Examine the issue within a global context or concentrate on a particular developing country as a case study and examine the statistical/empirical evidence to substantiate your statements.

Development Economics and Emerging Markets

FE6002: 2000 Words Essay with 50% Weighting

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This coursework assesses Learning Outcomes 1 and 2

Here is a list of essays on topics we cover in lectures during the autumn semester. For each topic, there is a list of recommended readings which are on your lecture handouts associated with each topic and are just suggestions. Some of these research paper/articles/reports are already uploaded under each lecture heading in Weblearn.

Choose ONE Topic and answer the question.

For each topic, you may examine the issue within a global context or concentrate on a particular developing country as a case study and examine the statistical/empirical evidence to substantiate your statements.

In some questions there are several parts with different weightings. This can guide you about the significance of each section and the number of words that can be allocated to it.

Come and speak with me about your topic so that you can have some feedback prior to submitting your work.

Discuss the effectiveness of different environmental policies proposed for climate change mitigation,adaptation and creating greater resilience.

Education and Human capital

Examine gender discrimination in education ane health ane its consequences for economic development in developing/emerging economies.

You may take a global perspedve or concentrate your analysis on a specific developing country.

Natural Environment and Climate Change

Explain the role of the environment in economic development.

Examine the impact of global warming ant climate change on the Leo,’particularly in developing .untriosand how the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this impact?

Discuss the effectiveness of different environmental policies proposed for climate change mitigation,adaptation and creating greater resilience.

Compare and contrast two different theories of economic growth and development and explain if either theory provides explanation of economic development in developing count.

Development Economics and Emerging Markets

Here is a list of essays on topics we cover In lectures during the autumn semester. For each topic, there is a fist of recommended readings which are on your lecture handouts associated with each topic and are just suggestions.

Some of these research papertarticies/reports are already uploaded under each lecture heading in Weblearn. Choose ONE Topic and answer the question.

Topic Theories of Economic Growth and Development

Compare and contrast two different theories of economic growth and development and explain if either theory provides explanation of economic development in developing count.

Use appropriate country case studies,a wide range of reliable/quality sources and recent statistical evidence to illustrate your answer.

Examine the role of gender in economic development in terms of gender gap in women’s experience of poverty,inequality, education,health,climate change and natural disasters.

Development Economics and Emerging Markets

Is natural re.urce endowment in developing counties a .ur. of income a. prosperity or a cat). of d.tabili.tion and conflict, Discuss.

Critically discuss economic a. non-e.nomic factors that may cau. this resour. curse phenomenon in re.urce rich developing countries.

Gender and Development

Examine the role of gender in economic development in terms of gender gap in women’s experience of poverty,inequality, education,health,climate change and natural disasters.

How has the Covid0 9 pandemic impacted on women’s experience of these issues, (20% weighfing)

Discuss a range of policies that ca! 0 to redu. the gender gap in developing °pinnies.


Discuss the different options for poverty reduction in developing countries substantiating your statements with empirical evidence.

Development Economics and Emerging Markets

Topic 2: Poverty

There are Efferent measures of poverty. What is the Multidimensional Poverty I.ex (MPI) and how is it a more improved measure of poverty? Comment on recent trends in global poverty or a paWcular developing country.

Examine the impact of the Covid10 pandemic on poverty and the pow in developing countries.

Discuss the different options for poverty reduction in developing countries substantiating your statements with empirical evidence.

Use recent statistical evidence, a wide range of qualitykaliable sources and real world examples to substantiate your statements

You may take a global perspective or concentrate your analysis on a particular developing country

Topic 3: inpuelity

Briefly explain income inequality and why reducing inequality is a key sustainable development goal.

Briefly examine recent trends in inequality and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on inequality in developing counties.



What terms or concepts are you aware of that have to do with a typical governmental budget cycle?

Precourse Governmental Budgeting Student Survey

Although this is an ungraded assignment, please complete the following survey as comprehensively as possible.

What classes in public administration or related fields have you already taken?

What public agency internship or employment experience have you had? (Identify the agency and job title, and briefly describe the job responsibilities.)

What other internships or employment have you had?

List the governmental budgets with which you have come in contact.

Explain your current understanding of governmental budgeting. What is a budget? Why do public agencies prepare them? Why should citizens be concerned with governmental budgets?

How do you see governmental budgeting impacting the economy?

What terms or concepts are you aware of that have to do with a typical governmental budget cycle?

Briefly explain why the briefing information speaks about the staffing cost to the organisation rather than salary or wage.

Finance Management in Health Services

Briefly explain why the briefing information speaks about the staffing cost to the organisation rather than salary or wage.

Why is the cost to the organisation higher than the hourly salary or wage paid to staff?

Identify and categorise the incomes and costs from the briefing document.


Identify the contribution margin.

Calculate staffing costs (medical officers, nurses, manager and reception staff) for the 12-week program.

Identify the minimum number of nursing staff required.

How many nurses would be required per week?

What might be the value of employing/engaging part-time or casual nurses?

If agency nurses were to be used instead, what effect would this have on costs? Why?

What strategies could you use to manage surges in demand?

What would be a reasonable sick leave rate?

Identify which type of prospective budget you plan to prepare and list the reasons why. (5 marks)

Construct a budget for the project.

Construct a cash flow projection.

Identify whether the program will operate at a surplus or a loss,and what financial issues the organisation should be alert to.

Identify how many tests overall must occur to break even.

On average, how many tests per week and per day and per nurse would this involve?

After one month, you discover that the demand after 5 pm is never more than 15 cases per hour. What efficiencies could you implement?

Draw conclusions and create recommendations for the chief executive and the board.

Explain the contribution that financial information makes to the management of healthcare services.

Finance Management in Health Services

Describe the components of the accounting process

Identify and differentiate between different types of accounting activities

Explain the contribution that financial information makes to the management of healthcare services.

Identify the three commonly used reports in organisational financial management.

Identify the characteristics of different business structures commonly encountered in health organisations

What percent of the stock is held by institutional investors?Does the company have listings in foreign markets?

Corporate Finance Homework

Describe the types of shares and trading of these shares in stock market. You can answer some or all of the following questions as appropriate for your stock..

Describe the ownership of this stock.

You can answer some or all of the following questions as appropriate for your stock.

Who holds stock in this company? How many stockholders does the company have? What percent of the stock is held by institutional investors?Does the company have listings in foreign markets? (If you can, estimate the percent of the stock held by nondomestic investors.) What percent of the stock is held by insiders in the company? What percent of the stock is held by employees overall? (Include the holdings by employee pension plans.)

Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance.Consider political,environmental,currency (money), global economics,and government influences on economic conditions.

Shareholder Analysis

Research Amazon’s financial reports for the most recent years available.

Complete a 2- to 3-page FAQ/Shareholder Analysis.

Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance.Consider political,environmental,currency (money), global economics,and government influences on economic conditions.

Compare market conditions with the company’s performance. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected. Include the impact of Covid as part of your market analysis.

Analyze year-over-year performance for the most recent years. Consider key metrics or ratios such as trailing PE ratio, forward PE ratio, price to book, return on assets, and return on equity in your conclusions.