.Do you consider this to be efficient or is much of the advertising wasted money?

Firms that operate in industries that have the characteristics of monopolistic competition advertise heavily just to get their brand names known and try to convince customers that their products are “unique” while the products often are only slightly different.Do you consider this to be efficient or is much of the advertising wasted money?Can you think of some products where advertising seldom occurs when consumers could use more information?Incorporate appropriate relevant and biblical principles into your response.


What would be the impact on the economy and on society?


The academic discipline of economics teaches that the goal of the firm is to maximize profits. In this session, the concept of “market power” is the focus of study. A monopoly has complete market power while a monopolistically competitive firm has only limited market power. Gaining market power means ‘beating out the competition’ and firms often spend large sums of money to gain and extend market power while seeking higher profits.

This drive for profit against competition also benefits society, since it allows the most efficient producers to survive in the market and hence deliver quality product and services to consumers. Moreover, Jesus also taught and commended industry (the ambition to use our resources profitably) in several parables (the wise and foolish virgins – Matthew 25.1-11; the bags of Gold – Matthew 25.26-27; the shrewd Manager – Luke 16.1-9).

On the other hand Jesus taught and demonstrated ultimate selflessness on the cross (Matthew 5.38-40; Matthew 10.38; Mark 10.45). Like Christ, Paul also taught selflessness as (1 Corinthians 6.7-9; Philippians 2.1-11) as did Peter (1 Peter 3.9). Moreover, nothing we do must override our moral and ethical obligations (Matthew 16.26 ). Share with the class, how Christian entrepreneurs, managers, and business leaders can reconcile the exhortation toward selflessness and ethics, versus the ambition to succeed, which includes beating out the competition in the marketplace.

Do you perceive that a society built on these concepts might provide a better world than what we often observe. If we truly could reduce conceit, and not provoke each other nor envy others,what would be the impact on the economy and on society?




Here is the prompt with requirements and the questions: Listed below is a question concerning macroeconomics. Your task is to answer the question completely,You DO NOT need literature cited page. DO NOT DIRECTLY QUOTE ANY SOURCE, DIRECTLY QUOTING A SOURCE WILL RESULT IN A 25 POINT REDUCTION IN YOUR PAPER. Your paper should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Introduce the topic/concepts, answer the question in the body, and then draw a conclusion. Answer the question, get in and get out. Grammatical mistakes will cost you 10 points per mistake and the omission of any pertinent economic information or inclusion of incorrect economic information will cost you 10 points each. Your paper should also read smoothly. Rough or choppy papers will lose a maximum of 10 points. Your paper should be no more than 2 pages double spaced (1 page is fine as long as you answer the question) in 12 point Times New Roman font. The paper should be typed and saved in a WORD DOCUMENT and include your name at the top of the first page. Save the paper with your last name as the file name, for example, my paper would be McCracken. You should deliver the paper via Blackboard email with YOUR NAME as the subject. EXPLAIN WHY TOTAL INCOME AND TOTAL OUTPUT HAVE TO EQUAL

How the housing crisis of 2007 impacted the US Economy.

How the housing crisis of 2007 impacted the US Economy.The research paper requires me to link my topic to what we have learned in class.have attached 2 files, one is from the instructor with information on format and requirements, the other is my topic choice. There is a book we have been reading throughout the class, if you would like access to the digital version let me know and can give you the log-in information for my Chegg account so you can see exactly what it is we’ve been learning about.

Compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?

Tariffs and quotas are a hot topic. For this paper, you will research tariff on tires and steel and aluminum. The paper should be a minimum of 500 words, MLA or APA style and use at least three outside sources. Two sources to start:

Compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?What impact has the tire tariff have on the economy overall?In your opinion, is the tariff effective in changing the economic performance of a country?

Discuss pending Medicare fee restructuring under the ACO, bundled payment, and the ACO, what’s different? How will these changes impact health care delivery and access? 

Medicare bases eligibility primarily on age (65 or over).  Medicare comes closer to the concept of social insurance that is employed in most industrialized countries of the world; it is financed by a designated tax and premium payments, and operates out of a trust fund.   Medicare involves substantial effective transfer payments from younger persons who are currently working to those who are older, retired, and no longer paying the tax.  The largest gap in the current Medicare program is coverage for long term care.

Part 1.Discuss statistics on physician incomes.Explain how the Medicare RBRVS reimbursement system was designed to rebalance incomes across specialties and provide more payment for thinking and caring.Discuss pending Medicare fee restructuring under the ACO, bundled payment, and the ACO, what’s different? How will these changes impact health care delivery and access?


Discuss how zoos have evolved over the past 50 years to become conservation centers. Incorporate the role of zoos in educating the public into your response.

Assignment Directions:

Discuss how zoos have evolved over the past 50 years to become conservation centers. Incorporate the role of zoos in educating the public into your response.
Discuss some of the economic pressures faced by zoos—namely space, capacity, and resources—that can affect their conservation efforts.
How does a species get on the Endangered Species List?
Take a virtual trip to the zoo using one of the links below and observe at least one of the endangered species.
Take a Virtual Visit to the Zoo

You can take a virtual visit to the zoo any day of the week by tuning into any of the following live webcams, which feature many endangered animals. The World Wildlife Fund lists many of these animals as priority species.The Reid Park Zoo in Arizona has webcams of lions, giraffes, elephants, lemurs, grizzly bears, and flamingos
Pick an animal webcam of your choice
Make your own ethogram. An ethogram is a graph or chart of animal behavior that is used to compare certain behaviors that can be observed while animals are in captivity. Choose one animal from the webcam links above and observe its behavior at several different times during the day or over the course of several days. Take notes on its behavior using the ethnogram (include this chart in your essay). Choose 4 or 5 different time points (on the hour or half hour, it does not need to be the same day or the exact time point).
Give your chart a title and include it in your essay.