Analyze the natural porosity and particle size of soil samples along with the chemical composition and profile of different soil types.

Properties of Soil: Agriculture and Water Availability Impacts Laboratory

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Properties of Soil: Agricultural and Water Availability Impacts investigation manual. This lab enables you to analyze the natural porosity and particle size of soil samples along with the chemical composition and profile of different soil types.

The Process

Take the required photos and complete all parts of the lab assignment . Use the Lab Worksheet as a resource to complete the Lab Report Template. Transfer any answers and visual elements from the Lab Worksheet into the Lab Report Template. You will submit the Lab Report Template through Waypoint in the classroom.

What health effects are caused by this stressor / hazard and what is its impact on public health?

Environmental health relates to health risks associated with aspects of the physical environment.

The mitigation and management of environmental health risk factors come with trade-offs which have impacts on other aspects and determinants of public health. Exposures to and impacts of environmental hazards and stressors are also not evenly distributed in the population.

Choose ONE environmental stressor / hazard from the following list:

Analyse and discuss the following in your essay:

1.What health effects are caused by this stressor / hazard and what is its impact on public health?
2.How do these health effects interact with other social determinants of health?
3.What actions could be taken by governments to mitigate these effects? In your answer, discuss the trade-offs for such actions and the impacts on other.

What is the difference between policies and strategies to “mitigate” climate change versus those that help people “adapt” to the effects of climate change?

What is the difference between policies and strategies to “mitigate” climate change versus those that help people “adapt” to the effects of climate change?

Give an example of a policy or action designed to “mitigate” climate change and one that designed to enhance our ability to “adapt” to the negative impacts of climate change.

What is the name of the system you used to determine soil color is called?What does mottling in the subsoil suggest?

Soil Sampling and Survey Assignment

You are to collect soil from 3 different locations, anywhere in Harford County – Sites could include your backyard, a state park, a farm field, literally anywhere where there is soil . Use the shovel to take a sample somewhere between 6-12 inches down.

⦁ If you added organic matter to your above soil sample, would the Munsell color notation change? Explain.

⦁ Bluish-gray colored soils are called gley, and are the color of reduced iron compounds. What does this tell you about the history of a soil with this color?

⦁ What is the name of the system you used to determine soil color is called?

⦁ Define mottling.

⦁ What does mottling in the subsoil suggest?

Were visual aids simple and easy to read/understand? Did the visual aids clearly support the conclusions of the author? Were they of professional quality? Were they appropriately labeled? How could the visual aids be revised to improve clarity and better support the conclusions of the author?

Analysis of temperature and activity

Write a detailed peer reviews of file uploaded self-study and its contents. Reviews should be professional in nature and should touch on both positive and negative elements of the student’s self-study.

1) Summarize the technical content and organization of the manuscript in 3-4 sentences.

2) The presentation was a discussion of an individual’s students circadian data delivered to a group of peers in order to impart knowledge and stimulate critical thinking. Did the author accomplish this purpose? Why or why not?

3) Main ideas stated clearly and logically? Was the manuscript easy to follow? Were the main points explained and supported by research/data? Did the conclusion adequately sum up the main points and purpose?

4) Was the content at an appropriate level for a graduate class? Were there areas within the content that were unclear or unsupported? Based on the data do you agree with the conclusions made by the author? Based on your interpretation of the data is there material that the author should add or revise? Was equal or appropriate weight given to each main idea? Was too much or too little focus given to particular points?

5) Were visual aids simple and easy to read/understand? Did the visual aids clearly support the conclusions of the author? Were they of professional quality? Were they appropriately labeled? How could the visual aids be revised to improve clarity and better support the conclusions of the author?

6)  Was the writing at an appropriate level for a graduate class? Was the appropriate format used? Are there specific typographical errors in the manuscript? Did the author hold your attention throughout the manuscript? Was the material presented in an effective way?

7) What were your personal feelings? Did the manuscript hold your attention? Did you feel a connection with the author?

Submit an EMS Case Study of a local government. Local governments occur within individual states at the county or municipality level, for example, city, town, borough, or village.

Submit an EMS Case Study of a local government. Local governments occur within individual states at the county or municipality level, for example, city, town, borough, or village. Type out your case study in a Word document and submit as an attachment.

The Case Study should be a fully developed, several paragraphs long, double-spaced review of the EMS Plan sections and provide 1) an overall review of the document, 2) items that interest or are valuable to the student, and 3) a statement of what was learned by reviewing the plan. Cite your source(s) in APA format.

Critically evaluate the success or otherwise of the approaches that may be taken to facilitate behaviour change in an environmental health related work situation and how these might be modified to improve the outcome.

Smoking Cessation

Critically evaluate the success or otherwise of the approaches that may be taken to facilitate behaviour change in an environmental health related work situation and how these might be modified to improve the outcome.

Smoking cessation intervention is the selected subject

What contributing factors put your patients and other staff members at risk? What food preparation practices that Susan was involved in put the patients and other staff members at risk?

Environmental Exposures and Human Health

Objective: To explain and evaluate the ways that environmental exposures affect human health.


After reading the chapters assigned this week and viewing the infographic on preventable causes of foodborne illness from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, address the following scenario:

Imagine you are the healthcare administrator of a 180-bed facility. Susan is a kitchen assistant who works in your healthcare facility. Susan was recently in contact with a family member who has influenza, then came to work with severe sniffles and sneezes. She also felt hot, and then cold, and had a few body aches. Susan believes she cannot afford to stay home, so she went to work and did not tell anyone how she was feeling. Susan assisted in the preparation of three meals before the chef noticed her physical condition and sent her home.

In a one- to two-page paper in APA Style, address the following:

What contributing factors put your patients and other staff members at risk?
What food preparation practices that Susan was involved in put the patients and other staff members at risk?

Which of the top four contributing factors has Susan committed by coming to work as a kitchen assistant in your healthcare facility?

Include a title page and a reference list. You must cite and reference the infographic and at least one other source. You may use your text as a source.

Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style format. Be sure to support your paper with references from the week’s readings and other relevant resources.

In what ways do these classrooms create a homey and welcoming feeling to the classroom? How do the teachers use nature? color, softness to create this feeling?

After reviewing the PowerPoint Slides and room arrangement video write a discussion post responding to the following questions.

1. How do these classroom arrangements help children learn to be independent? Give some specific examples.

2. In what ways do these classrooms create a homey and welcoming feeling to the classroom? How do the teachers use nature? color, softness to create this feeling?

3. Describe how the teachers have arranged the spaces considering traffic patterns and supervision.

4. What’s one idea you want to try in your own classroom?

Feel free to share any examples you have from programs you have visited, worked or even ideas from your childhood.