What happened during the developmental stages? How did it impact their development? What stage was the most critical for the person?

Students will write a Life History Paper on a public figure . Students will write a theoretical analysis of the person’s development and behavior across the life courses . Students will discuss how each life course childhood and infancy, adolescence, young and middle adulthood, and late adulthood have impacted the life of the public figure.

Theories to be selected for this assignment:

▪ Feminist Theory

These question should help guide you

What happened during the developmental stages?

How did it impact their development?

What stage was the most critical for the person?

Were there people in their lives at critical stages that shaped their development?

The requirements for this assignment are met by:

To what extent do these gaps in Wagner’s evidence blunt the persuasive power of The Skull of Alum Bheg?

From the first, scholar Kim A. Wagner freely acknowledges that he has not been able to uncover any historical reference to Alum Bheg outside the handwritten note accompanying his putative skull, let alone verify that said skull belonged to this specific shadowy sepoy.

To what extent do these gaps in Wagner’s evidence blunt the persuasive power of The Skull of Alum Bheg? In other words, how much of his overall argument rests on pinpointing Bheg’s identity and tying the skull now in Wagner’s possession to that particular individual?

Analyze this theme or event using your knowledge of the period and book. Be creative here. Could this event or theme have taken place? What’s the point? Why is it interesting to you?

The roles of women in ancient Rome.

Your paper should contain these parts:
• Your introductory material should set up the topic for your audience .

Briefly summarize your topic to orient your reader. Your article statement should come at the end of your introduction. State your in the form of a sentence or two. It should not be in the form of a question.
How you choose to organize this section is up to you, but it must include a summation of each source with an accompanying explanation of its value with regards to your topic or theme. You must draw on at least THREE sources to meet the minimum requirements of this research paper.
•Using the content from the above section, answer/address your thesis statement. Analyze this theme or event using your knowledge of the period and book. Be creative here. Could this event or theme have taken place? What’s the point? Why is it interesting to you? You have creative freedom here.

Do works of art always conform with every convention of the genre into which they fall, or do they adopt some of the conventions and flout others?

Methods and Approaches précis & summary

Listen to the mini-lectures in the week 1 Teams folder as well as attending the in-person workshop.

Questions to think about:

⦁ Is there a clear distinction between ‘theory’ and ‘criticism’?
⦁ What do you understand by the notion of genre, and generic conventions?
⦁ Do works of art always conform with every convention of the genre into which they fall, or do they adopt some of the conventions and flout others?
⦁ Is there a politics of genre? Are some genres more conservative than others?
What would you say the politics were, for instance, of a Mills and Boon novel?
⦁ What are the politics of writing in a language other than your first?
⦁ What genre would you place Beckett’s Waiting for Godot in, and why?
⦁ To what extent do genre conventions translate ?

Explain what Moore and Patel mean by “Cheap Care” by providing examples from your own environment, community, family or friends.

History of the Modern World

Need to provide 4 to 5 sentences answering each of the following questions.

1) Moore and Patel write that “There persists a powerful tendency to understand the modern world of work as somehow independent of the countryside, but all work has owed and continues to owe its existence to those countrysides.” You can return to pages 101 to 107 if you need a reminder of what they mean in this sentence. Based on this idea of Moore and Patel, elaborate how your or your parents work is connected to the countryside, in other words to areas outside of the urban setting of work.

2) Explain what Moore and Patel mean by “Cheap Care” by providing examples from your own environment, community, family or friends.

3) Give some examples from Moore and Patel’s “Cheap Work” and/or “Cheap Care” chapter that would fit under Bayly or Vries definition of the Industrious Revolution.

4) How did practices and understandings of labor change since the 16th century?

To what extent do these gaps in Wagner’s evidence blunt the persuasive power of The Skull of Alum Bheg? In other words, how much of his overall argument rests on pinpointing Bheg’s identity and tying the skull now in Wagner’s possession to that particular individual?

From the first, scholar Kim A. Wagner freely acknowledges that he has not been able to uncover any historical reference to Alum Bheg outside the handwritten note accompanying his putative skull, let alone verify that said skull belonged to this specific shadowy sepoy. To what extent do these gaps in Wagner’s evidence blunt the persuasive power of The Skull of Alum Bheg? In other words, how much of his overall argument rests on pinpointing Bheg’s identity and tying the skull now in Wagner’s possession to that particular individual?