Describe any controversies, successes, political initiatives, policy changes, or anything you deem pertinent and important to a proper and thorough understanding of the topic of your evaluation proposal.

For this assignment, you will draft the literature review section of your Final Paper by utilizing research skills to locate appropriate scholarly sources that focus on criminal justice and related disciplines. You will need to cite no less than 15 scholarly sources in your Final Paper. As a result, most of those sources will occur within the literature review section. For an example and explanation, peruse the Writing Center’s Literature Review  information page.

A literature review can be envisioned to be very similar in tone to a traditional term paper you might have written during your undergraduate education. The literature review is just that: A review of relevant scholarly work related to the topic on which you are writing. In your paper,

Describe any controversies, successes, political initiatives, policy changes, or anything you deem pertinent and important to a proper and thorough understanding of the topic of your evaluation proposal.
Explain the impact of political and ethical issues associated with the program evaluation.
Identify the impacts and issues that will be readily identifiable and those that could be inadvertent, affecting stakeholders after the completion of the proposed evaluation.
The “Literature Review” assignment

Analyze the evaluability of the program or policy under consideration by the researcher. Describe the research methodology employed by the researcher, and identify any ethical issues that might be salient to the study.

Critique an Evaluation Proposal
Prior to beginning work on the discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

Utilize research skills to locate an appropriate scholarly program evaluation proposal. Critique the design of the program evaluation. Examine the research hypothesis. Analyze the evaluability of the program or policy under consideration by the researcher. Describe the research methodology employed by the researcher, and identify any ethical issues that might be salient to the study. It might be savvy to select an article based upon a design you might consider using for your Final Paper.

What information may the manager properly share with the co-worker? What is the employer liability if the employee’s rights are violated?

Answer the following question in two Paragraph for discussion with APA references:

1, An employee obtains permission to take a leave of absence to attend to a personal matter. A co-worker asks the manager why the employee is on leave. What information may the manager properly share with the co-worker? What is the employer liability if the employee’s rights are violated?

2, California Privacy Policy, Data Security and Protection of Personal Non-Public Information.  post a substantive discussion identifying the applicable law when it was enacted and a summary of the provisions protecting privacy and use of personal information on the internet and social media.

Do the enforcement mechanisms for the FLSA match the challenges it presents? How might we amend the law or alter enforcement to account for the nature of work and changes in the labor market in the 21st Century?

The Fair Labor Standards Act provides overtime protections for non-exempt employees. At its inception, it was designed to be a broad statute covering the vast majority of workers. Some commentators have argued that the Act should be modernized. After all, the FLSA was passed in 1938 and reflects, at least in part, the political economy of the time it was passed and not the current era. The FLSA—like much of our work law—was designed for manufacturing in urban centers. It was designed mostly with men in mind. It was designed for able-bodied persons. It was designed to benefit a population that was mostly white. It was designed to address a world where most workers were employees. It was designed to preserve a particular balance of power between management and labor.
Do the enforcement mechanisms for the FLSA match the challenges it presents?
How might we amend the law or alter enforcement to account for the nature of work and changes in the labor market in the 21st Century?
If you were to modernize the FLSA, would you make changes to the scope of exempt and non-exempt employees? If so, how? Be specific in your analysis.
Cite to law and address counter-arguments that one might raise against your proposal.

Create an Introduction to your work that addresses the question “What intellectual property issues arise in your workplace?”  Some prompts you might consider: who important is IP in your business?

Case Study of Company Name by Your Name

Table of Contents

Trade Secrets
Right of Publicity

Create an Introduction to your work that addresses the question “What intellectual property issues arise in your workplace?”  Some prompts you might consider:
who important is IP in your business?
how much time and attention has been paid to IP policies, forms, and legal issues?
What role does IP play in the HR context ?

Critically examine the role of the intelligence analyst. How should the role be developed; what skills/tool do analyst need to carry out their work effectively; and what are the significant barriers to analysts’ success?

Intelligence Analysis

Essay Question – Critically examine the role of the intelligence analyst. How should the role be developed; what skills/tool do analyst need to carry out their work effectively; and what are the significant barriers to analysts’ success?

Summarize the expected outcomes, the questions to be answered, and the expected results that would indicate success of the program or policy.

Research Question and Introduction Development

Present your research question and introduction from the assignment you completed in Week Two.

Describe the program or policy that is to be evaluated, including its purpose, stakeholders, history, and outcomes, which will be part of your introduction and description you completed in Week Two.
Explain the impact of relevant issues, including potential political, social, economic, and/or cultural constraints associated with this program or policy.
Proposal Narrative

Summarize the expected outcomes, the questions to be answered, and the expected results that would indicate success of the program or policy.

The “Evaluation Proposal,” Final Paper