Determine the effect that wind speed has on the windchill equivalent temperature.Discuss the differences in the heating and cooling of land and water.

The subject is natural environments the atmosphere

Atmospheric and Surface Heating
Lecture Reference Material:
• Explain how Earth’s atmosphere is heated
• Describe the effect that the atmosphere has on absorbing, scattering and
reflecting incoming solar radiation
• List the gases in the atmosphere that are responsible for absorbing longwave
• Discuss the differences in the heating and cooling of land and water
• Summarize the global pattern of surface temperatures for January and July
• Describe how the temperature of the atmosphere changes with increasing
• List the cause of a surface temperature inversion
• Determine the effect that wind speed has on the windchill equivalent temperature.

Explain the adiabatic process and its effect on cooling and warming the air.Calculate the temperature and relative humidity changes that take place in air as the result of adiabatic cooling.

The subject is natural environments the atmosphere

Atmospheric Moisture
Lecture Reference Material:
• Chapter 5
Lab Objectives:
• Explain the processes involved when water changes state
• Use a psychrometer or hygrometer and appropriate tables to determine the
relative humidity and dew-point temperature of the air
• Explain the adiabatic process and its effect on cooling and warming the air.
• Calculate the temperature and relative humidity changes that take place in air
as the result of adiabatic cooling.
• Describe the global patterns of precipitation and its variability

Discuss the problem that the proposal will address. Detail why the plan or project the proposal recommends is necessary. Present facts and evidence that support the need for the plan/project.

Below are the components that need to be incorporated into your proposal. Your proposal should be a minimum of 10 pages  and a maximum of 15 pages; 12 font, double spacing, 1” margins. You are also allowed 3 pages for your Appendix.
Components of the Proposal:
Research the broader topic . Then once you’ve introduced the broader topic, narrow down your topic to pertain to the focus/main idea of the proposed project . Then briefly discuss the problem you intend to solve and how you plan to solve that problem .

Discuss the problem that the proposal will address. Detail why the plan or project the proposal recommends is necessary. Present facts and evidence that support the need for the plan/project.
Research the problem, in more detail, that you plan to address and narrow down the focus of the problem/issue/opportunity that you plan to address in the proposal.
Why is this topic important?

Research similar plans or projects and cite them, emphasizing their successes and/or how your proposal resolves the weaknesses, omissions, etc.
Find journal articles pertaining to what topic you are researching.
Read the articles and summarize the information that can help support what you are proposing in the grant.
Research suggest that when students are directly exposed to careers and opportunities in agriculture, they are more likely to major in colleges of agriculture .

List the objective(s) of your plan/project. Objectives include measurable outcomes that define your methods. Objectives must be tangible, specific, concrete, measurable and achievable in a specified time period.
Objectives are how you plan to address the problem/issue/opportunity that you’ve identified.

Discuss how to utilise leadership and communication skills to engage with stakeholders, promote environmental behaviour and overcome obstacles.


Write an Environment Management Report on the following points based on the household audit that you would do during your course. You must use the provided template to write this report

Your assignment is marked within the range from 1-100, and this will correspond to the marking criteria above.

Anglia Ruskin modules are taught on the basis of intended learning outcomes and, on successful completion of this module, you will be expected to be able to demonstrate you have met these outcomes.

Knowledge and Understanding: Critically apply environmental and sustainability principles, through the implementation of an environmental management system

Evaluate the implications of sustainability at the national, international and global level.

Critically assess and analyse sustainability issues based on real life applications of environmental practices, wellbeing and behavioural change.

Discuss how to utilise leadership and communication skills to engage with stakeholders, promote environmental behaviour and overcome obstacles.

Guidance Resources:

Class lectures and seminars should be carefully followed

What are natural resources and how do we use them? How has our use of natural resources changed over time? How does the use of natural resources impact our environment?

Gardening and Animal Domestication

SCI 218 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a paper that will be a comprehensive personal reflection and action plan focused on personal natural
resource use.
This project will assess your mastery with respect to the following course outcomes:
What are natural resources and how do we use them?
How has our use of natural resources changed over time?
How does the use of natural resources impact our environment?
o Apply scientific principles to make informed decisions about resource use
o Recognize and act on essential components of academic integrity
o Examine students’ perspectives of how they fit into the world community
o Examine students’ responsibility as stewards of the environment
Identify important connections between human and resource use
Become proficient at integrating and applying skills learned to everyday life
Demonstrate awareness of how natural resource use impacts their daily lives

What will be the impact of environmental change on the disease ?What additional knowledge is required?

Case study . SARS as chosen health topic.
This case study will allow you to explore in detail a particular one health issue . It is important that you do not just concentrate on one particular aspect of the disease e.g. just the epidemiology or just the characteristics of the disease or just the ecology, but rather take a one health approach and cover a range of aspects in the case study.

The question regarding what will be the impact of environment change on the disease will require you to do some hard thinking. In most cases you will not find references that give you the direct answer. You will have to take what you’ve found and what you know and then work out what the potential impacts will be
⦁ Animal-human-ecosystem dynamics
⦁ How can the disease be prevented?
⦁ What additional knowledge is required?
⦁ What will be the impact of environmental change on the disease ?

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue, why the sun and sky appear reddish at sunrise or sunset, or why clouds usually appear white?

Wx Talk: Sky and Clouds Show and Tell

All About the Water: Atmospheric Moisture and Clouds

Select one of the following discussion topics:
• Earth’s Colorful Sky – Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue, why the sun and sky appear reddish at sunrise or sunset, or why clouds usually appear white?

Read the Chapter 2 Focus Topic Blue Skies, Red Suns, and White Clouds to gain some insight on the physical reasons behind these things we observe daily but often take for granted.

By the fourth day of the module, formulate and post a roughly 200-word essay that succinctly addresses the discussion points provided for the topic. Identify the title of the topic at the top of your essay.

Who or what activities are being regulated or affected by the policy? Have these companies or groups resisted the regulation or policy? If so, how? Or do they appear to be accepting of the policy? Is there evidence of polarization among the public regarding this policy?

Texas Air Pollution Policies: Petroleum Industries Case Study

The paper should be approximately 16 pages, 6 Chapters in length, and have at least 15 peer-reviewed articles as references. Please, double-space your text and use a 12 pt. font.
Please clearly state your objective(s) in writing the paper and make sure to include these points:
1. Problem: CHAPTER 1: Overview of what the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting – what, who, when, why, and how? Is there some degree of scientific uncertainty associated with the problem?
2. Policy Response: CHAPTER 2: What public policies exist to regulate the problem/issue? What policy instrument(s) are being used?
3. Implementation: CHAPTER 3: Which agency is implementing the policy? Who has authority? What is the level of funding and source(s) of funding for implementation?
4. Policy Legitimation and Politics: CHAPTER 4: Who or what activities are being regulated or affected by the policy? Have these companies or groups resisted the regulation or policy? If so, how? Or do they appear to be accepting of the policy? Is there evidence of polarization among the public regarding this policy?
5. Evaluation: CHAPTER 5: Have there been any efforts to evaluate the policy? Have any reports been produced on how effective the policy has been? Any press articles describing the policy and its effectiveness? What type of data or information, and analysis would be required to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy? How should the results be shared and with whom?
6. Policy Fine-Tuning: CHAPTER 6: Finally, is there any evidence of efforts or interest in modifying the policy among policymakers, the public, or the regulated industry?

Water treatment plants – are they in good conditions, are they efficient? Do they need a better standard of wastewater before releasing to the environment?

Waste water treatment in South Africa – technological approach to dealing with wastewater into the next decade.

Wastewater treatment in South Africa – technological approaches to dealing with wastewater in the next decade.
The report should consist of an executive summary which provides key information from your main report including your suggestions for the future.
Three sections of the report.
An introduction, it should include information on the geography, land mass, water resources including river systems, population with proportions living in urban and rural areas, climate – is that have a high rainfall or is it a dry? What water resources does this country have available to them, is it one of the water stress areas of the world, does it have a lot of rivers and good ground water?
Climate and any water resources and pollution issue should be explored, including incidents of waterborne disease. Any specific issues in terms of water pollution – for instance, mining wastewater pollute the rivers, no treatment- it is going directly to the water courses and how much problem is that or the country doesn’t have very much in the way of an established sewage treatment approach, then you know what are the key pollution problems that related to public health for this nation. Any statistical information available to support your report and recommendation should be included.
Background information
Information on the range of wastewater treatment currently being employed with additional information on a range of other options for dealing with wastewater.
You may be looking at different approach for cities and rural areas, diagrams may be useful additions.
Water treatment plants – are they in good conditions, are they efficient?
Do they need a better standard of wastewater before releasing to the environment?
Relatively small city centers and a lot of rural areas on the outskirts and they may need a different approach.
Growing population in cities, do they need to do something drastic there?
Your assessment of future needs and recommendations as to the options available – along with your rationale for your recommendations. These should also consider feasibility and costs. This section of the report has higher weighting with regards to marks.