Write a 3-5 page analysis, speculating on how your organization might react to implementing the proposal you created in the first assessment, Innovative Trends in Education.

Write a 3-5 page analysis, speculating on how your organization might react to implementing the proposal you created in the first assessment, Innovative Trends in Education. Concentrate on understanding how, as a leader, it would be best for you to position the proposal for successful stakeholder acceptance and cooperation.

For this assessment you will consider how the mindset of a leader is a key determinant in successfully leading innovation and change. You will remember studying mental models in your previous courses. These mental models are elements of a person’s mindset, are usually deeply ingrained and long held, and influence a person’s decisions and responses to external circumstances and events. Leaders hold mental models that can help or hinder them in their roles. If long-held beliefs and opinions support progress, the leader can succeed; however, the converse may also be true. For example, would you rather be trusted or managed?

Describe your academic and career plans and any special interest  that you are eager to pursue as an undergraduate at Indiana University.

Academic and Career plans

The questions on this page are being asked by Indiana University Bloomington
Describe your academic and career plans and any special interest  that you are eager to pursue as an undergraduate at Indiana University.

Also, if you encountered any unusual circumstances, challenges, or obstacles in pursuit of your education, share those experiences and how you overcame them.  This essay may be used in scholarship consideration.

What is their most significant strength and their most significant weakness?Does their recent performance indicate they are generally winning or losing in this playing field?

Where to Play: Playing Field, Competition & Your Organization

In this section you will identify the two most formidable competitors in your
playing field and address the following for each:
a. How big is each competitor in this target segment?
b. What is their most significant strength and their most significant weakness?
c. Briefly explain how this strength and this weakness impact their ability to compete effectively.
d. Does their recent performance indicate they are generally winning or losing in this playing field?
Support your conclusions with data.
e. Has anyone  introduced any game-changing new
products/technology/capabilities? Have they developed (or lost) a key competitive advantage?
3. Organizational Assessment; In this section you will “turn the mirror around” and look inward to assess
the capabilities and competencies of your chosen organization. Briefly address the following:
a. How big are we in this target segment?
b. What is our most significant strength and our most significant weakness?
c. Briefly explain how this strength and this weakness impact our ability to compete effectively.
d. Do our recent results indicate we are generally winning or losing in this playing field? Support your conclusions with data.
e. Have we introduced game-changing new products/technology/capabilities? Have we developed a key competitive advantage?
4. Key Conclusions: Provide a succinct c

List all key points that support your research  a bulleted list in complete sentences is sufficient for now, which you will expand in the final proposal.

Use this link to access the Education Databases on UTSA library’s website: https://libguides.utsa.edu/sb.php?subject_id=90902
4. Choose ERIC
• Type appropriate search terms
• Choose options for ‘Full Text’, ‘Peer Reviewed’ and adjust the ‘Date Published’ based on our parameters
5. You can also use Google Scholar through the UTSA library’s webpage to access full text articles
6. Read each article and identify the following items in your submission
In your submission include:
• For each article:
o Complete reference in APA format
o State the focus of article in a couple of sentences
o List all key points that support your research  a bulleted list in complete sentences is sufficient for now, which you will expand in the final proposal

Conduct qualitative data gathering loosely related to the Final Research Proposal topic on an educational setting. Observe a potential learning activity, carefully separating your detailed observational notes from your interpretations.

Research Reflection Memo A: Observations
Conduct qualitative data gathering loosely related to the Final Research Proposal topic on an educational setting. Observe a potential learning activity, carefully separating your detailed observational notes from your interpretations.
In great detail, describe what was going on in this situation.
From your interpretation, to what extent was learning taking place? Some examples could be: 1) formal site: school or school classroom; 2) informal site: watching an adult teach a child how to cook, clap, etc. or observing a family member or friend describe the details of their life to someone else; or 3) nonformal site: activities at a community organization.
Prior to the observation session, students will develop an observation protocol. Students are required to conduct a total of two observation sessions. Observation sessions should be approximately one hour.
During the observation, students will take observational notes guided by your observation protocol.
After completing observation activities, you need to write a 2-page reflection memo regarding their experiences and what you have learned, both in terms of content and in terms of practicing observational methods.
Submit protocol and raw observation notes with assignment. The plan is to have this assignment inform parts of the Assignment 6 Methods Section final part to come.

Locate at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and provide at least one citation from each source as an in-text citation within your paper.

Write 1,750-2,000 word paper. Research indicates the most effective and productive configuration for collaborative work is extended blocks of time scheduled within the school day. However, teachers do not like to take time away from their classrooms or other responsibilities. This seems to create a scheduling issue and obstacle to collaboration. In your paper, do the following:

Make a convincing argument that sufficient collaboration time can be consistently available to teachers without impinging on their classroom time or other responsibilities.
Discuss the budget constraints placed on collaborative decision-making.
Use the information from your readings, your personal experience, and personal observations as evidence to support your argument.
Locate at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and provide at least one citation from each source as an in-text citation within your paper.
Write an abstract of one scholarly research source you used to write the paper. Clearly identify the abstract as a separate section of the paper entitled “Literature Abstract.” Use the following guidelines to write the abstract:

briefly describe the purpose, intent, and scope of the study, including the statement of the problem, hypotheses or research questions, and key concepts.

Identify strategies to communicate timely and meaningful feedback with students and families, including student self-reflection strategies.

English Language Learners Assessments

Assessment Description
Communication with families of ELLs can be challenging but it is vital for student success and family engagement. Many families may be unfamiliar with the standard practices of education in this country. Understanding assessment and how assessment data is used can be particularly difficult to discuss depending on the families’ previous experience with assessment in other educational settings.

Create a digital newsletter for families of ELLs to explain assessment practices.

Consider how you communicate the information for non-native English-speaking families. Include the following in your newsletter:
• Description of each type of assessment , including how and when each will be used to support English language and/or content area instruction
• Explanation of alignment of the assessments to ELP and content standards and the use of assessment data to determine student progress in both language and content
• Description of testing accommodations for ELLs
• Discussion of how the data from assessments will be used to inform instructional decisions and planning, including enrichment and interventions
• Identify strategies to communicate timely and meaningful feedback with students and families, including student self-reflection strategies.
Support your newsletter with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Why is student self-reflection important as a formative assessment? What are some methods to help ELL students develop self-reflection strategies?

What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students.

Why is student self-reflection important as a formative assessment? What are some methods to help ELL students develop self-reflection strategies? How can you help learners at any English language proficiency level to use self-reflection strategies?

What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why? What is an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses?

Canvas – Course Management System

What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why?
What is an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses?
Please discuss which Canvas tools you will use for group activities?
What do you think about using a button to like your students post? Does it take away from providing feedback?

Explain why or why not. If you do not think a patent is possible, discuss if there would be another way to protect his “Beverage-Based Management” idea.

You own a warehouse in an industrial district. This year you’ve installed the latest sprinkler and other fire remediation measures. You’re proud of the preventive steps you’ve taken, especially when you consider the neighboring warehouse where the owner has installed the bare minimum to comply with fire department regulations. You call your insurance agent and ask if you can take out fire insurance on the neighboring warehouse. Your insurance agent is sympathetic to having a neighbor who doesn’t seem to care as much as you about fire safety, but he tells you he can’t sell you such insurance, and he doesn’t think any ethical agent will. Why not? What principle of insurance law is involved?

Your friend provides research studies showing that caffeine can increase alertness and productivity, while alcohol can reduce inhibitions and increase communication between employees. You are skeptical of his idea but think some companies might buy his system . Your friend wants to get a patent on “Beverage-Based Management.” Based on your reading in this module, do you think his idea could be patented? Explain why or why not. If you do not think a patent is possible, discuss if there would be another way to protect his “Beverage-Based Management” idea.