How does a three faces of power approach help us to understand the power corporations possess?

Report on the World’s Most Powerful Companies

How ‘real’ is the concept of globalisation? Which interpretation of it seems most relevant to you?

What does a ‘global corporation’ look like?

Where do you think they ‘fit’ in the international political economy theories? What role do they play as opposed to states and society?

How does a three faces of power approach help us to understand the power corporations possess? Give examples of the political power they possess in each of the three ‘faces’.

What impact will these vaccines have on the market place and the monopoly characteristics identified in this discussion?

We examine the potential to create monopolies through the intervention of government policy in an attempt to influence the rapid creation of a COVID-19 Vaccine. The New Republic article, “How to Break a Big Pharma Monopoly on a Covid-19 Vaccine” by Alexander Zaitchik (New Republic, August 24, 2020), reviews the impact that government policy can have on medical research and the potential creation of a monopoly in the process.

Identify those factors which can contribute to the creation and maintenance of a monopoly position by a firm under the circumstances identified in this article. Given the properties of a monopoly market structure, how would you amend government policy to prevent the formation of a monopoly while pursing this public good? In your opinion, is a monopoly structure necessary to rapidly advance the production of a COVID-19 vaccine or any other public good? Defend your response.

Now that three vaccines have been approved in the US, and other vaccines have been approved in Russia, China and other countries, what impact will these vaccines have on the market place and the monopoly characteristics identified in this discussion? Do we still see an effective monopoly, or is there potential for competition? Defend your response.

Explain why large and loosely coordinated nomadic confederations that moved with their herds continued to prosper and grow with EACH phase.

Clayton Duecker

Economic Growth in human history tends to go through phases where the Ricardian trap shifts between a natural resource constraint (fertile land, sufficient rainfall, critical mineral) or a human capital constraint (need more or better trained people). Humans routinely failed. Yet when humans did succeed in breaking any Ricardian limit (natural resource or population), human populations grew.

For example, early farming is considered a resource management solution to resource scarcity either because hunting and gathering was becoming more difficult or because its success led to more children where a nomadic existence made child rearing more difficult.

Explain these 3 long phased changes:

1. Early settled agriculture, early city states and early empires faced a human capital Ricardian Trap, which eventually induced the dual creation of larger empires and trading city states.

2. Very large empires faced a resource trap where economic growth and political power required more diverse goods, which eventually induced still large but much smaller empires that deliberately cultivated and protect trade.

3. Smaller trade friendly empires faced a human capital constraint, which eventually induced the creation of smaller states favoring specialized in production of high valued goods.

Finally, explain why large and loosely coordinated nomadic confederations that moved with their herds continued to prosper and grow with EACH phase above, sporadically conquering and dominating early city states, large empires, and smaller trade friendly empires.

Discuss how Covid-19 Impacted Inflation in the United States.

Discuss how Covid-19 Impacted Inflation in the United States

Students will submit a research paper relating to a macroeconomic topic or current macroeconomic event.

The paper should be between five to six pages in length (excluding any cover pages, bibliography, works cited, or endnotes pages), double-spaced and properly annotated following APA 6th edition style.

What would predict saving to be at the $12,500 level of income.

Homework 1
The following table contained data on the relationship between saving and income:

Income Per Year Saving Per Year
$15,000 $1,000
0 – 500
10,000 500
5,000 0
20,000 1,500

Rearrange the data into a meaningful order (Hint start with 0 and – 500).

Graph them on a piece of paper.

Calculate the slope of the line that you have graphed.

What is the slope saying about the two variables?

Write the equation that represents the line.

What would predict saving to be at the $12,500 level of income

What would predict saving to be at the $12,500 level of income-Write the equation that represents the line.

Data on the relationship between saving and income:

Homework 1
The following table contained data on the relationship between saving and income:
Income Per Year Saving Per Year
$15,000 $1,000
0 – 500
10,000 500
5,000 0
20,000 1,500
Rearrange the data into a meaningful order (Hint start with 0 and – 500).
Graph them on a piece of paper.
Calculate the slope of the line that you have graphed.
What is the slope saying about the two variables?
Write the equation that represents the line.
What would predict saving to be at the $12,500 level of income

What are the major historical and conceptual issues stressed?What are the major points the author is making?

Cantillon and Petty

Write an analysis paper on the economists Richard Cantillon and William Petty. Make sure to include the following points:

A short introduction to the thinker. This might include a brief summary of the context in which the author is writing, and-thus-what motivated his thinking. It might also include why the issues were thought to be important. Try to identify the question-or questions-the work is trying to answer; what’s the aim, the author’s intent? What are the major historical and conceptual issues stressed?What are the major points the author is making?

This could lead into the analysis (or model) the author provides. Explain how the author is/are trying to answer the question: what techniques, analytical tools, quantitative tools are used? What’s the theory underlying the article? What presuppositions lie behind the work? What (if any) empirical work, what evidence, does the author provide?
What would you like to know more about-or what (if anything) did the author not talk about that you thought might have been talked about?

For Cantillion focus on Part I Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17 and Part II Chapters 1-3, 6, 9, 10

For Petty focus on Introduction and Chapters 1, 2, 5, 8

Present and discuss two advantages of international trade and two disadvantages of international trade.

International Trade

International trade has been a great boon for many countries and, in general, has been more beneficial for the world than not. However, there are both costs and benefits associated with international trade. Present and discuss two advantages of international trade and two disadvantages of international trade.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Analyse the economic factors of Chile and Canada as a possible site for a firm to establish a subsidiary.

Analyse the economic factors of Chile and Canada as a possible site for a firm to establish a subsidiary

Assume that you are responsible for a large Australian manufacturing firm that is keen to internationalise by establishing a subsidiary (office) in the host economy. Consider the economic factors that would help you make such a business decision.

In the context of economic factors, what are the advantages and disadvantages of investing in each economy?

The report should be a balanced consideration of the potential positive and negative aspects of each economy. Consider the opportunities and the risks for each economy. It should be a balanced consideration of the overall prospects for successful investment there. Finally, you should conclude as to which economy will be the host of your investment – your final decision/recommendation must be supported and justified.


This section will cover the following sub-sections:

Economic factors

Outline the advantages and disadvantages of each economy

Consider drawing on (but do not limit yourself to) elements discussed in lectures and from your text.


Identify the choice of economy for strategic investment

Justify your reasoning drawing on and expanding on relevant sections from Part 4.

Make sure that you elaborate on key arguments from Part 4 (do not repeat arguments from Part 4, expand on them)

Ensure that your reasoning is internally consistent

Consider short term and long-term goals of the investment

References (not part of word count)

List all of the references referred to in the report. The minimum number of references is 8. Use the Harvard system of referencing.