What are the consequences of the indicator or what is the indicator a consequence of i.e. the epidemiology?What diseases,disorders or disabilities emerge as consequences?

Population Health and Behavioral Science

Assessing your Local Authority Health Profile (LO1) (approx. 1500 words)

Define what a health profile is. Why do we need to understand the needs of a community? Briefly describe the area you have chosen and rationale. You can find your chosen Local Authority Health Profile here: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/health-profiles
You may want to start off this section with the demographic make-up, what has changed over the last few years (or more)?

Outline the indicators you have chosen with a small rationale for why you have chosen the indicators. You may want to elaborate on why they are important public health issues in ambulance practice using the literature to support you.

Start a new paragraph per indicator.

What is the indicator measuring? Is the indicator better or worst then England’s average?

Who does the indicator mostly affect in the population i.e. the demography?

How does this indicator interact with your health profile’s demography? Remember to critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors involved in each indicator. You will not be able to cover all aspects but what are the important factors. You may want to look at Dhalgren and Whitehead’s (1991) model of determinants of health to help you conceptualise this (Session 7).

Links on Dhalgren and Whitehead’s model: https://esrc.ukri.org/about-us/50-years-of-esrc/50-achievements/the-dahlgren-whitehead-rainbow/ and https://jech.bmj.com/content/jech/64/4/284.full.pdf – however there are tons of literature on this!

How could this indicator be measured in paramedic practice? What are the limitations of measuring this indicator on both individual and population levels?

What are the consequences of the indicator or what is the indicator a consequence of i.e. the epidemiology?What diseases,disorders or disabilities emerge as consequences?

What wider data is available to support your indicator? You may want to look at other epidemiological data in the literature.

What health promotion / behavioural change interventions can be used in paramedic episodic care to address / modify behaviours.

Paramedic opportunities to provide health advice including recognising and modifying health behaviour and signposting (LO3) (700 words)

Drawing on what you have discussed so far in your essay, in the first two parts, think about the opportunities you will have in practice pertinent to your three indicators.
What health behaviours are associated with your indicators? How can they be recognised?
Can these be explained through the role of stress and coping?
Can these be explained through theories of health promotion / behaviour change?
Can these be explained through the role of individual genetics?
What health promotion / behavioural change interventions can be used in paramedic episodic care to address / modify behaviours.
Who else might need to be involved? Other professionals?

Ambulance Deployment Policy (LO4) (450 words)

Discuss the policy on ambulance deployment i.e. Ambulance Response Programme and Carter Report in relation to the first three parts of your essay.
How do your indicators impact on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment?
You will not be able to cover everything mentioned in the policies but what do you feel are the most important points within this? How do these policies influence paramedic practice?

Examine the complex role that paramedics play in a multi-agency approach to safeguarding,the prevention of ill health and the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing.

Population Health and Behavioral Science

Essay – Scoping the Health Needs of a Local Authority in London

This summative assessment addresses the following learning outcome:

Analyse models of health and illness and critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on the mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

Examine the complex role that paramedics play in a multi-agency approach to safeguarding,the prevention of ill health and the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing.

Evaluate the opportunities to provide health advice to service users and their families and integrate these in to care and treatment selecting appropriate approaches to modifying health behaviour and providing signposting to other agencies where appropriate.

Evaluate population behaviour as it impacts on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment

Assessment Brief

You will be required to write a 4000-word essay on population health and behavioural science in relation to your practice as a student paramedic through the paramedic role in public health and scoping the health needs of a local authority. The essay is broadly split into three parts.

Firstly, you will need to analyse models of health and illness and their use in episodic paramedic care (based on your Formative Assessment 1).

Secondly, you will select a Local Authority Health Profile, as defined by Public Health England, to use as the basis of the final two parts of your essay. Within the Local Authority Health Profile, you will be required to select 3 out of the 32 health indicators and evaluate the indicators through the interpretation of demographic and epidemiological fluctuations in population-based data and what impact they have on the social determinants of health and inequalities within the Local Authority population. The social determinants of health can be defined by the social cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on both mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

Lastly, you will evaluate population behaviours related to the 3 indicators as it impacts on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment. This evaluation of population behaviours related to the 3 indicators will include evaluating the complexity of paramedic opportunities to provide health advice and selecting appropriate approaches to modify health behaviour and provide signposting to other agencies where appropriate.

You will need to provide an introduction and conclusion within the essay.

Describe how your personal,educational,and professional background will help you achieve your goals.

Pharmacy School Admission Essay

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals.

Describe how your personal,educational,and professional background will help you achieve your goals.

The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.

Do not personalize your essay for a particular pharmacy degree institution. You cannot make any edits to your Personal Essay after you have e-submitted your completed application to PharmCAS.

You are encouraged to compose your essay in a text-only word processor (e.g., Notepad), review your essay for errors, then cut and paste the final version into the text box above. Click the Save button and then return to the Personal Essay to review the formatting of your text. You are limited to approximately 1 page (4500 characters, including spaces). Some formatting characters used in programs like Word (angled quotes, accents, special characters) will not display properly. Take care to review your final text and to make the necessary corrections to the format.

Each pharmacy school reserves the right to require additional essay responses as part of the supplemental application process. Please be aware that your admission essay will undergo a textual similarity review with iThenticate/Turnitin for Admissions for the detection of plagiarism and other potential violations of the applicant code of conduct. All submitted essays and other materials will be included as source documents in the iThenticate/Turnitin for Admissions reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such documents.

Identify determinants and measurements of health and disease in epidemiology, public health, promotion of health,and disease prevention.

Week #4 2nd outline

PO1. Articulate theories and principles of health care management

PO2. Articulate management principles to functional areas of health care.

PO3. Identify determinants and measurements of health and disease in epidemiology, public health, promotion of health,and disease prevention.

PO4. Identify unique characteristics of law and ethics in health services.

PO5. Apply management skills to leadership concepts.

PO6. Compare health service organizations and delivery structures, functions, and professionals.

Identify the key strengths of the proposal in its current state.

Find the peer proposal draft that has been assigned to you (see 2021 Peer Review Paper Assignment to find de-identified proposals written by classmates ) and write a detailed review of the draft, using the following format:

Paragraph 1

Summarize the main points of the proposal (touching briefly on each section). Identify the key strengths of the proposal in its current state. Be specific, and avoid using overly subjective language ( like,” “The intro is good”). Be constructive, and identify why certain elements are effective.

Paragraph 2

Address any global weaknesses in the draft—concerns about general organization, conceptual/logical issues, missing or under-developed sections, etc. Remember that global issues are those that affect large sections of the entire draft, which is why they need to be considered first. Be specific, and for every issue you point out, offer your peer at least one suggestion for how to address it.

Paragraph 3

Address any more localized weaknesses or concerns—grammatical issues, questionable sources, weak topic sentences, etc. Try to focus most on the patterns you see. Your time will be better spent commenting on recurring errors rather than the few random typos you may find. Again, for every issue you point out, offer your peer at least one suggestion for how to address it.

What is important about this innovation and how that motivated you to want to pursue entrepreneurship in healthcare

UCL Digital Health & Entpreneurship

Course Link (Must Read):

Paragraph 1 & 2: This paragraph is intended to demonstrate critical thinking skills and awareness of the impact of digitalisation on global healthcare

Discuss the importance of digitalisation on healthcare across the world, specifically cite an example you read in the internet about how digitalisation has helped improve healthcare delivery amongst the community and the country

What is important about this innovation and how that motivated you to want to pursue entrepreneurship in healthcare

What do you foresee your entrepreneurial idea can add value to the current healthcare system?
Cite a research/person who is an inspiration to your passion in healthcare business
Any relevant experience that can substantiate your motivation with real skills to adapt to the demanding nature of this course

Critically analyse the impact of pathologies on the occupational performance of an individual.

Occupational performance and the impact of pathologies

Learning outcome 1:Critically evaluate biopyschosocial components required for occupational performance.

Learning outcome 2: Critically analyse the impact of pathologies on the occupational performance of an individual. Read attached assignment brief and my own notes with my tutor.

Critically evaluate the biopsychosocial components when affected with Alzheimers, required for occupational performance when buying a book from a book store

Have chosen Alzheimers as my condition, need to evaluate normatively first the biological components; nervous system, discuss how brain functions normatively ie neurons, processing information,  brain etc. Discuss gait and walking normatively, then critique and evaluate types of memory. Evaluate and critique communication and language;

Normal Inter/Intrapersonal skills (confidence in talking to others).

Normal language and communication process – can critique journal Anne C Reboul 2015)

Comprehension – understanding verbal and non-verbal communication and language as well as body language – argue different cultures may not understand same body language etc.  You must pull out all relevant research and critique other studies. Backup evidence with study and critiquing the methodology or the demographics or the results to meet level 7 critical analysis, aswell as qulatitive study etc.

You then need to bring in Alzheimers aetiology. Bring in disorder and state what it is, how it occurs, death of neurons, synapses etc? proteins, molecules, genes etc.  Nervous system affected by AD; how motor functions with AD affect walking (gait) and balance, how this affects occupational performance.

Will also attach a template of how to structure the assignement so refer

Also have attached the marking rubric for level 7 writing. Have attached the activity analysis form so you can get a clear idea of why we have to refer o it when talking about alzheimers, basically how does having alzheimers affect buying a book from a book store.  For instance, memory and gait affects buying a book as well as commuinciation and language, but this s for the second part after you bring in aetiology of alzheimers, what it does, critique studie son alzheimers, as well as alzheimers and different memory types and alzheimers and communication/language.

Read the template word doc for essay it will be a lot clearer – Make sure to include critical appraisal or critical analysis- must evaluate limitations of research and strengths.  always evaluate strengths and weaknesses of a study and voice in your own opinion why and back up with further reasearch.