What are the consequences of the indicator or what is the indicator a consequence of i.e. the epidemiology?What diseases,disorders or disabilities emerge as consequences?
Population Health and Behavioral Science
Assessing your Local Authority Health Profile (LO1) (approx. 1500 words)
Define what a health profile is. Why do we need to understand the needs of a community? Briefly describe the area you have chosen and rationale. You can find your chosen Local Authority Health Profile here: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/health-profiles
You may want to start off this section with the demographic make-up, what has changed over the last few years (or more)?
Outline the indicators you have chosen with a small rationale for why you have chosen the indicators. You may want to elaborate on why they are important public health issues in ambulance practice using the literature to support you.
Start a new paragraph per indicator.
What is the indicator measuring? Is the indicator better or worst then England’s average?
Who does the indicator mostly affect in the population i.e. the demography?
How does this indicator interact with your health profile’s demography? Remember to critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors involved in each indicator. You will not be able to cover all aspects but what are the important factors. You may want to look at Dhalgren and Whitehead’s (1991) model of determinants of health to help you conceptualise this (Session 7).
Links on Dhalgren and Whitehead’s model: https://esrc.ukri.org/about-us/50-years-of-esrc/50-achievements/the-dahlgren-whitehead-rainbow/ and https://jech.bmj.com/content/jech/64/4/284.full.pdf – however there are tons of literature on this!
How could this indicator be measured in paramedic practice? What are the limitations of measuring this indicator on both individual and population levels?
What are the consequences of the indicator or what is the indicator a consequence of i.e. the epidemiology?What diseases,disorders or disabilities emerge as consequences?
What wider data is available to support your indicator? You may want to look at other epidemiological data in the literature.