Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.

Rising Cost of Healthcare in the US and avoiding Surprise bills for patients

Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.
This is a 5-6 page, APA paper. Include at least 6 sources, one of which must be the textbook.
Organize your ideas into the appropriate sections and be sure you’ve thought through what you’d like to address, how, the timelines, the costs, the metrics you’ll use for gauging your success.

Your paper will have the following sections:
Abstract (or Introduction) – describe the healthcare administration issue that you are addressing with your project. What is the problem, and briefly, how do you intend to address it?

Hypothesis – What do you think will occur as a result of your intervention? Be specific.
Methodology and Approach – how will you implement your proposed solution? What are your research strategies? What is your study design? Population, sample?

MUST include a Survey section

Expected Conclusion – restate your problem, hypothesis, method, and measurement strategies. Explain how successfully addressing the issue will improve patient care.
Other sections you may choose to include: Budget, Cost Analysis, Timeline, Statistics.

Is there a moral difference between PAS and passive euthanasia and, if so,is passive preferable? Why/why not?

Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician assisted suicide should be legal in the United States for terminally ill patients.
In my paper,plan to discuss why physician assisted suicide should be legal in the United States. When a patient is suffering with a life threatening illness that is incurable. The patient should be given the option to decide when they want to end their life. As science and technology continue to advance we are still abiding by the inhuman end of life care for terminal patients who are in severe pain and ready to be free of pain and suffering.

Things that need to be covered in the paper: You will probably need to explore what biomedical principles this advances (or perhaps risks). What are different moral forms of thoughtfulness that might be used to justify or prohibit this. Is there a moral difference between PAS and passive euthanasia and, if so, is passive preferable? Why/why not?

What are the Critical Factors we must keep in mind while designing a health policy for managing health of populations?

Answer both questions a paragraph each.

1. Having a good healthcare policy and system is that it creates a challenge of longevity economic and long-term care issues. What are those issues? How do you propose to manage them?

2. Population health as a topic is diverse and vast. First, we must understand the nature of problem and design a policy to help these problems. So, what are the Critical Factors we must keep in mind while designing a health policy for managing health of populations?

Reference: The Global Healthcare Manager: Competencies, Concepts, and Skills. Counte, Ramirez, West Jr; Aaronson, Health Administration Press, ISBN: 978-164-0550-162