What is their strategy regarding labour shortage (selection,recruitment,retaining talents)?

Methods Used to Deal with Labour Shortage in the Hospitality Industry after WW2

In this paper if it is possible may you please mention/relate to nowadays Covid. Also, have notes
written down about what want to include in this essay (they are a bit messy). Hope this is enough
information please contact me for anything else.

Word count: 2000 words

Deadline: ASAP

Reference Style: APA

This is what have written so far:

Rough Introduction:
Labour issues have always been related to the economy itself whether it be caused by a war, a bad
decision from the government or a pandemic. The aim of the survival of industries is knowing how to
deal with the loss of people willing or able to work and the volume of work that came with the
shortage. After seeing what happened during the Second World War in order to lessen the
aftermath’s impact there had to be something done about this important matter, specifically in the
hospitality industry.

The Notes:

What is their strategy regarding labour shortage (selection, recruitment, retaining talents…)?

What tactics did they use? Have those strategies and tactics evolved over the past decades/years?

Women in the workforce

What happened to hotels specifically?

Bring in COVID

Actual methods; Overtime and Unions, Law and policies made by the government of different
countries (USA, Europe, UK, Dubai), Incentives to return to work such as higher wages/salaries or
other motivators, Humanitarian stuff, targeting other labour talent

What does Dubai do to bring in workers//immigrants and expats

Socioeconomic factors are all connected to attract talent in the job market

Digitalisation, Advantages and Disadvantages on the labour shortage in hospitality

What are modern hotels doing