Summarize and provide context on the company you researched. What is their forward–looking strategy?

HR Management

Assume you are a senior member of an HR department in the company you researched. Develop a strategy for how you plan to address the impact of recent laws and policies on the organization. Answer the following questions. In your answers, make sure to repeat the specific question being addressed or keywords from it, and then provide your response. Provide specific citations from the readings or your research to support each answer.

Summarize and provide context on the company you researched. What is their forward–looking strategy?
How will you keep apprised of changes in technology as it relates to HR?
How will HR policy, procedures, and other key documentation be evaluated to manage risks and achieve the organization’s objectives?

Prepare instructions for the manager on how to conduct a meeting with each employee about improvements and consequences.

Developing a Performance Improvement Plan

Begin your paper with an introduction and then provide a summary of the case study.
Prepare a needs assessment to analyze both employees’ skill levels identified in the scenario.
Based on the needs assessment, prepare an analysis of what should have happened, and what actually did happen, in the scenario.
Based on the needs assessment, evaluate the appropriateness among possible choices of action, including discipline, development, improvement, or termination for the two employees.
As a Human Resources professional, create a performance improvement plan for each employee that outlines the following:
Expected behaviors;
Metrics for improvement;
Required action steps;
Consequences for not meeting the plan’s expected outcomes;
Their manager’s role.
Prepare instructions for the manager on how to conduct a meeting with each employee about improvements and consequences.

What are factors contributing to employees disengaging and leaving their jobs? What sectors and industries are/ were being affected the most?

HUMAN RESOURSES CLASS (register to read full article)

As the world is re-opening from the pandemic shutdown, many employers are re-opening and with that comes a new wave of open positions.

Please discuss the following in no more than 2 pages no less than 1-page paper , please add a reference page and cite sources . In total, I expect no more than three (3) pages, one to two with the details responding to the questions below and another citing references.

Based on the articles provided as well as your own research please answer the questions below.

What are factors contributing to employees disengaging and leaving their jobs?
What sectors and industries are/ were being affected the most?
What can employers do to retain and avoid the voluntary turnover?
What do you think the new normal may look like for employers in retention and recruitment?

Summarize why orientation and initial training processes are important to the organization.

Talent Development Recommendation

You are an HRM professional working at Uber. You just returned from an unprecedented meeting with the Chief Human Resource Officer, who has asked you to develop a recommendation on handling the orientation and initial training of 50 new employees.
the following:
1. Overview Introduction:
• Summarize why orientation and initial training processes are important to the
• Include a concise summary of critical aspects of your recommendation and expected
outcomes of the orientation and training processes.
2. Planning:
• Describe the process you would undertake to complete a task analysis.
• Explain how you will ensure that selected motivating factors and learning
conditions are in place.
• Include two (2) specific things that Managers must do to support the learning.
3. Training:
• Provide a summary of the training solution you recommend, including at least two (2)
training methods from our text
• Include one (1) current issue in the Training & Development field and how it will be
• Explain the specific way(s) that you will measure the effectiveness of the training.
4. Conclusion:

What drew people to Nevada in the past and what draws people there today?What power does a state really have when the federal government owns over 75% of the land in the state?

List the names of the: Governor, Lt. Governor, one U.S. Senator, two U.S. Congresspersons, and the mayors of two Nevada cities .

⦁ In at least one paragraph, but no more that ½ page, take ANY one of these questions and ANY item or time from Nevada’s History and summarize your perceptions of how the people or government addressed or are currently addressing this question
⦁ What drew people to Nevada in the past and what draws people there today?
⦁ Can a state survive economically when it bases its economy on one industry?
⦁ What power does a state really have when the federal government owns over 75% of the land in the state?

Type your name in the upper-right corner of this page next to Last Name
Save your file as a Word document.
Include the term Final and your Last Name when saving your file. Example: Final_Smith.docx
Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.


Evaluate business issues and articulate these as clear and precise questions in order to frame the analysis of people information.

This course builds on HR metrics, a level-4 module for BAHRM students. It focuses on HR analytics, as well as HR metrics, to support organizational decision making. HR analytics takes students a step beyond HR metrics by not only describing data, but also applying inferential statistical techniques so that students can answer more complex research questions that are of relevance to organizations, such as t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations and regressions.

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1. Articulate the role of HR analytics in evidence-based decision making within
2. Understand how to apply appropriate analytic techniques based on the organisational context and nature of the business question.
3. Evaluate business issues and articulate these as clear and precise questions in order to frame the analysis of people information.
4. Use MS Excel to manage, analyse and present HR information in appropriate ways to inform decision making.
5. Compute inferential statistics to evaluate key business questions such as evaluating the success of HR interventions, the relationship between practice and attitudes, or planning and budgeting.
6. Apply ethical principles to analysing and presenting people information to inform decision making.