Discuss the impact of corporate philosophy on pollution prevention.

Discuss the impact of corporate philosophy on pollution prevention

The Unit V Course Project is the culmination of the course project that began in Unit II.

1. The first portion (Unit II submission) of the course project involved a life cycle analysis (LCA).

2. The second portion (Unit III) was a pollution prevention (P2) audit.

3. This third and final portion (Unit V) examines the impact of corporate philosophy on P2 in an industrial setting.

Corporate Philosophy

The Unit V Course Project requirement is to use the same product that you researched in Units II and III to address the tasks below.

Appraise the importance of upper management’s commitment to P2.

Explore the value of corporate philosophy on P2 in the production of your product.

Unit two and three are attached in the upload

Must utilize information in the course textbook and at least one peer-reviewed article from the Online Library. In your paper, limit the number of direct quotations.

The vast majority of the paper should contain paraphrased information from your sources and should include your own thoughts on the role of corporate philosophy to P2.

This portion of your project should be at least (3) pages in length.

Course Project Submission

Since the course project is cumulative and this is the final portion of the project, please organize your paper as instructed below. Section headings should be APA Level 1 headings (centered, bold). The sections of the paper are listed below.

Title page
Introduction (One or two paragraphs)
Life Cycle Analysis (2- two -page minimum)
Pollution Prevention Audit (2- two-page minimum)
Corporate Philosophy (3-three-page minimum)
Conclusion (One or two paragraphs)
References page

Make changes to your LCA and P2 audit sections per your professor’s Unit II and III feedback before submitting your final course project.

Do not include a title page and references page for each section. Since this is a final report, only one title page and one reference section should be used.

Adhere to APA Style 7th Edition when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Evaluate an existing operation to determine employee’s current exposure to hexane,which is a chemical used in painting processes.

Employee Exposure Limits to Hexane

As the environmental health and safety (EHS) manager, you have been asked to evaluate an existing operation to determine employee’s current exposure to hexane,which is a chemical used in painting processes.

You are to complete an evaluation of the employee’s current exposure by determining the employee’s exposure to hexane (toxic contaminant) by calculating time-weighted average (TWA) and compare it to the permissible exposure limit (PEL) and modify the PEL, if necessary. If it is necessary to modify the PEL, explain the reasoning why it is to be modified. Once the current exposure has been determined, select the appropriate ventilation system between dilution and local exhaust that is the best choice to control the concentration of the contamination. Ensure that you provide the reasons why you think yourselection of ventilation system is the best choice. You are to provide the results in a three-page project report using the Unit III Consulting Report template.


An employee working in a room measuring 15 ft x 20 ft x 15 ft sprays paint assembly parts using a paint containing hexane.

The PEL for hexane is 500 ppm. The employee wears a half-face, air-purifying respirator, but management would like to install engineering control measures to reduce or eliminate the employee’s exposure to hexane. The options are to:

(1) install a dilution ventilation system,or (2) install a local exhaust ventilation system.

The employee works a 9-hour shift and has the following exposures:

Sample 1 – Concentration 550ppm – Sampling Time – 1.5 hours

Sample 2 – Concentration 400ppm – Sampling Time – 5.8 hours

Sample 3 – Concentration 375ppm – Sampling Time – 1.7 hours

For the general dilution ventilation system to work, there must be at least 20 room air changes per hour. The fan which supplies air to this area produces 1,500 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (Q).

In order for the local exhaust ventilation system to remove the contaminant to acceptable concentrations, the capture velocity must be at least 140 feet per minute (fpm). The proposed local exhaust system ventilation system uses a 1.0 feet
diameter duct and a fan that provides a total volume of 1,275 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The source of the contamination is located 1.5 feet from the opening of the duct. Determine the appropriate ventilation control and calculate the capture velocity.

Complete your project by following the Unit III Consulting Report template linked above. Ensure you show your equations and all work for determining answers for all three scenarios in the project document. You may either formulate the scenario equations using the Word equation formula toolbar or write out and solve your equations with answers on a separate paper.

Then, take a screenshot of your work for each scenario using your phone or similar device and insert it as an image in the document. Make sure your image is clear and legible to read.

No references are required for this assignment; however, if outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment

Describe the methods used to examine the differences that were observed in the species richness or evenness or between populations from the study.

Ecology PowerPoint Presentation

This report is about the difference in biodiversity or the difference in the populations of the Shenandoah Salamander that is found in the two study areas of Shenandoah National Park and the George Washington National Forest. The proper technique for measuring this species, which is a population count to determine which habitat out of the two study sites that the Shenandoah salamander best thrives in. Both study sites have numerous trails that allow for the opportunity to observe this species. One can also compare the results to past data then make an unbiased comparison to the two results.The research question that am proposing is if biodiversity amongst animal species is greater in places of higher elevation and in forests or if it is overall the same regardless of the type of preserved habitat.

Hypothesis for this study is that Shenandoah National Park will produce greater biodiversity and species success due to being situated in higher elevations which can reach up to 3000 feet which is typically more away from urban development and human populations.
Include the methods used to measure the differences in species richness and evenness or the methods used to measure the differences in the population characteristic (weight/mass).

In this section, describe the methods you used to answer your research question.Describe the methods used to examine the differences that were observed in the species richness or evenness or between populations from the study:

Discussion and Results
Take this information from the appropriate reports to compare the differences in these two communities based on your hypothesis.
You can use the graphs that you create in your presentation to explain the differences that you observed.
You will start to explain possible reasons behind the differences that you observed. This is where you will start to bring in what you have learned from this ecology course to explain your observations.

Explain and discuss the social and cultural life of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian people within their environments.

Explain and Discuss the social and cultural life of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian people within their environments.

Assessment 1. 1300 Word Essay

Write an essay on the following topic:

Refer to the diversity and variations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Use Unit readings for examples to illustrate your main points.

Your answer should each include a minimum of five references.Note that a minimum of two references must be drawn from the Key Readings cited in the Modules.

The remaining references should be drawn from the Further Readings cited in the Modules and/ or others that must be quality, peer reviewed sources. Internet sources must be reputable.

You should engage critically with the Required Readings.