a quantitative approach.

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

Identify and explain the key characteristics of different approaches/perspectives discuss the current status of academic legal scholarship and its use of the different approaches/perspectives.

Learning outcomes for the EMA
By successfully completing the EMA you will demonstrate you can:

Identify and explain the key characteristics of different approaches/perspectives discuss the current status of academic legal scholarship and its use of the different approaches/perspectives.
Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of taking a variety of approaches/perspectives develop an argument relating to legal meaning.

Why should we even care about minor consent issues? Is the public policy to protect minors? What are the implications for parents?

Please follow the instructions here besides the file I uploaded it.
1- these are the professor comments from Report 1
This was a well-written paper, and all the information was presented in an organized manner. However, . My assignment instructions for Repot 1 specified “NOTE: Do NOT include laws in Report 1. The purpose of Report 1 is to establish what the issue is, why your topic is important and worthy of attention, as well as teasing out the legal issues that you will be discussing in Report 2.” For example, why should we even care about minor consent issues? Is the public policy to protect minors? What are the implications for parents?

Is it a stimulus/response relationship or a process that results in action or inaction? Explain.

After reading, answer the questions below:
1.) Warnings
Using specific citations from the reading, describe some of the activities that people generally engage in after receiving warning information and before initiating protective actions.
Is it a stimulus/response relationship or a process that results in action or inaction? Explain.
Explain how these processes likely worked in an event such as the mistaken Hawaii Missile warning.

Explain the degree to which you think agency heads should influence rulemaking. Justify your explanation with academic resources.

Agency Heads Influence on Rulemaking

An explanation of two ways in which the head of the Health & Human Services Agency, the Department of Justice, or the Environmental Protection Agency might influence rule making on a specific issue. Then explain the degree to which you think agency heads should influence rule making. Justify your explanation with academic resources.

Provide a critique of the modern slavery Act 2015,and how it has applied so far,The main focus should be in section 54 of the Act .

International Human Trafficking law

In the context of one of the area of human trafficking listed below, undertake a critical assessment of the effectiveness of transnational legal frameworks ,underpining the obligations of prevention, prosecution and protection

Choose any one among the five and also any country of your choice

1 for sexual expoloitation
2 for forced bonded labour or depth bondage
3 for involuntary domestic servitude
4 for forced conscription during times of war and political conflict
5 for human organs and tissues

2 Provide a critique of the modern slavery Act 2015,and how it has applied so far,The main focus should be in section 54 of the Act .

GUIDE for writing the assessment
1 for this purpose you can focus on any country of your choice

2 Draw upon the U S Department of state 2021 Trafficking in persons report including the conutry narratives.