Do you want to work in a government agency?How about a non-profit?

Interview is a Direct Support Professional at The devereux foundation. she is a certified lobotomist no degree Assignment 3: Public Health Interview You will send out a professional email to an individual who is currently working in the field of public health requesting a 30-45 minute interview with them. You will develop three (3) questions of your own to ask them, in addition to the five (5) questions below. This interview can be over the phone or via web conference. It is recommended that you do not conduct this interview in-person at this time. When you submit your assignment, be sure to include the three (3) questions that you developed. Summarize their answers to each question using complete thoughts and sentences. In addition to answering the eight (8) questions (5 below + 3 of your own), include the individual’s name, job title, and organization where they work. Be sure to have a response for all questions. Please note: Start this process early, as it may take several attempts to find someone. 1. Tell me about your job and what you do in a typical day at work.

2. Explain some of your current projects, programs, and/or services your organization provides.

3. Do you have any degrees, and if so what are they?

4. How or why did you get into the field of public health?

5. If you could give one piece of advice to an early-career public health professional, what would it be? * + 3 original questions of your own you are interested in asking You may ask questions in any order that you choose. Friendly tips: Take notes. If possible, and allowable, it may be helpful to record your interview, so that you have it in its entirety when writing your responses (note: this is not required, though). Consider emailing the final set of questions you will be asking your interviewee (including your 3 questions) ahead of time (again this is not required). It is estimated that your interview should take approximately 30-45 minutes. Let your interviewee know this ahead of time. Frequently Asked Question: But how do I find someone? Where do I even start? Answer: First, you can always reach out to the Instructor and ask them if a particular person you have in mind can ‘count’ for this interview. Second, this is a great opportunity for students to learn more about different types of public health organizations and to start building their professional network. One way to start this process is by asking family members, current colleagues, and even professors if they know any public health professionals. When you start this process, really think about the types of places and jobs you could see yourself in as a public health professional. Do you want to work in a government agency?How about a non-profit? Do you want to sit behind a desk or do you want to be in the field? Are there certain health issues you are passionate about? These are all important questions to ask yourself and then try to find a person who is doing the kind of work you could see yourself doing. A second way to go about finding someone is using LinkedIn. Many professionals on LinkedIn are more than willing to

What are the biggest problems with the monarch butterflies?

Disappearing Butterfly Forests” discussion forum

Lesson 3 Discussion Forum

Read the article titled, “Disappearing Butterfly Forests” found here and respond to the following questions.  You may simply post the questions and respond with your answers in bold.  Please support your answers with sources in APA format at the end of your post.

What are the issues affecting forests around the world?

How can forest resources be used on a sustainable basis?

What are the biggest problems with the monarch butterflies?

A response such as “agree with you” ” great job on your post” “awesome job” does not provide any details/insights in discussion forums. If you agree with a post say exactly what you agree with and how that post has added to your knowledge. You can also provide more insight on a post by providing additional information.

Total possible points = 100

Initial informative post = 40

Two additional informative posts = 60

How did the ammonia influence seed germination in your experiment?

Exercise 2: Effect of Air Pollution on Germination

Data Sheet

Table 6. Seed Germination Data

Sample Number of Seeds Germinated Percent Germination (%)



Exercise 2 Post-Lab Questions

How did the ammonia influence seed germination in your experiment?

Why do you think the seeds that did not germinate could not do so?

Using the internet, search for an example where air pollution caused the death of plants or crops. Summarize the cause, effect, and outcome of the event.

Besides primary producers, what other components of an ecosystem could be affected by air pollution?

Discuss what roles the salmon,bears,and scavengers play in matter transformation?

Why Trees Need Salmon

Lesson 2 Discussion Forum

Read the article titled, “Why Trees Need Salmon” found here and respond to the following questions.

Make sure to cite your sources for information after your post in APA format.  Sources are required for full points.  You can simply paste the questions and post your answers in bold.

Discuss what roles the salmon,bears,and scavengers play in matter transformation?

What role do the trees play in maintaining stream ecosystems?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ONE type of geoengineering technique.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ONE type of geoengineering technique.

Word length: 2000 words, excluding References, Figure captions and Tables. You should include a word count at the end of the essay. Essays that exceed this word length will be penalised.

You must also use the departmental guidelines on the style of your reference formatting which is Harvard referencing style

Outcomes assessed:

Knowledge & Understanding:

MLO 1: Discuss and apply key academic issues of relevance to your subject discipline in order to address complex problems,recognising that these may transcend the boundaries of individual modules.

Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:

MLO 2: Develop and apply a range of skills and practices that enable you to cope effectively with the demands of academic study at HE level.

MLO 3: Communicate effectively to diverse audiences using a range of formats and media, recognising the need to justify your own opinions and to challenge your own thinking and the thinking of others.

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA)

MLO 4: Develop and apply principles of reflective practice to monitor your academic performance and progress and use these in relation to personal development planning, self-improvement and in support of your future employability and long term career prospects.

MLO 5: Value curiosity, collaboration and analysis as keystones in the creation of new knowledge and practice and establish good working relationships with staff and fellow students.

No less than 10 academic sources

How does the author approach the study – from a theoretical,experimental,interpretive standpoint?Did they choose the best approach?

Critical Review

For this assessment you will be given an academic journal paper to critically review.

The paper is:

Sustainable development: Our Common Future revisited

Holden E., Linnerud K., Banister D.

(2014) Global Environmental Change, 26(1), pp. 130-139.

This task is an opportunity for you to demonstrate critical thinking,and to make connections between the literature you are reading. Here are a list of questions you can consider in your review:

What is the problem being addressed in this paper?

What are the strengths and limitations of the study?

How does the author approach the study – from a theoretical,experimental,interpretive standpoint?Did they choose the best approach?

How does the author engage with other literature in the field?Is there literature that both contradicts and supports his/her findings mentioned?

Did the researchers choose appropriate methods of experimentation and data analysis for the research question?

Do you think that the conclusions they draw based upon the data they present are valid and reasonable? Or are there gaps in the logic or assumptions being made?

These questions are meant as a guide and your critical review should not simply be a list of answers to these questions, nor should it simply describe the paper. Throughout your critical review you should provide provide reasoned judgements about how convincing the paper’s statements, claims, arguments and findings are. To do so, you will also need to refer to other literature you have been reading for weeks 1 and 2. For example, what does this paper contribute to how we might understand SD (linking here to debates around Brundtland or Planetary Boundaries)? How does it develop approaches to SD as set out by Hopwood et al., (2005) (Hopwood, B., Mellor, M., & O’Brien, G. (2005).

Sustainable development: mapping different approaches. Sustainable Development,

13(1), 38-52.

Advice on critical thinking is available here:

There is also a ‘how-to’ guide here:

Advice on how you might use resources when undertaking a review is available here:

Evaluate indirect forest sequestration,and other direct CO2 sequestration techniques.


1. Your state’s sole nuclear power plant is shutting down, and you are attending a hearing on sources of replacement power. Options on the table include building a coal-fired plant or a combined cycle gas plant. Make your choice and formulate an argument to defend it. (use the book chapters on coal and Nuclear energy as needed)

2. Your friend dismisses either a Carbon tax or Cap-and-trade scheme as just another example of government taking the people’s hard-earned money. How do respond?

3. Read the “Energy Extra” (pages 97-98) and share your views on fracking.Fracking a single natural gas well utilizes 20 million liters of water.

In a typical single-family residence, how long this water will last?

4. Evaluate indirect forest sequestration,and other direct CO2 sequestration techniques mentioned in the textbook (pages 142-145) in terms of cost etc.