What are the historical trends in population growth?What impact does population growth have on resources and international conflict?

What are the historical trends in population growth?What impact does population growth have on resources and international conflict?

What policies have states adopted to deal with population growth?

Analyze the success of those policies and whether there are other approaches that might be more successful.

Want the writer to do the writing using her or his own words and NOT use quotes
this is supposed to be a test question

History think is an appropriate discipline but the question has to be answered with a focus on history and international relations

What can the story of clothing tells us about the nature of colonial power relations?

Essay topic 4: Religion and the modern world: South Africa, the Tswana and missionaries in the nineteenth century

Question: What can the story of clothing tells us about the nature of colonial power relations?

The Europeans conquered almost the entire continent of Africa in the nineteenth century. Victorians brought their culture and their faith; hence Africa was swept by Protestant and Catholic missionaries, who often arrived in places before colonial troops. Along the frontiers of what is now South Africa, the Tswana people were converted by Evangelical missionaries. Africans became Christians. But what did that mean?

Among the things that changed was clothing. Europeans were transmitting their tastes to Asians, Africans and everyone else. All around the world, people were wearing trousers, western hats, western suits etc. But not always in an identical fashion. This question is about the Tswana people in South Africa and their encounters with missionaries. More specifically, we will read that relationship through clothing. We were adopting western clothing but in ways that was disquieting to the missionaries.

In this essay, your task critically analyse the politics of dress in one interesting context.

What did Europeans see a need to ‘fashion’ colonial subjects?

Why did the body matter in the colonial world?

Why did colonial subjects get ‘refashioned’

What were the meanings ascribed to the fashioning process?

Who were the losers?

Which immigrants’ experiences did not reflect the message of the poem?Provide specific examples from the readings, films, assignments, and Module Content.

In 1903 the following famous poem by Emma Lazarus was engraved and placed upon the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Think about this poem’s message. Did immigrants’ experiences reflect the hope and promise of this poem?

The New Colossus
By Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
In order to prepare and write this essay effectively, please address the following:

What is the message of this poem?
Which immigrants’ experiences reflected the message of the poem? Provide specific examples from the readings, films, assignments, and Module Content.

Which immigrants’ experiences did not reflect the message of the poem?Provide specific examples from the readings, films, assignments, and Module Content.

Following is a recommended template for writing the essay that you may use if you wish. Parts 2 and 3 can have as many paragraphs as you wish.

Part 1: Introductory paragraph

State your thesis. For example: The poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus promises hope for immigrants coming to America, but did America really live up to the promise of this poem?

Explain the meaning of the poem

Let the reader know where you stand on this question. Did immigrants’ experiences reflect the promises of the poem or not. Or did some immigrants have different experiences than others? Make sure your ending sentence lets the reader know what you plan to argue. Remember you do not have to choose one side or the other, you can argue that both sides are true if you wish.

Part 2: How did America live up to the poem’s promises? Provide specific examples

Part 3: How did America fail to live up the poem’s promises? Provide specific examples

Part 4: Closing paragraph. Restate your introduction in different words and make a final pronouncement about what the promise of the poem really meant for immigrants.

What does the author state as he or her objective with the book and does he or she achieve that objective?

Women in Medieval Society, by Brenda Bolton and Susan Mosher Stuard

Write five FULL pages of typed text, double-spaced. Make sure that it is no less than five full pages of text.

Use a simple header: your name, title and author(s) of the book you read. Number your pages.

Focus more on analysis of the text rather than summary of the book. Do not state whether the book is “good” or “bad;” that is not meaningful. What does the author state as he or her objective with the book and does he or she achieve that objective?

Consider: What sources does the author use? How does he or she use them? (Quotes? Paraphrase?) Is the subject matter discussed in broad detail or specifics? Is the book overly specific? Does the author include analysis or is it just summary of events? Is the book intended for a scholarly audience or general reading public? (If it has notes – end or footnotes – it is intended for a scholarly audience.) Does the book include illustrations or charts? If so, how are they used?

Keep your own opinions out of the book report. Write in third person; no first or second person.

PROOFREAD! Which means more than just running a spell-check program. But DO use spell and grammar check.

CITE your book. When you quote, use Chicago style download foot or endnotes.Include a Bibliography when you use Chicago footnotes. Even if you are only using one book. If you are using a Kindle version of the book, state that in your first footnote and use “location” instead of page numbers.