Calculate,interpret and critique a range of financial strategic performance measures such as Return on Investment (ROI) Residual Income (RI) and Economic Value Added (EVA).

Performance Improvement and Management in Health & Social Care

As part of the formal assessment for the programmeyou are required to submit aPerformance Improvement and Management in Health & Social Careassessment.refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcomes:After completing the module,you should be able to:Analyse, evaluate and apply a range of strategic planning models.Calculate,interpret and critique a range of financial strategic pEconomic Value erformance measures such as Return on Investment (ROI) Residual Income (RI) and Economic Value Added (EVA).Evaluate the use of problemsolving and investment appraisal models.Critically evaluate the use of nonfinancial and multidimensional models of performance management.Graduate attributes:Discipline Expertise:Knowledge and understanding of chosen field. Possess a range of skills to operate within this sector, have a keen awareness of current developments in working practice being wellpositioned to respond to change.Maximum word count:4000 words

Briefly discuss the usefulness of a Du Pont analysis to shareholders and then apply it to BME Luxury Care Home using the financial statements above as a basis for your calculations.

Performance Improvement and Management in Health & Social Care

Prepare a 1500-word internal memorandum for the directors of the care home, critically discussing the advantages and disadvantages of at least two strategic planning models appropriate to the care sector in England. The directors expect a recommendation as to which model you propose for business growth and why?
The word count for 2a and 2b should not exceed 1000 words in total.
Briefly discuss the usefulness of a Du Pont analysis to shareholders and then apply it to BME Luxury Care Home using the financial statements above as a basis for your calculations. You must discuss the purpose of each formula, and each step in your calculations to make sure you have not made any errors.

Discuss at least two lifestyle factors that may contribute to the onset of the disease or lifestyle changes that may occur due to the severity of the disease.

Chronic Condition Presentation

As a healthcare professional, you have been asked to speak to a community support group regarding the connection between the human body and disease. The attendees at the presentation are patients who are newly diagnosed, caregivers, or people who wish to learn more about the disease.
In this assignment, you will prepare a 15-to-20-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker’s notes of 100–150 words for each slide, not including the title and reference slides. Please see the PowerPoint Instructions
document for expanded information on expected detail in your presentation.
Select one of the following diseases to address in your presentation:


Other chronic illness topic—with permission from the instructor
Your presentation will include the following:
Title slide
Include your introduction in the speaker’s notes.
Overview of the presentation
Discuss the chosen disease:
Define the disease: use lay terms and medical terminology to describe the condition or disease and associated changes to the body.
Analyze the statistical prevalence of the disease in your state and in the United States.
Analyze the major organs and system(s) involved, and how these are affected by the selected condition.
List the symptoms the person might exhibit.
Describe how the symptoms change over time as the condition progresses.
Discuss at least one genetic predisposition that may contribute to the onset of the disease.
Discuss at least two lifestyle factors that may contribute to the onset of the disease or lifestyle changes that may occur due to the severity of the disease.
Discuss activities of daily living that may be difficult for the patient to manage on their own.
Analyze at least one environmental element that may contribute to the onset, exacerbation, or progression of the disease.
Examples may include air pollution, chemicals in products, nutrition (e.g., organic versus nonorganic, genetically modified foods [GMOs]), consumption of soda and caffeine, tobacco use and/or secondhand smoke, ultra violet [UV] light exposure, environmental carcinogens, etc.)
Analyze at least two preventive actions people can take to reduce their risk of getting the disease.
Discuss at least two actions people can take to slow the progression of the disease.
Discuss current treatment options available.
Modern medicine options (e.g., medications, surgical interventions, radiological treatments, etc.)
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) (e.g., chiropractic, traditional Chinese medicine [TCM], acupuncture, massage therapy, etc.)

Discuss the strengths and limitations of your approach.

Quantitative Health Research

Section B: (1,500 words maximum)
Use the Population Intervention/ Exposure Comparison Outcome (PICO) framework to frame a research question relating to an important public health issue. Choose a study design from those studied in this module (cross-sectional, ecological, case-control, cohort, randomised controlled trial or cluster randomised controlled trial) that could be used to answer this question and write a draft research proposal.
You will be awarded a maximum of 3 marks for a good structure and style of your proposal (title, formatting, spelling, grammar and coherence in presentation). The headings you should include in your proposal are:
Research question
State your research question using PICO.
Why is this an important question for public health?
Reference relevant literature to support the importance of your research question and provide a reference list at the end of the document. The reference list is not part of the word count.
Why is this an appropriate study design to answer your research question?
Ensure discussions here are related to the context of your study or research.
How would you select participants for your study?
Think about how you would select and approach the participants to take part in your study.
What are your exposure and outcome measures? How would you collect data on these measures?
The exposure could be an intervention (in an RCT). Outcome refers to the health outcome of interest.
Discuss the strengths and limitations of your approach.
Consider issues around bias, chance and confounding and other practical issues if relevant
General advice for completing Section B
Your proposed research should be realistic and pragmatic. It should be able to be carried out within a 10-month period.
This a draft proposal and will not include all elements of a full proposal such as statistical data analysis method, etc. Including elements outside the suggested headings will not be marked.
Remember that this is a research yet to be carried out and therefore needs to be written in future tense.

How would you apply your selected concept or Standard to this scenario to resolve it?What, if any current legislation, can you use to help you with resolving this dilemma?

Leadership in Diverse Orginazation

Final Paper Instructions

Part I:Locate and read a Code of Ethics or Standards of Practice which is related to one human service occupation of your choice/interest (nurses, social workers, psychologists, counselors, human service professionals, etc.) Utilize this Code of Ethics and complete the following:
Cite the specific Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice you are using in your paper. Identify and explain three (3) key concepts or standards upon which that code of ethics or standards of practice is based (For example – concepts are: confidentiality, duty to warn, informed consent, a professional’s responsibility to clients, etc.). An article further explaining what concepts are is provided in this week’s Resources folder.

Part II:Using the below noted scenario, apply one of the identified concepts or specific standards from your chosen Code of Ethics to resolve the dilemma. Include in your resolution the following:
Identify the ethical issues in this scenario.
Be specific about the ethical issues. List and explain them briefly (Example – Confidentiality – Confidentiality is defined as ….)
Could a client or Human Service professional be adversely affected by this ethical dilemma? If yes, how?
How would you apply your selected concept or Standard to this scenario to resolve it?
What, if any current legislation, can you use to help you with resolving this dilemma?
Your paper should be 3 pages in length. The sources that you use to identify a Code of Ethics, concepts, etc. must be properly cited on an APA format References page at the conclusion of your paper.

Discuss how interprofessional education can prepare health care professionals for interprofessional collaboration initiatives in the workplace.

Team Interprofessional Education and Patient Centered Care

Define interprofessional education, explain how it was developed, and discuss the goals of this type of education model within a health care setting.

Discuss how interprofessional education can prepare health care professionals for interprofessional collaboration initiatives in the workplace.

Discuss the concept of wellness as a framework for health care. How does interprofessional education help prepare health care professionals to practice wellness initiatives?

Explain the concept of a patient-centered care model, and describe how interprofessional collaboration enhances the patient-focused care a health care organization is able to offer.

What does this suggest about the professional personnel working with clients at this stage of life? What does it suggest about those hiring and managing these professionals?

End of Life Discussion

Then discuss the following:
What do people most want at the end of life? What is the role of family, friends, and caregivers? What is the role of empathy? What does this suggest about the professional personnel working with clients at this stage of life? What does it suggest about those hiring and managing these professionals?

Evaluate the role of religion and or police occupational culture in gender discriminatory practices in the organization

Part 1: Written reflective report/Part 2: Professional Coversation questions

Despite global efforts in tackling gender-based issues, gender discrimination in the Nigeria Police Force is still beyond control. This research will examine:

Review the gender equality literature to set out the parameters for understanding the experiences of women in the police force.
Examine the demographic composition of the workforce.
Evaluate the role of religion and or police occupational culture in gender discriminatory practices in the organization. Furthermore, the study also seeks to bridge the gap between gender literature and equal opportunities.

In achieving this, the following questions will be addressed:
What is the total number of women employed compared to the number of men in the Nigerian police Force?
What is the number of women in higher position of authority in the force compared to men?
To what extent do women in the Nigerian Police Force experience gender discrimination?
What is the role of culture in the discrimination of women in the employment opportunities in Nigeria?
What is the impact of religion on employment opportunities for women in Nigeria?
What is the most stereotyped job for women in the Nigerian Police Force?