Summarize the results of your Environmental Scan and Porter’s 5 Forces. Evaluate the degree to which they aid in conceptualizing the company’s competitive position in its marketplace.

Your strategic plan must be future-oriented and must

Describe the company, the company’s history and its 4Ps .
Examine the company’s mission statement and assess its impact on the organization’s activities.
Explain the current situation of the organization in the market .
Add your SWOT analysis of your chosen company here. Evaluate areas that offer opportunities for
Choose three or four areas from your SWOT analysis and assess why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan
Summarize the results of your Environmental Scan and Porter’s 5 Forces.
Evaluate the degree to which they aid in conceptualizing the company’s competitive position in its marketplace.
Assess the company’s international performance in light of Cultural Barriers, Monetary Exchange Rates, and Political Instability.
Assess the financial performance and condition of the
Operational budget: Research and assess the company’s operational budget.
Assess the performance in terms of key performance indicators.

Describe the importance or significance of this question.Identify elements of effective literature-review articles.

Toxic and Environmental Effects of Benzene and its Compounds: A Systematic Literature Review.

Toxic and Environmental Effects of Benzene and its Compounds: A Systematic Literature Review.

Research question
Are Benzene and its compounds still environmental and health challenges?

Introduction to Identifying and Utilizing Peer-Reviewed Literature
1. Identify elements of effective literature-review articles
2. State the objective of your literature-review paper as a question.
3. Describe the importance or significance of this question.
Create an Annotated Bibliography
1. Identify at least 25 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to your topic
2. Write a brief description of the research objectives, methods, and findings of each article
3. Provide the full citation and journal “impact factor” for each article
Write the Discussion Section of your paper

What is its importance ? How much there is in the world? What is the process used to obtain the element?

Colorado Rocks, Minerals, & Rare Earth Elements

Colorado is a state rich in minerals, rock types, and rare earth elements, mainly due to its rich geological history. This Discussion has 2 parts, and you must write a paragraph on each: part 1 is on a time period where you will talk about what happened in Colorado’s at that time, and part 2 is about a rock type or mineral from the period you choose.
What is now the state of Colorado has a rich geologic history. Here are several major geologic events and their time ranges in the formation of Colorado :
The Laramide Orogeny from 70 to 50 million years ago ;
Your description must include:
Where it is located?
What is its importance ?
How much there is in the world?
What is the process used to obtain the element?
How expensive is it?
Are there political issues connected with its supply or demand?

Compare and contrast the findings with the literature from your perceptual cognitive skills and skill acquisition sessions, as well as your further reading. What effects have the environment played on the results?

The Influence of Environmental Factors on Perceptual Cognitive Skills in Football.

You have been recruited by the head of Academy Sport Science of a Category 1 football club as a psychology consultant to examine perceptual cognitive skills of their development squad . During an earlier session you have completed a battery of psychological tests examining the effects of various environmental factors on the acquisition of perceptual cognitive skills. You will be provided a data set and methodology for the study. Following conducing an appropriate statistical analysis, students will complete a 6-page report for the HASS with the following subsections and content:

The report should include a results section with appropriate statistical analysis. This will be discussed in more detail in the assessment feed forward session .


Compare and contrast the findings with the literature from your perceptual cognitive skills and skill acquisition sessions, as well as your further reading. What effects have the environment played on the results? What recommendations could be provided to either a player and/or coach from the skill acquisition literature?


Considering the psychosocial literature, consider what psychological aspects may influence the results from the experiment, as well the possible recommendations to reduce the influence of the aspects.

Does the article talk about the energy savings realized by coupling multiple buildings together? And if so, what are the energy and cost savings and other benefits?

District Geothermal, Heating or Energy Systems

Closer to home, in the Boston, MA, area, is a grass-roots “community networked” systems initiative started by the MA HEET organization. The Executive Summary of a report from HEET is in the Day 11 Materials folder, along with a video of a Town Hall featuring the founder of HEET and a Massachusetts gas utility, Eversource Energy, that is taking on a community geothermal district. T


One article for research is ok!

Make sure to answer the questions below while writing this paper!

Where did your current event come from? Cite the article/post/paper in the APA Style bibliographic format .

What types of thermal energy are being shared?
Provide a brief summation of the event and discuss the primary takeaways/conclusions to you and why you think so.

Does the article talk about the energy savings realized by coupling multiple buildings together? And if so, what are the energy and cost savings and other benefits?

How long does it take Sirius to just barely move off the Main Sequence ? At this point, what are the measurements of temperature, brightness, stage, and mass?

Working with a star twice our Sun’s mass . An example is Sirius, the dog star, is a nearby star that is about twice our Sun’s mass.
5. On the lower left of the simulation is the option to set the mass to 2 times our Sun’s;
do that by choosing 2X. Is it still on the Main Sequence? If so, what are it’s
temperature (x-axis), brightness (y-axis), stage, and mass?
6. How long does it take Sirius to just barely move off the Main Sequence ? At this point, what are the measurements of temperature, brightness, stage, and mass?
7. Stop the simulation or click on the dotted line at the highest temperature  what is the temperature here? Why?
8. At the end of the life cycle path, what how old is Sirius and what are its measurements ?

Define and draw a profile of a typical cold front.Interpret the data presented on a surface weather map.

The subject is natural environments the atmosphere 

Lab 7
Air Masses, the Midlatitude Cyclone and Weather Maps

Lab Objectives:
• Discuss the characteristics, movements and source regions of North American
air masses.
• Define and draw a profile of a typical warm front.
• Define and draw a profile of a typical cold front.
• Diagram and label all parts of an idealized, mature, midlatitude cyclone.
• Interpret the data presented on a surface weather map.
• Prepare and analyze a simple surface weather map using standard techniques.
• Use a surface weather map to forecast the weather for a city.

Calculate the temperature and relative humidity changes that take place in air as the result of adiabatic cooling.

The subject is natural environments the atmosphere

Atmospheric Moisture
Lab Objectives:
Explain the processes involved when water changes state.
Use a psychrometer or hygrometer and appropriate tables to determine the relative humidity and dew-point temperature of the air.
Explain the adiabatic process and its effect on cooling and warming the air
Calculate the temperature and relative humidity changes that take place in air as the result of adiabatic cooling.
Describe the global patterns of precipitation and its variability.