Explain how the cases link and whether they were moving forward or backward, or a combination.

The Dred Scott Decision, the 14th Amendment, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown vs The Board of Education are all tied together. One could call them collectively examples of a step forward or a step backward . Explain how th

Answer the two question below, I also posted the question in the title.

The Dred Scott Decision, the 14th Amendment, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown vs The Board of Education  are all tied together. One could call them collectively examples of a step forward or a step backward . Explain how the cases link and whether they were moving forward or backward, or a combination.

Historian Darlene Clarke Hine once said that African Americans found the Achille\’s Heel in Jim Crowism. If we think of Jim Crowism as systematic racism spread over the generations, was she right? Discussing at least 3 examples, support your answer thoroughly explaining why you responded the way you did. Warning: Understanding the concept of Achille’s Heel is central to this question. If you don’t know what it is do a little research or ask.

Demonstrate an understanding of the content standards-Common Core State Standards, NGSS, English Learner, Master Plan, and special education program.

Elementary Principal
The Los Angeles Unified School District seeks an outstanding Elementary Principal to lead the students, staff, and community at Ramona Elementary School towards academic success. Ramona Elementary is located in the East Hollywood Area on the border of Little Armenia and ‘Mai Town. It is a TK — 5th grade school with Three SLD Special Day Classes, 1 ANT, and one IDEC program. W. a population of 350 students of which, N. are Latino with a school-wide Title I program; Ramona has partnerships with YMCA, Enrich LA and is currently working towards STEAM certification with its Robotics Program. The school is located at 1133 Mariposa Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. The Ideal Candidate will demonstrate an understanding of organizational change and the continuous improvement cycle; nurture a culture of collaboration and creativity;

Demonstrate an understanding of the content standards-Common Core State Standards, NGSS, English Learner, Master Plan, and special education programs; have knowledge of the LAUSD Leadership Framework and LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework; have effective planning and organization skills; understand the Problem of Practice problem solving cycle; be able to work independently, with excellent time management skills and the ability to multi-task while meeting commitments and deadlines;

Determine if it is constitutional for the United States to fight preemptive wars. Determine if human rights and morality should be the cornerstones of United State foreign policy.

Complete a search either in the Chamberlain Library or internet for domestic and foreign polices of four (4) of the following Presidents. Please incorporate at least one primary source of either a policy or act that you have chosen to write about.

Then, compare domestic and foreign polices of your four (4) presidents by answering the following prompts:

Explain how your selected presidents worked to improve the United States economically and socially. Give at least one example of each president.
Assess if the policies of your choice of presidents strengthen or weaken the United States.
Explain how you see your choice of presidents served the public interest and further the cause of democracy.
Determine if it is constitutional for the United States to fight preemptive wars.
Determine if human rights and morality should be the cornerstones of United State foreign policy.

What social and cultural structures lie behind the seemingly ‘illogical’ or ‘unanswerable’ element of taste?

Culture and Society

[P]artly because it doesn’t claim to be logical, or even reasonable, taste accomplishes powerful cultural provocation and persuasion.”
What social and cultural structures lie behind the seemingly ‘illogical’ or ‘unanswerable’ element of taste?

This paper requires to make reference to the quote in the question but not focus entirely on the quote.

Also to discuss the text in the question as well as 5 other sources.

Explain your ideas for solution or at least the steps needed to begin to address the issues -provide at least 3-5 factual statements that support your opinion.

Advocacy Letter

-Proper heading and addressed to the correct person/ governmental agency -introduce yourself and state why you have a stake in this issue.

-Establish why you wrote to this agency -State the issue and why it is a concern for PH

-Explain your ideas for solution or at least the steps needed to begin to address the issues -provide at least 3-5 factual statements that support your opinion.

-Proper salutation This letter should be NO MORE than 5 paragraphs. You must use proper citation for anything you cite in the letter. You must provide a works cited page at the end of your letter.

How do fast food franchises benefit local teenagers?Explain your answer.

Year 8 Civics and Citizenships Task

To help write your Inquiry Question, take the reason you decided on your proposal and turn it into a question.
For example: If you have chosen the fast food option
because you like the fact it makes jobs for local teenagers you can create an Inquiry Question along the lines of
How do fast food franchises benefit local teenagers?