Which global climate policy is the most robust?

Which global climate policy is the most robust?

Main task: Final individual assignment on Callies and Moellendorf’s text (attached). You are to familiarize Yourself with the text and answer the question (which is made up of several sub-questions). You must support your argument with at least three authoritative outside sources that you reference correctly.

Question: According to you, which global climate policy is the most robust (i.e. has the strongest justifications)? Formulate three solid objections to this policy and answer them. Does answering such criticisms lead you to alter or revise your initial argument? In which way?

See attached the additional information on formatting and comments from the professor in the notes.docx file, the Callies and Moellendorf’s text to be read in .pdf and the University’s examples/guidelines on APA referencing.

Identify sustainable environmental practices and science based solutions that are supported by credible evidence.

Emerald ash borer

For the final project, you will write a paper on an environmental issue of your choice. The United States Environmental Protection Agency website will be helpful in determining your issue. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of an environmental issue that impacts your local community, state,or region at varying levels including ecosystem, quality of life, and economics. These skills will benefit you as you pursue advanced research opportunities as well as careers within the regulation and remediation industry. You will analyze the steps taken to identify the solutions utilized and the success of these solutions,including the people or groups involved. You will be supporting your paper with credible peerreviewed research.

The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final submission is due in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Use credible environmental research for drawing basic connections among policy, science, and society

Describe the impact of economic considerations on environmental science and sustainable practices

Identify sustainable environmental practices and science based solutions that are supported by credible evidence

Explain how diverse individual, social, political, and economic factors influence response to environmental issues

What is the most effective level of government authority for environmental regulation?

Environmental Law. What’s a legal approach? Posted the syllabus picture and the essay 3 requirements are at the bottom of it.

Must be single spaced, minimum 2500 words. To answer the question- what is the most effective level of government authority for environmental regulation? Must be written in Chicago/Oscola format. Footnotes must be included, need proper structure and proper lead sentences. Must be in a persuasive writing format.It’s the last line on the piece of paper uploaded. In BOLD it says persuasive essay #3. That’s the essay that’s due for our final. Help to the best of your ability

Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.

Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 in your course textbook.

The purpose of this assignment is twofold: first, to enable you to explore a term (concept, technique, place, etc.) related to this week’s theme of sustaining atmosphere and climate; second, to provide your first contribution to a collective project, the Class Sustainable Living Guide. Your work this week, will be gathered (along with that of your peers) into a master document you will receive a few days after the end of the course. The document will provide everyone with a variety of ideas for how we can all live more sustainably in our homes and communities.

To complete this assignment,

Select a term from the list of choices in the Week 4 – Term Selection Table located in the course. Type your name in the table, next to the word that you would like to choose.

Do not select a term that a classmate has already chosen; only one student per term. If you choose a term that is hyperlinked to a source, that term is one that is not mentioned in our textbook. Instead of being required to use the text as your third source for completing the assignment, you will be expected to use the hyperlinked source provided for you.

Download the Week 4 Assignment Template Download Week 4 Assignment Templateavailable in the course and replace the guiding text with your own words based upon your online research.

Do not include a cover page. All references, however, should be cited in your work and listed at the end, following APA Style expectations.

In the template, you will

Define the term thoroughly, in your own words.

Explain the importance of the term using evidence.

Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.

Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term.

Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.

Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.

The Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate paper


Must be a minimum of three paragraphs in length (not including title, any quoted text, or references) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. To receive optimal credit, use at least one scholarly source from a peer-reviewed academic journal. To aid you in your research, and particularly in locating scholarly sources via the Ashford University Library or using Google Scholar, please review the following Ashford videos and tutorials:

Scholarly and Popular Resources (Links to an external site.)

Database Search Tips (Links to an external site.)

University of Arizona Global Campus Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Accessing Full text and citation in Google Scholar: SCI207 – Google Scholar (Links to an external site.)

Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Discuss how the term affects living beings (including humans) and/or the physical environment.

Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

[First Paragraph: Thoroughly define your term, using your own words to do so. In your definition, be sure explain why the term is important to know. Be as specific as possible and provide examples as necessary to support your ideas.]

[Second Paragraph: Discuss how the term affects living beings (including humans) and/or the physical environment. Provide examples as needed.]

[Third Paragraph: Suggest two clear, specific actions that you and the other students might take to promote environmental sustainability in relation to this term. Be creative and concrete with your suggestions. For example, you might recommend supporting a particular organization that is active in the field of your term. Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.]

Analyze the impact and future of hydroelectric energy,geothermal energy,and ocean energy.

Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

Identify examples of energy efficiency and conservation.

Analyze the impact and future of solar energy.

Analyze the impact and future of wind energy.

Analyze the impact and future of bioenergy.

Analyze the impact and future of hydroelectric energy,geothermal energy,and ocean energy.

Describe what goes into the true cost of energy and what policies might be enacted to encourage

Describe current energy sources and uses and how that might change in the future.

Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

Learning Outcomes

After reading this chapter, you should be able to

Define basic energy concepts.

Describe current energy sources and uses and how that might change in the future.

Explain how fossil fuels are formed.

Analyze the impact and future of coal.

Analyze the impact and future of oil.

Analyze the impact and future of natural gas.

Analyze the impact and future of nuclear energy.

Describe the opportunities and challenges of the energy transition.

Discuss human influences on such services you answered above and the consequences of losing ecosystem services. 

Ecosystem Services

Lesson 5 Discussion Forum

Discussion 5 will research ecosystem services.  Please read the article provided for this week.  In your discussion, please answer the following questions:

1.  Discuss at least 5 services provided by biodiversity.

2.  Discuss human influences on such services you answered above and the consequences of losing ecosystem services.

Support facts with appropriate documentation or references.  Cite these references at the bottom of your post in APA format.

Does this score indicate low collective efficacy,high collective efficacy,or somewhere in the middle?

Thinking about YOUR Community Health Reflection Project and using the place you have selected for it (i.e., where you were born or spent most of your time growing up), answer the questions in the first two slides of Lecture 13 and then find the collective efficacy score for that place. Remind everyone where this place is and share the collective efficacy score you calculated for it.

Does this score indicate low collective efficacy,high collective efficacy,or somewhere in the middle?

Do you agree with this score? Why or why not?

Think about the following terms discussed in Lecture 13:

Bonding social capital

Bridging social capital

Network-based Resources

Social Cohesion

Informal Social Control

Collective Efficacy

Pick two of these terms, briefly define them and then give a specific example for each from your own community.

Pick a third term and ask a classmate to define it and give their own example from their community.