Describe two measures that can be taken to justify the financing of national public health initiatives,explain why these measures may be important.

Financing of Public Health Initiatives

Write an explanation of how public health professionals may affect future financing decisions related to public health policy. Describe two measures that can be taken to justify the financing of national public health initiatives,explain why these measures may be important.


How academics describe esports in research?Is esports considered as a traditional sport within literature?

Sport Development

My course is Bsc sports development, my chosen topic is Esports in relation to traditional sport. my research question is HOW DOES ESPORTS UTILISE THE PRACTICES FROM TRADITIONAL SPORTS.Have an example paper to follow as a guide. the research is a scoping review/ systematic review, but have done the search already.

Research questions
How does esports utilise practices of traditional sports on the virtual platform?
How academics describe esports in research?Is esports considered as a traditional sport within literature?
What are the habits of viewership in esports compared to traditional sports?Have uploaded the paper and the first part of the paper to follow upon.

What are the family dynamics for this patient and how does it affect the mental status of this child.

LEARNING POINTS (3-5 bullet points outlining key learning in this case.)
Strengths and deficits of Write Up
REFERENCES (APA 6 formatting, current within past 10 years.)
Include in your assessment a work-up and/or questions for child specific disorders.What diagnostic tests/screening tools would you use for the child?
Include in your treatment plan specific types of therapy that are used when working with children.
Address in your narrative how family structure and dynamics affects the diagnosis and treatment of children.What are the family dynamics for this patient and how does it affect the mental status of this child.
What developmental stage should the child be in based on chronological age and is the child in that stage?
Address parenting styles that you observed with your patient and the family and whether these were working or not working.
How does culture affect the diagnosis and treatment plan for this child?

How did various stakeholder groups influence the final outcome of Medicare Part D legislation?


You will synthesize your understanding of why Medicare Part D passed, as well as the influence of the various interest groups and governmental entities during this process. Make sure to discuss both the policy process and the policy environment—that is, the key players involved and other circumstances that shaped this policy-making effort. For this assignment, address the following questions, doing further research as needed:

How did various stakeholder groups influence the final outcome of Medicare Part D legislation?
What were the specific strategies and tools that were used most effectively?
Does the fact that Medicare Part D passed corresponds with your understanding of policy and politics, or did this surprise you? Explain your response.

To help you address the questions, you may find it useful to add sub-titles, this will help you address the specifics. May be useful to briefly describe what Medicare Part D is and what it adds to the benefits. Why was this important?

Explain how both allied health providers can provide patient-centered care and how their background, education, skills, and health care experience contribute to delivering quality patient outcomes.

The Roles of an Emergency Medical Technician and Respiratory Technician

Address these following topics

Describe the professional responsibilities of both allied health providers you selected and discuss their roles in delivering quality patient care. Include a discussion about the education and skills required in both professional roles, and describe the health care settings in which both providers may be found.

Define “scope of practice” within an allied health context and discuss the scope of practice for both allied health providers you selected. How is the scope of practice for both providers different from each of their professional roles?

Explain how both allied health providers can provide patient-centered care and how their background, education, skills, and health care experience contribute to delivering quality patient outcomes.

What stakeholders are impacted by this policy (e.g., health care consumers, medical staff, etc.)?

Health Care Policy: The Past And The Future

Select a level of government (federal, state, or local) and discuss the role and function it had in the process of implementing the policy.


Why was the policy created?
Why is the policy important to health care?
What stakeholders are impacted by this policy (e.g., health care consumers, medical staff, etc.)?

Critically discuss the drivers associated with current and future (physiotherapy) healthcare provision with traditional and non-traditional settings.

Physio business

Links with local and national drivers and priorities e.g. NHS 10 year and 5 year plan, WHO
global action plan, ageing population, proximity of rural communities to hospitals etc. etc
Learning outcome 1.
Critically Discuss the Drivers associated with current and future (physiotherapy) healthcare
provision with traditional and nontraditional settings
Use a wide variety of evidence. Exceptional critical discussion showing comprehensive
knowledge and understanding of drivers associated with both current and future practice.
Frontline/CSP website/Google as a starting point then expand into primary research
Think of drivers in population health, NHS, Government and political, world health (look at the
Kings Fund UK, NHS England, NICE, WHO, CSP, PHE(Public Health England) etc. for inspiration)
Focus your business proposal on the NHS, but do give a mention to nontraditional settings
(such as PVI settings). Eg:
Nuffield health , Bupa,
Make clear links between the drivers and your proposal don’t assume the link is obvious

What was your impression of how well the evaluated site met at least 4 of the major criteria.

Evaluation of Cite

This is a Master’s Level not assign this paper unless you can write at a Master’s level. See attachment. References must be peer-reviewed journal articles within 3 years with doi number

Objective: To use evidence-based criteria to assess the quality of mobile health/digital media for health care consumers/e-patients. Go to and select a website to evaluate using at least 4 of the major criteria (boxes in grey) on the image below. Include the link to the website you chose to evaluate in your post.

Answer the following:

What was your impression of how well the evaluated site met at least 4 of the major criteria (boxes in grey below)? Comment on each of the criteria and the rationale used to evaluate this.

Describe and discuss the health issue in respect to the chosen population group in the London borough or another city you have chosen. 

Technical Guidance


You may want to observe the following when preparing your work:
Note this work is a report – not an essay. You can use sub-headings and graphics.

Use spacing 1½ or double
Font size 12 in Arial or Times New Roman – use one and not mixing both. You can use another that is clear and easy to read
Anonymous marking – do not include your name on the work because we do anonymous marking. You may include your student ID number.
Title – make sure your work has a title that reflects what the paper is about.
You can include diagrams and tables in the main body of your work (graphics)
Use the Harvard referencing style correctly in the text and in the References list. Check the Harvard referencing guide and resources and if you are not sure. Work not correctly referenced at Masters (Level 7) should be given back to the author to correct. Hence, such work may not pass.
Structure –  in addition to the main guidelines suggested below, you may want to think of the structure of your paper as having the following sections: Title, Introduction, Discussion of the Problem and its Implications, Critique of the Interventions to the Problem, Recommendations and Conclusion. References list of all items used and cited in the work should be given at th end of the work.

Assessment Description

A 4000 word report of an evidence-informed initiative to improve health and healthcare for a particular population group in a London borough or any other chosen city. Students should use the approach of developing an evidence-informed campaign and advocacy report to convince commissioners to take up the health issue. Therefore, students should choose health issues that are of great concern in causing health inequalities among population groups within London boroughs or other cities. They should pay special attention to health inequalities affecting the population group and key factors that explain them. Thus, the work should focus on a specific health issue in relation to a population group; seeking to highlight the key factors and impact of the health issue on the population group and what the borough or city health commissioners can do differently from current interventions to improve health and healthcare for the population group. Students who prefer to study health issues among population groups within London or New York should choose a specific patch or borough.
The coursework will have to use public health and urban health reporting materials. It will indicate how the city context influences the urban health issue under investigation. It will also have to consider how current policy and legislation present opportunities and problems to tackle the issue.

Report Title – provide a clear academic title that shows the health issue your are studying, the target population group and the London borough or city the work is based on.
Highlight the health issue the paper is studying. Try to find an arresting quotation, example, paragraph length case study to get right to the point. Provide an outline of what the reader will find in each of the sections (singposting) of your work.
Data / Information on the health issue on a London patch or another city in relation to the population group chosen
Give an overview of the data / information produced at local level on your topic. Include data / information produced by health and local authority professionals and by community groups. To ensure that you have digested this material, you must ask yourself how useful the documentation is in presenting the basis for EVIDENCE-BASED planning.What sort of hard and soft information does it provide on socio-demographic and epidemiologic aspects in relation to the target population and the health issue?Use this data to link to the next section of your Essay to describe and discuss the health issue in respect to the chosen population group in the London borough or another city you have chosen.
The social science context.

Describe at least two challenges of quantifying the rate of return for this public health initiative.

Rate of Return

Post a brief description of a public health initiative (you may choose smoking cessation).

Describe at least two challenges of quantifying the rate of return for this public health initiative.

Using the principles of rate of return, explain whether the financing this initiative is justified.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.