What injections would the dentist give this patient in order to prevent pain during the extraction of the lower third molars?

Dental Innervation Assignment

Case Study Questions

What injection(s) would the dentist give this patient in order to prevent pain during the extraction of the lower third molars?

Which nerve(s) caused the patient’s lower lip and the tongue to be numb? Identify the branch of the IAN or nerve for each location.

When dental work is performed on the lower teeth, a nerve block is often needed to produce complete local anesthesia of all the teeth in a quadrant. The same is not true for the upper teeth. Why not? What other injection technique can be used to anesthetize maxillary teeth?


Was their resilience good or bad for them?What concerns did you have about their family?

Aging and resilience

Topic is bout aging and resilience,dying and late in life disorders. The Older Adult, End of Life Issues –
Geriatrics and Pediatrics, Late life disorders, Disordered Cognition, Neurocognitive Disorders, Other Conditions,Physical and Sexual Abuse of Adults, Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

Share a case with us that you found challenging, one that you would like to seek advice on handling. The case must be associated with the theme of resilience in the geriatric or dying patient.

Tell us how you handled it and what your concern is. You may use a case from clinical or a client from your current job, or a client or case that has always stuck with you.

How did you feel working with this age group of patients? How did you see this resilience? Was their resilience good or bad for them?What concerns did you have about their family?

What developmental stage should the child be in based on chronological age and is the child in that stage?

The Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation Child11 year old with Anxiety

Use the Worksheet for Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation

What diagnostic tests/screening tools would you use for the child?

Include in your treatment plan specific types of therapy that are used when working with children.

Address in your narrative how family structure and dynamics affects the diagnosis and treatment of children.

What are the family dynamics for this patient and how does it affect the mental status of this child.

What developmental stage should the child be in based on chronological age and is the child in that stage?

References are required for this section of your paper and then should be no more than 5 years old unless they are classics (Erikson’s developmental stages). Address parenting styles that you observed with your patient and the family and whether these were working or not working.

How does culture affect the diagnosis and treatment plan for this child?

Critically evaluate leadership and change management within the future direction of occupational therapy.

Future Directions for Occupational Therapy

Learning outcome to achieve
1. Critically debate the potential future direction of occupational therapy within the global arena.
2. Critically evaluate leadership and change management within the future direction of occupational therapy

You are required to submit a 3500-word assignment critically debating an occupational therapy service, which could contribute to the future direction of occupational therapy, providing a critical evaluation of how leadership and change management would mobilise it.
The assignment will be written in three sections but submitted as one word document.

How would you propose the policy be evaluated and when would the evaluation occur?

Behavioral health care

How you would design a policy for the health care issue you selected. Remember to take into consideration the various aspects of the policy development cycle and level of implementation (federal, state, or local).

Respond using 525 to 700 words to the following prompts:

What is the issue,what is the problem associated with the issue that you want to work toward solving,and who are the main stakeholders who can influence the success of the policy?

Why is this issue important and what is the target population?

How would you suggest implementing the policy and at what level (federal or state government)?

How would you propose the policy be evaluated and when would the evaluation occur?

What possible courses of action (revisions) would likely be needed if the evaluation of the policy suggests that the proposed policy is not fulfilling its intended purpose?

What injections would the dentist give this patient in order to prevent pain during the extraction of the lower third molars?

Innervation Assignment

The dental assistant must have an understanding of which nerves innervate teeth in order to effectively assist the dentist during procedures requiring anesthesia. In these procedures, the dental assistant is responsible for placing the topical anesthetic in the correct site in preparation for local anesthetic.

Case Study Questions

What injection(s) would the dentist give this patient in order to prevent pain during the extraction of the lower third molars?

Which nerve(s) caused the patient’s lower lip and the tongue to be numb? Identify the branch of the IAN or nerve for each location.

When dental work is performed on the lower teeth, a nerve block is often needed to produce complete local anesthesia of all the teeth in a quadrant. The same is not true for the upper teeth. Why not? What other injection technique can be used to anesthetize maxillary teeth?


Discuss what health and wellbeing aspects you would measure and include in the individual person’s health profile.

Measuring Health

Assessment task: A 2000 words essay (excluding references).

Develop a health profile of an individual whom you do not know, living in a local community in the UK. You will need to discuss what health and wellbeing aspects you would measure and include in the individual person’s health profile using key questionnaires and questions to understand the individual’s current level of health and well being; health risks they have and briefly discuss what population screening program they could have/opt for.

The assignment is not about clinical or medical tests or check-ups such as blood pressure, blood tests or other types of clinical tests that are only conducted by doctors, nurses and other clinical professionals.