Apply your knowledge of employment law to solve practical problems and scenarios and advise colleagues as to the implications of legal developments, appropriate action and organizational response.

Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism. For full submission details see the submission guidelines in the assignment section.
Answer question 1 and any other question from either 2 or 3 and note the weightings.
Your answer will be marked in accordance with the Law Assessment Criteria attached
& available in the module handbook.

Learning Outcomes:
1) 1a. Explain the core principles that underpin employment law as it applies in the UK; 1b.
Critically consider the likely future progress of employment law in the light of its past
development; 1c. Evaluate the formation, operation and termination of employment
contracts in a variety of situations.

2) 2a. Apply your knowledge of employment law to solve practical problems and scenarios and advise colleagues as to the implications of legal developments, appropriate action and organizational response. 2b. Carry out in depth legal research on issues relevant to employment law.

3) 3a Present your work to an acceptable academic standard in writing; 3b. Write
appropriately for a variety of different target groups.


Critically evaluate the psychopathy construct and central debates in the research field.

In the module handbook you learnt that that for this coursework you will work individually to write an essay on a question of your choosing. You will formulate a question that corresponds to the learning outcomes

Critically evaluate the psychopathy construct and central debates in the research field.

Critically evaluate the utility of psychopathy within the criminal justice system and that is appropriate for level 6 .

The assessment allows you freedom to focus on a topic of your interest and develop subject skills for your future career aspirations. The question must be approved by one of your module tutors. You will submit your question on Turnitin. If it is not approved, you will be able to re-submit until it has been approved.

Develop a capacity to evaluate argument based on facts and law and apply along with the ability to recognise alternative conclusions for particular situations using a range of sources and skills.

Art of Advocacy 1: Written assessment — skeleton argument, bundle, team diary and peer assessment form. 2. Oral assessment – submission 1. Written submission via Turnitln and 2. Submission of argument in person 1: Written assessment 40% 2. Oral assessment 60% 1: Written assessment: 500 words per student
2. Submission: 10 minutes per student L01 Plan, research, evaluate and apply existing and or new legal knowledge to a topical issue or problem based on the foundations of legal knowledge.
Locate and analyse information from multiple sources to construct written legal argument, strategy or plans while ensuring sources are appropriately constructed and supported.
Develop a capacity to evaluate argument based on facts and law and apply along with the ability to recognise alternative conclusions for particular situations using a range of sources and skills.
Work effectively as part of a team and use the format of a moot to present written and oral information supported by on point authority with a bundle, skeleton argument and use of appropriate strategy in accordance with court room etiquette.
Present oral information effectively by adopting a relevant strategy and using on point authority to summarise legal propositions.
Both the written and oral work must be fully referenced, and you must include a full list of references at the end of each piece.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the three methods to settle your dispute?

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using law when disputes arise.
Four years ago, you decided to follow your lifelong passion and open up a restaurant with your cousin Hazel.
You are now trying to determine which method of dispute resolution would be best and most cost effective and would provide the fastest resolution. Assume that you have tried to talk to her and work it out but that she is not willing to change her mind. Please answer the following:
Which of the following would you use to settle the dispute between you and Hazel — litigation, mediation, or arbitration? Explain why. Also, in your answer describe each of the three methods, supporting your answer with the textbook and at least one outside source.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the three methods to settle your dispute?

Prepare a document in which you identify and order the following claims in order of distribution. Note that the secured and unsecured portions of a claim should be listed separately .

PLEG295 – Order of Distribution
Danny Debtor files for bankruptcy on January 1, 2013. The deadline for proof of claim is April 1, 2013. Danny’s assets are as follows: a house, valued at $100,000 , a car, valued at $10,000 , an RV, valued at $15,000 , checking and savings accounts with a total value of $5,000, and personal items with a total sale value of $5,000.

Prepare a document in which you identify and order the following claims in order of distribution. Note that the secured and unsecured portions of a claim should be listed separately .

Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the policies adopted by international iinstitutions towards the reduction of financial crime.

You are strongly advised to consider up to three of the following points:

⦁ The evolution of the identification doctrine and the controlling mind test in the UK,
⦁ The introduction of the failure to prevent offences under the Bribery Act 2010 and Criminal Finances Act 2017,
⦁ Alternative approaches to corporate criminal liability for corporate financial crime including, but not limited to, those taken in the United States of America, Australia, Germany, and Italy,
⦁ The use of financial penalties in the sentencing of corporations, this could include for example the imposition of financial penalties under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or financial penalties imposed pursuant to Deferred Prosecution Agreements under the Crime and Courts Act 2013, or
⦁ The criminal liability for directors and other individuals for corporate wrong doing.

Learning Outcomes
This assessment assesses the following module learning outcomes:
⦁ Illustrate a systematic understanding of ‘financial crime’ and to develop critical thinking and understanding of the legal and practical issues associated with financial crime and regulation.
⦁ Critically evaluate financial crime concepts and evidence from a range of sources.
⦁ Exercise significant judgement in a range of situations including the application of financial crime regulations to practical scenarios.
⦁ Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the policies adopted by international iinstitutions towards the reduction of financial crime.
⦁ Demonstrate confidence and flexibility, supported by critical analysis and judgement, when making decisions regarding complex problems in unfamiliar contexts by applying their acquired knowledge of Common Law, statutory rules and financial regulatory awareness.