Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health?

Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined as the value of final goods and services that are produced in a country’s territories within a certain time period, usually a year.

In your paper,

Assess GDP’s importance.

Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health?

Discuss using GDP to evaluate the business cycle.

Examine factors that may affect the business

Evaluate the health of the current U.S. economy by its GDP, business cycle, and economic growth.

The Measure of Economic Health paper

Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Writing Center resources.

Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or other credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.


Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.

A case analysis of Uber

Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at Uber.com.

Construct an eight-page analysis of Uber using the following criteria.
Analyze the market before Uber’s entry. Describe the inefficiency Uber exploited.
Explain Uber’s surge pricing in the context of shifts in supply and demand.
Evaluate Uber’s surge pricing in the context of price discrimination.
Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to Uber’s business model.
Apply the concepts of game theory to Uber’s market.
Assess Uber’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.
Discuss any asymmetric information issues with Uber’s business model.

Your essay must be at least eight pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least five peer-reviewed resources.Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

If you wish to include a supply and demand graph in your paper, view the video How to Graph in Word for some guidance. Also, not that any graphs you include in your paper should be placed in the Appendix of your paper.

Describe the state of the U.S. Economy for the years between 2012 and now in terms of macroeconomic measures discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates).

US Economy

Research Topic and Instructions
This research assignment requires analysis of economic data and policies in a manner that displays advanced understating of the topics and models/theories presented in the Macroeconomics course. The assignment has two major parts. Each part contains multiple components.Address both parts and each of the specified components in sufficient detail in one comprehensive research paper. You must correctly use most of the relevant key concepts and models/theories learned in the course.

Part I: Description of the State of the U.S. Economy
Describe the state of the U.S. Economy for the years between 2012 and now in terms of macroeconomic measures discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates). discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates). Select ONE of these macroeconomic measures to write about. Use data from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), http://www.recovery.gov, and other government agencies and departments, such as Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics), Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis), etc. and present the data in charts, graphs, or tables.

As you will notice from your data analysis, the economy passes through different phases and turns. Discuss the implications of a given state (for example, recession) in terms households, businesses, and the entire society. Share your thoughts as to why it is important for you to understand the different states through which the economy passes. Share personal examples and experiences. While Covid-19 has been a major disruptor of the economy, it should not form the major basis for your paper, so many other things have taken place since 2012.

Part II: Analysis of Economic Policies
In your analysis of the macroeconomic data, you will notice that the U.S. economy passed through a major recession. Based on research, discuss the underlying causes of the recession. Identify monetary and fiscal policies implemented by the Federal Reserve and the government to deal with the recession.
Evaluate the expected and actual effects of each policy.Your response needs to include the name of the policy, description of the policy, the year it is implemented, and discussion of expected and actual outcomes in terms of the GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates.
After close observation of the different perspectives discussed in the course, share your position on the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies to deal with recession or inflation.
As part of the economy, each of us will be affected by the state of the economy and the actions policy makers take to stabilize or advance it. Conclude by sharing why understanding these actions and outcomes matter to you as an individual who is part of the economic system. How do they affect the society/economy? What could be done differently? Share personal examples and experiences

General Guidelines
The paper must be 1000 – 1500 words long, typewritten, double-spaced, with 1” margins and 12pt. Times New Roman font. The paper must be written in essay format, using standard written English with a clear introduction and conclusion. Organize your paper with the following subheadings:
Description of the State of the U.S. Economy
Analysis of Economic Policies
Personal Reflections and
You must use at least four credible sources coming from academic journal articles (you will need to visit the library to know what a journal article looks like and where it can be retrieved – most journal articles come from databases e.g.: EBSCO host or Academic Search Premier etc.)

You must use APA-formatted in-text citations (It is important that you identify all items directly copied or paraphrased from other sources by including the source each time you cite or paraphrased other people’s work. Read TCCD’s policy on plagiarism)
You must include an APA-formatted reference page. Below is an example of how you can cite your sources in the work cited list in APA format: – this how you will list in the reference page or work cited list:
Dommer, S. L., Swaminathan, V., & Ahluwalia, R. (2013). Using differentiated brands to deflect
Exclusion and protect inclusion: the moderating role of self-esteem on attachment to
Differentiated brands. Journal of Consumer Research, 40. doi: 10.1086/671763.

This is a research paper:
Limit personal opinions on the issues – this means you must paraphrase any words obtained from your sources.
Do not copy and paste basic definitions of concepts and descriptions of theories from the text or other sources; show the applications of these concepts in the real world.
The major portion of the paper must be written in your own words.

If you happen to use tables or graphs, incorporate them in your paper using APA formatting

Evaluate in writing the methodology of Spiegel 2010.


Both peer reviews should be 540 words.

Evaluate in writing the methodology of Spiegel 2010 (540 words)

Evaluate in writing the methodology of Varshney 2002 (540 words)

Trainor, Audrey A and Graue, Elizabeth (eds), 2013: Reviewing qualitative research in the social sciences. Routledge. (chapter 10)

Varshney, Ashutosh, 2002: Ethnic conflict and civic life. Yale Univ. Press.

Explain whether you believe that the UK government interventions does or did not effectively address the fair provision of merit goods.

Private vs. private goods in the UK and social welfare

This assessment focused on the difference between private goods, which can be efficiently provided by markets, and public goods, which markets fail to supply in an equitable way to the public. Merit and demerit goods will also be considered in order to analyse their positive or negative impacts on society, and why government
intervention may be required to control access to these goods.
Task 1: 45/100 marks (900+ words)
Using economics theories from Krugman & Wells textbook (2020, 5th edition), and current UK examples from the past three years (2018-2021),explain why the UK economy requires both public and private goods, giving examples of when the UK market fails to provide access to necessary private goods, why and how the UK government must provide public goods.
Analyse examples of when the UK government has difficulty in providing sufficient access to public goods. Explain whether you think UK social welfare programmes do or do not result in fair access to public goods. Use relevant examples of UK public and private goods, providing real-life examples and references from the UK market and UK news in 2020 to support your explanations.

Task 2: 45/100 marks (900+ words)
Using economics theories from Krugman & Wells textbook (2020, 5th edition), and current UK examples from the past three years (2018-2021),discuss merit and demerit goods in the UK market. Analyse real-life examples of merit and their positive impacts on society, and contrast this with analysis of demerit goods in the UK and their negative impact on society.
Analyse how the UK government used policies and funding to improve access to merit goods, and how it discourages and reduces access to demerit goods, providing real examples of UK government interventions
and strategies.
Explain whether you believe that the UK government interventions does or did not effectively address the fair provision of merit goods. Include relevant examples and references from the UK from the past three years (2018-2021),
UK news, and UK government publications to support your explanations.

How would you characterize the U.S. credit market today (July 14, 2021) in terms of the full spectrum of credit risk, from “Very Benign to Very Stressed”?

Credit Risk

Answer the below question:
How would you characterize the U.S. credit market today (July 14, 2021) in terms of the full spectrum of credit risk, from “Very Benign to Very Stressed”? In other words, where are we in the credit cycle? You should defend your evaluation. Do you think that the default rate on U.S. High-Yield bonds will be higher, lower or about the same as the historical average (3.3%) for 2021? Why?

Discuss the alternative types of supply-side policies that are designed to increase potential output and hence long-run aggregate supply.

Macro Economics

Answer ONE question:
Discuss the alternative types of supply-side policies that are designed to increase potential output and hence long-run aggregate supply. (2000 words, 100 marks)

Discuss the alternative policy options a country can undertake to alleviate a balance of payments surplus/deficit. (2000 words, 100 marks)


Describe two examples of mutualistic relationships found on the coral reef in the video.

 Exploring Ecosystems
Watch the following video:
Exploring Ecosystems: Coral Reef Symbiosis | California Academy of Sciences

Describe two examples of mutualistic relationships found on the coral reef in the video. Be sure to describe how each organism benefits in the relationship. Provide images illustrating the relationships. How do these interactions influence patterns of distribution and abundance within this ecosystem as a whole?

What were some of the long-run costs associated with operating the business?

Now consider the benefits and costs to businesses in the marketplace: Choose one of the following businesses that are now extinct: Circuit City, Pan Am, or Tower Records. Address the following questions in your assignment:

What were some of the long-run costs associated with operating the business?
Who were their competitors?
What were the factors that contributed to the decision to shut down the business?
Do you think your chosen company could have been successful by adopting a mutually beneficial partnership, similar to organisms in the wild? Why or why not?
Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above.