Discuss GDP,inflation,unemployment rate and poverty.

To what extent did the political instability affect the Libyan economy after the revolution of 2011

Use quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Use footnotes in pages when necessary. No plagiarism.

Discuss GDP,inflation,unemployment rate and poverty. Use good academic resources.

Hypothesis questions should discuss the impact of decline in oil revenues leading to GDP decline; inflation related to scarcity of goods and supply chains breaking down; unemployment; poverty.

Be clear with the hypothesis questions and research should answer all of them.

Use as many resources as required.

Read attached files.

Outline the major shortcomings of Real Business Cycle theory as a framework for understanding short-run economic fluctuations

Statistic Problems

Answer both questions

1. Consider the two-period Real Business Cycle (RBC) model without uncertainty presented in the lecture slides (also Romer, 2019, ch.5), but with one modification, Now assume that the instantaneous utility function for households takes the form:
4-9 (1 — e t)i_y = +b 1 — 0 1 — y

where ci is consumption at time t and (1-Pr) is leisure time at time t. Given that the time endowment is normalised to 1, it follows that ft is hours worked at time t. Finally, 0>0, h>0 and y>0 are parameters.
All households in the economy are assumed to be identical. We can therefore consider a ‘representative household’ (henceforth the household’). Set t=1 for the present period and set t=2 for the next period. For example, ci is consumption in the present period and C2 is consumption in the next period. Remember, this is a two-period model so there are no time periods prior to t=1 and there are no time periods after t=2. Assume that the household begins and ends life with no accumulated wealth and that the real interest rate is r (where r>0).

Answer the following questions:

Present the Lagrangian (constrained maximisation) problem for the household under this modified specification. [10%]

Derive the first order conditions for the household in this case. [Hint: the household chooses ci, C2, Pi and P2]. [10%]

Use the first order conditions for -Pi and P2 to derive an expression for the relative amount of leisure time chosen by the household over the two periods, i.e. derive an expression for (141]/(142). Explain how an increase in the relative wage (w2/w/) affects the household’s decision about how much leisure to enjoy in each period. [10%]

Show that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution between period 1 and period 2 leisure time is y-1 in this case.

Explain how the magnitude of y1 influences the household’s decision-making in the model, [10%]

Labour economists (e.g. Altonji. 198) typically estimate that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for leisure is low; specifically, 0<y-1<1. Why is this finding problematic for our RBC model when comparing the predictions of the theory to relevant empirical evidence for the US or the UK? [10%]

Q2, Outline the major shortcomings of Real Business Cycle theory as a framework for understanding short-run economic fluctuations (i.e. business cycles), How does the ‘canonical New Keynesian model’ seek to address these shortcomings? [50%]

Word limit; 750 +10% (word limit excludes the list of references; use the Harvard system of referencing for this question).

Determine how changes in one component of aggregate expenditure.

In each lesson,you’ll have an opportunity to practice some of the concepts,calculations,or techniques presented in the lesson. This ConcepTest will give you practice with the following:

Drawing an aggregate expenditure function and altering it based on a given scenario

Determining how changes in one component of aggregate expenditure

Calculating the following:

unplanned changes in inventories



the value of the equilibrium real GDP

autonomous consumption



document (docx).

Work through the problems in the Word document.

Save your work to your computer.

What does equilibrium price represent?What factors cause equilibrium to change and why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy?

1. Provide examples of a variable that affect the supply curve and a variable that affects the demand curve (You must refer to the determinants of demand and supply in your textbook)

2. Think of a product or service that use in your everyday life or workplace. Describe how the supply or demand of this product might be changed. Which of the main categories of demand and supply factors presented in your textbook are involved?

3. Discuss: What does equilibrium price represent?What factors cause equilibrium to change and why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy? After reading about price ceiling and price floor, do you think the government should control the level of prices for products that are really important such as gasoline (read about price ceiling and price floor in your textbook before answering this item)

Find at least 3 recent (no earlier than 2018) as well as credible news articles or editorials that refer to the topic.

Crypto currency

Articulate your response in the form of a position paper. Refrain from political rhetoric and, instead, focus on the economic impact. Here is a useful position paper template: http://www.xavier.edu/library/students/documents/position_paper.pdf (Links to an external site.)

You may NOT answer “BOTH” in your response. If you do, the score will be a zero. Pick a single position.

Find at least 3 recent (no earlier than 2018) as well as credible news articles or editorials that refer to the topic.

Make sure the article/editorial is from a reputable source, not e.g. a blog written by someone with a bias and a personal point to make. If you are unsure if the source is reputable/credible, please go over the NVC Library Guides/tutorials at this link. (Links to an external site.)

You get 10 points (30 maximum points instead of 20) extra credit on the paper outline grade if you book a librarian. (Links to an external site.)

Summarize your findings in an essay format, consisting of a minimum of 600 words (of content), according to the MLA format style. For additional MLA assistance, visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ (Links to an external site.)

In addition to referencing material from outside sources, be sure to include any relevant personal/work experience. The NVC Library has created a dedicated site for this paper at: https://nvcguides.libguides.com/c.php?g=1182266&p=8645267 (Links to an external site.)

You must submit the assignment by uploading it into Canvas. Only Word .doc (or .docx) and .pdf formats are allowed.
You will use a plagiarism checker (called Turnitin). Instructions for that will be provided shortly. The checker provides a matching score (%) for what is written by you versus written by someone else. A maximum of 20% matching will be allowed. Any number higher than 20% will be scored a zero. You are responsible for making sure the percentage is less than 20% (do not ask the instructor to check it for you).
Paper outline (100 words minimum)

Does international trade cause faster economic growth and higher per-capita incomes,is it the other was around,or is there no significant correlation?

International trade

Does international trade cause faster economic growth and higher per-capita incomes,is it the other was around,or is there no significant correlation?

Review the journal articles I attached. What are the main arguments for and against the causal connection between international trade, per-capita income, and economic growth? What does the research on the actual evidence, e.g., the meta-analysis by Lewer & van den Berg, prove or imply?

Was the economic and political vision behind the reform initiative known as the New International and Economic Order compatible with the prevailing Bretton Woods order?

New International and Economic Order and The Bretton Woods Order

Was the economic and political vision behind the reform initiative known as the New International and Economic Order compatible with the prevailing Bretton Woods order? State why you agree or disagree.

See the instruction document for further details