What keeps them together, the difficulties they each have, and how are they different from the others in the farm . How does its presence or absence affect different characters, in their actions and in their relationships? What does it require of people, and what does it offer them in return?

Of mice and men by John Steinback

Analyze how Steinbeck portray friendship in Of Mice and Men. For example, look at the complex relationship between George and Lennie as well as other character relationships in the novel.

What keeps them together, the difficulties they each have, and how are they different from the others in the farm . How does its presence or absence affect different characters, in their actions and in their relationships? What does it require of people, and what does it offer them in return?

What questions would you ask to find out more about the quality of the data? Why is it important to gather and report valid and reliable data?

A company that sells tea and coffee claims that drinking two cups of green tea daily has been shown to increase mood and well-being. This claim is based on surveys asking customers to rate their mood on a scale of 1–10 after days they drink/do not drink different types of tea. Based on this information, answer the following questions:
How would we know if this data is valid and reliable?
What questions would you ask to find out more about the quality of the data?
Why is it important to gather and report valid and reliable data?
4. Identify two examples of real-world problems that you have observed in your personal, academic, or professional life that could benefit from data driven solutions. Explain how you would use data/statistics and the steps you would take to analyze each problem. You may also choose topics below to help support your response:
Productivity at work.
Financial decisions and budgeting.
Health and nutrition.
Political campaigns.
Quality testing in products.

Write your introduction for the symposium, along with your outline for the presentation. Submit both parts of the assignment, as one MS Word file, to the drop box prior to your presentation.

Speech 5: Symposium

The topic is your college major, its requirements, mentioning a class or two that you feel are the most important classes you have or will be taking, what career can be chosen using this major and your career goals, including how speech communications will be a part of your future goals, 3-4 minutes.

Write your introduction for the symposium, along with your outline for the presentation. Submit both parts of the assignment, as one MS Word file, to the drop box prior to your presentation.

Summarize and differentiate among the fire prevention responsibilities of public and private fire prevention organizations and associations.

Fire service

For this assignment, you will compose an essay consisting of at least two pages in which you discuss the following topics:
the characteristics and goals of public and private fire prevention and protection organizations, why it is important for public and private fire prevention and protection organizations to exist, and how public and private fire prevention and protection organizations interact with one another and with other emergency services agencies.

At the end of this essay, you will include a section in which you will list five to seven interview questions that you will ask your interviewee about his or her role in a public or private fire prevention organization. Include such information as who he or she works with in other public or private organizations that serve a fire prevention mission and what his or her responsibilities are.
The questions that you draft should help you capture information that will allow you to summarize and differentiate among the fire prevention responsibilities of public and private fire prevention organizations and associations. Your questions should also allow you to gather information concerning the functions of a fire prevention division, inspection practices and procedures, the standards for professional qualification for personnel within fire prevention, and professional development opportunities for fire prevention personnel.

Outline the ways in which Wright both loves and seems to care for his father. Refer to specific moments in the text to make your arguments. Also, explain and explore how his father’s rage affects Wright.

James Baldwin has a very complicated relationship with his father, sometimes writing how much he hates him, but also trying to figure out the deeper reasons for his father’s rage, some connected to his father’s personality and some connected to racism, the legacies of slavery, and the cruelty of Jim Crow laws.

Outline the ways in which Wright both loves and seems to care for his father. Refer to specific moments in the text to make your arguments. Also, explain and explore how his father’s rage affects Wright.

Write a page argumentative essay using the classical model supported by evidence and research.

Should public officials be able to block citizens on social media

Write a page argumentative essay using the classical model supported by evidence and research.

The essay should be 4-6 pages approximately 1000-1500 words in length
Argumentative Essay Guidelines must be followed or submission will not be graded
Double-space the essay and use 1-inch margins
Use a readable 12-point font
All writing must be appropriate for an academic context
Composition must be original and written for this assignment
Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited

Remember the word “argument” does not mean a fight in a writing context. An academic argument is more like a thoughtful conversation between two people with differing viewpoints on a debatable issue. However, you are required to take a position on one side of the issue.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the touchstone.
Your submission must include an APA style reference page following the essay. In your research, you will need 2-4 credible primary or secondary sources to use as support in your essay.

Determine the 5 books from your text set that most clearly communicate a common message. List the five texts you have chosen, the theme statement that you have developed through reading the texts, and the reason you felt the books connected thematically in that way.

Review the following document and select one of the five digital text sets for this assignment:

Lit 467 Thematic Digital Text Sets

As you work through the books in this simulation, take some notes about the texts and what stands out to you as important messages from the selected children’s literature. Look for a prominent theme that develops through the texts. Each person that encounters a text can interpret it many ways. As such, there will not be a simply right or wrong answer for your theme. So long as you can determine the common theme clearly, and defend it, much like your theme statement in your literary analysis papers, and write it as a proper theme statement , you will be on the right track.

Determine the 5 books from your text set that most clearly communicate a common message. List the five texts you have chosen, the theme statement that you have developed through reading the texts, and the reason you felt the books connected thematically in that way.

Consider that these books are just a sample of the quality children’s literature available to you, both online and at libraries. As such, your own thematic unit should incorporate no more than one or two of the books from these lists. Use these titles as branching off points to find your own quality literature to use with your own signature assignment

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using picture books in middle and high school?

Quotation: “Picture books often are considered to be only for the very young. Yet picture books—from rugged board books for babies to the mysterious tales of Chris Van Allsburg and Shaun Tan, which adults appreciate wholeheartedly—exist for a wide range of readers”. I think that the idea of using picture books in middle-school and even high-school classes is a great idea. Teens and adults secretly love picture books just as much as kids; when I was in middle school, our teacher still read aloud to us after lunch. It allowed for a much needed escape from the pressures of middle school and a chance to be a kid again.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using picture books in middle and high school?
One advantage might be that there is such a wide range of picture books now, some dealing with complex themes like gay marriage and homosexual parents. This might be a relatively safe way to introduce that topic in middle school. Are there other similar topics that picture books cover?