What is the relationship between economic well-being and social well-being (i.e. happiness)?Can economic growth and productivity align with our Core Values?

Gross Domestic Products

This assignment must be a 2-3 page Word Document and use 12 pt. Times New Roman font with proper APA citations. Be sure to review the scoring rubric here.

Applying Saint Leo’s Core Values (excellence, community, respect, personal development, responsible stewardship, and integrity) to your analysis, describe what GDP (gross domestic product) measures and some of the limitations of GDP.

What is the relationship between economic well-being and social well-being (i.e. happiness)?Can economic growth and productivity align with our Core Values?

Describe your data (including sources and descriptions of variables), ideally including a well-labelled Figure.

Applied Econometrics Independent Research Project Term Paper

The essay should be an academic piece of writing (avoid casual language, bullet points, make sure you correctly cite the
relevant literature, and do not copy and paste Rcode or output). The essay should follow a clear and coherent structure,
for example you could structure your paper as:

1) Introduction

Stating your hypothesis, explain why this topic is important and relevant, what related literature already exists
(correctly citing relevant papers), and how your work contributes to the existing literature on this topic.

2) Data

Describe your data (including sources and descriptions of variables), ideally including a well-labelled Figure.

3) Methods

Describe your estimated model (ideally as an equation), justify the functional form you choose (log, quadratic,
etc.) and what assumptions you make in your model, and whether these assumptions are reasonable in your

Define and explain how perfect competition or a highly competitive markets impact the supply of goods and services?

Production decisions in UK manufacturing between 2010 to 2019

Task 1: Answer the following question

“When and why do inputs and costs impact the production decisions related to the supply of goods and services? Explain these economic concepts using examples from within the UK economy between 2010 and 2019”

Task 2: Answer the following question

“Define and explain how perfect competition or a highly competitive markets impact the supply of goods and services? Explain these economic concepts applied to a specific highly competitive UK-based industry between 2010 and 2019”.

Have attached the slides for the classes where the information might help, the assignment instructions (the sources are really specific) and also an assessment prep with information.If you could use relevant graphs and images from the approved sources would be great.

Any questions please message me here. Many thanks!

Explain the differences that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into the service industry and the manufacturing industry,and why.


Imagine you are a sustainability consultant, and you’ve been asked to create a simple handout that clarifies the similarities and differences between strategies used to incorporate the TBL into the manufacturing industry and the service industry. The handout will be provided to individuals at large and small group trainings.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Similarities: Explain the similarities that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into both the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.

Differences: Explain the differences that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into the service industry and the manufacturing industry,and why.

Example Strategies: Provide an example of a strategy that is appropriate to use across both the service and the manufacturing industries, and provide an example that is specific to either the service or the manufacturing industry when considering people, planet, or profit through the TBL framework. Include a brief explanation of what each example demonstrates.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit this assignment as a 350- to 500-word Word document. Use the course resource or external resources to support your comparisons. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Discuss the main threats to your client´s market power and how they can protect against them.

Network Network effects,two-sided platform,growth strategies, treats


Lukas has now sent you to London, in order to participate in the Startup Grind Europe event. You are behind a stand that the event organizers provide for consultants to offer their services pro bono to entrepreneurs, who may come to request different types of business advice. The second day of the conference, you bump into some former colleagues from your MSc Management course. They stayed in touch with one another after graduation and are now thinking of bringing their business idea to market: an app-based platform to connect buyers and sellers. They need advice on network effects in order to prepare for an upcoming business pitch.

You agree to prepare a 1,000-word written report for them.

After providing a short introduction to the platform (which you can move to the appendix), please cover the following in your report:

Explain the different sides of the platform and provide recommendations for pricing.

Indicate what type of network effects it experiences and provide recommendations to achieve a critical mass of users.

Discuss the main threats to your client´s market power and how they can protect against them.

[Select any web-based or app-based platform launched in 2021]

Section 1:

Brief introduction about the app (the app should have been launched in 2021)(proof of the date of launch in the form of news heading etc in the appendix section)

Identify and explain the money side and the subsidy side


Type of network effects experienced (direct and indirect network effects?)(two-sided network effects?)

Chart representation (if possible)

section 3:

Growth. recommendation to achieve a critical mass user

(critical mass, penetration pricing, marquee user) ideas to boost network effect

section 4:

What are the threats or is there a threat to your company:

Multi-homing/multi-tenancy cost, circumvent/bypassing

You can use OptiLend as the app

To what extent did the decrease in the market power of the Indian Civil Aviation Market lead to the shutdown of Jet Airways Limited?

Market Power of the Indian Civil Aviation Market

Research Question

To what extent did the decrease in the market power of the Indian Civil Aviation Market lead to the shutdown of Jet Airways Limited?

Parameter for measuring market power

Parameter 1: 4-Firm concentration ratio

This parameter will be used to find the decrease in the market power of the sector

Parameter 2: Market share of Jet Airways


Primary Data

Questionnaire for Jet Airways Official

What do you think are the possible reasons behind the decrease in the profitability and market share of Jet Airways?

How did the entry of LCC’s in 2005 affect the aviation sector?

Do you think that the entry of LCC’s affected the market share of Jet Airways?

Do you think Jet was able to differentiate its services as a full service carrier as compared to the LCC’s?

Data shows that the aviation tax and hence the aviation fuel price in India is higher as compared to other countries.

To what extent, do you think, does this affect the profitability of Indian aviation firms?

The dollar has appreciated consistently versus the Indian Rupee, which is another contributor to the higher fuel prices. To what extent, do you think, does this affect the profitability of Indian aviation firms?

Some experts say that the acquisition of Air Sahara by Jet was at a price that was higher than the price justified? What are your views on the same?

What are your views on the debt levels of Jet? Were they particularly high or low? Were they one of main contributor to the cost of operation for Jet?

According to you, what were the three most important things that caused the shutting down of Jet?

What’s the theory underlying the article?What presuppositions lie behind the work?

Bullionist controbersy

Write an analysis paper on the Bullionist controversy between the currency and banking schools. Focus on David Ricardo, Henry Thornton and Robert Torrens.

Make sure to include the following points: An introduction to the issue. This might include a brief summary of the context in which the author is writing, and-thus-what motivated his thinking. It might also include why the issues were thought to be important.

Try to identify the question-or questions-the work is trying to answer; what’s the aim, the author’s intent? What are the major historical and conceptual issues stressed? What are the major points the author is making? This could lead into the analysis (or model) the author provides.

Explain how the author is/are trying to answer the question: what techniques, analytical tools, quantitative tools are used?

What’s the theory underlying the article? What presuppositions lie behind the work? What (if any) empirical work, what evidence, does the author provide? What would you like to know more about-or what (if anything) did the author not talk about that you thought might have been talked about?