Compare the challenges faced by Richard Smith in New York City and by British soldiers and their families in Boston as newcomers on the landscape of eighteenth-century North America.

Both Golden Hill and The Boston Massacre tell stories that are in part
about the experiences of strangers who arrive in pre-Revolutionary
colonial cities.

Compare the challenges faced by Richard Smith in New York City and by British soldiers and their families in Boston as newcomers on the landscape of eighteenth-century North America.
Which city seems to have been more receptive to outsiders?

What was Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s biggest mistake, and how did CBS News hurt the Post in this context as well as help to restore the credibility of the Post’s Watergate reporting – in spite of interference from the Nixon administration?

Which sabotage activities did the Nixon campaign and the White House conduct against the strongest candidates in the Democratic Presidential primaries, who carried them out, why did Bernstein create a scoop with his call to former Attorney General John Mitchell, what was Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s biggest mistake, and how did CBS News hurt the Post in this context as well as help to restore the credibility of the Post’s Watergate reporting – in spite of interference from the Nixon administration?


What part does truth play in leadership? What happens when YOU are the toxic leader? How do we recognize the problem when the problem is us? How does the use of media, and especially social media, impact truth as it relates to leadership?

You are not required to provide scholarly sources for this post.

Thinking through the dilemma that we see in this week’s readings, tie our term materials together toward improving leadership. What part does truth play in leadership? What happens when YOU are the toxic leader? How do we recognize the problem when the problem is us?

How does the use of media, and especially social media, impact truth as it relates to leadership? Is there such a thing as too much truth? More than that, is there such a thing as universal truth, especially as it relates to leadership?
As you look back over the term, what are the lessons that you believe will contribute to your improved leadership? What pieces, specifically, will you put in place to keep you grounded and worthy of leading? If you had a mission and vision to guide your leadership, what would they be?
How did the discussion boards and other readings contribute to your personal leadership? Did you perceive change in yourself? How will you sustain that change? Tie it all together to explain the lessons that stick with you as you complete your last paper and prepare to complete the course. Tell us about Leadership.

What are the historiographical issues that Spaulding has with al-Maqrīzī’s portrayal of the Baqt?

Islamic History- Source Analysis of Treaty of ‘Abdallāh b. Sa‘d with the Nubians (651-2) as preserved in Al-Maqrīzī’s Khitat trans. Ḥasan, ‘Relations with the Muslim Arabs.’

This assignment is a source analysis.

Note that the source analysis is an example of a primary source but secondary sources need to be included as it source analysis are mainly critical.

Although there is no specific question in place, use the following questions and take them into consideration when analysing the source:

1. How does this source describe the attempted conquest of 651-652 and the resulting Baqt with Nubia?
2. What are the historiographical issues that Spaulding has with al-Maqrīzī’s portrayal of the Baqt?
3. Whose perspective is missing from this source? Is that missing perspective relevant to understanding of:
a) Who actually won the battle at Dongola in 651-652 CE?
b) How should we approach our understanding of the Baqt, i.e. what exactly was it
and what was agreed within it?


Did you find any theoretical perspective or specific theories to guide your overall inquiry?

Sustainable Healthy Snack Time for Pre-Schoolers in Diverse and Economically Challenged Communities (USA)

Topical coverage with these 10 should be broad, but also focused on your key concepts; also make sure some use the kind of method you might use, and study your population of interest preferably some using qualitative methodology.

You might even want to re-search the lit adding the term “qualitative method”, or even more specific such as “narrative study” or “case study” as they may be more illustrative than statistics from large scale quantitative studies.

Also, did you find any theoretical perspective or specific theories to guide your overall inquiry?Part of how we make this an HDEV project is to identify our disciplinary perspective and ideally we make sure to include multiple perspectives including diversity of development whenever possible. Even if these 10 don’t cover all of this, make sure your overall Step 5 content does.

Describe how you would apply the values of your leadership style to resolve the issues presented in this case study.

For this journal activity, you will first reflect on your leadership style. Then, imagining that you are the successor to “Mr. Devin,” you
will reflect on your leadership style and values in relation to the issues presented in the case study. Respond to each of the following
rubric criteria in 3 to 5 sentences:
• Describe three values that reflect your leadership style and explain why. Values may include:
o Personal values: consciousness of self, congruence, commitment
o Group values: collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility
o Societal values: citizenship
o Cultural competence
o Emotional intelligence
o Positive change orientation
• Describe how you would apply the values of your leadership style to resolve the issues presented in this case study.
• Describe the impact of psychology on decision making and leadership in this workplace scenario.

Write a reflection on what you learned this week related to slavery, the resistance of enslaved people, and the movement for the abolition of slavery.

The focus of this week’s response is slavery, the resistance of enslaved people, and the movement for the abolition of slavery. Drawing on the class meetings and materials from week 7, write a reflection on what you learned this week related to slavery, the resistance of enslaved people, and the movement for the abolition of slavery. Within your response, you should:

Include reference to at least one primary source reading from Week 7
Use at least one example from the documentary Many Rivers to Cross: The Age of Slavery
Responses should be proofread and clearly written.
You should use only assigned readings. If you use other sources, you must cite them properly.

10. Religion and Reform

David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829

William Lloyd Garrison Introduces The Liberator, 1831

Angelina Grimké, Appeal to Christian Women of the South, 1836

11. The Cotton Revolution

Harriet Jacobs on Rape and Slavery, 1860

Solomon Northup Describes a Slave Market, 1841

Solomon Northup Describes a Slave Market, 1841