Which renewable energy source would be more economically and environmentally efficient: solar or wind.

Which renewable energy source would be more economically and environmentally efficient: solar or wind.

The paper is to be written as though were presenting to the CEO of an Energy company and am providing information as to why it is economically and environmentally better to use either Wind or solar energy.

Am supposed to provide a rough outline of the paper by Thursday November 11th. My sources are supposed to be peer reviewed source.

Can,and how does,the entrant succeed?Is the incumbent ever in control of this game?

Theory and Strategy


We consider a sequential-move game in which an entrant is considering entering an industry in competition with an incumbent firm (see Figure 15-1). There are several possibilities of how this sequential game will be played. We want to use the Froeb rule of “look ahead and reason back.”


Use Figure 15-1 from the textbook as your starting point to address the following:

Can,and how does,the entrant succeed?Is the incumbent ever in control of this game?

You may wish to review the old game known as Duopoly, as well as Antoine-Augustin Cournot, to help inform your post.

Note: Do not rely on Wikipedia, Investopedia, or any similar website as a reference or supporting source.

Describe how your expectations about the economy have changed because of Covid-19. How did you alter your spending patterns during this pandemic? Do you expect consumer confidence and business expectations to improve in the months ahead?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

#1: Draw and carefully describe a graph that utilizes the Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply model that would illustrate the current state of the aggregate economy in the United States as of October 2021. The Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply Model is first introduced in Chapter 11 (Links to an external site.) of your text and is further explicated in Chapters 12 and 13. Make sure that you explain your graph in your own words. Illustrate the current state of the economy relative to real potential GDP (Links to an external site.). How big is the gap between actual and potential real GDP?

Instructions: You should draw your own AD/AS graph which you can then embed into your post. Your graph needs to be clearly labeled and explained in some detail. Your graph must include an aggregate demand (AD) curve, a short run aggregate supply (SRAS) curve, and a long run aggregate supply curve (LRAS, Potential GDP) curve. You should clearly label both axes of the graph. Identify the current price level using the GDP deflator (Links to an external site.) on the vertical axis and the level of real GDP (Links to an external site.) on the horizontal axis. You can use the figure from your text below to model and adapt in framing your response. You should use the most recent data from the third quarter of 2021 which is available on FRED (Links to an external site.).

For information about how to embed an image in a discussion and reply see: (Links to an external site.)

Should you have difficulty embedding your graph into your post you can attach a copy of your image as a Word or PDF file but you should be able to embed if you follow the instructions here (Links to an external site.). You will receive extra consideration on your post if you embed the image in your post.

Draw your graph rather than cut and paste from an outside source. Graphs that are simply copy and pasted from other sources including your text will be penalized at least 4 points.

#2: As you have learned consumer expectations (Links to an external site.) are a major driver of the short run path of the economy. Consumer spending account fors about 70% of GDP and consumer confidence (Links to an external site.) is a major factor in shifting Aggregate Demand. Describe how your expectations about the economy have changed because of Covid-19. How did you alter your spending patterns during this pandemic? Do you expect consumer confidence and business expectations to improve in the months ahead? Utilizing the equation GDP= C+I+G+ (X-M) from Chapter 6 what is your forecast for which way the AD curve will shift between now and the end of 2021? Why?

Here is a figure from your text that you can model and adapt in framing your response:

Macro Equilibrium with recessionary gap from text

In Q3 of 2021 the price level is about 119 with a base year of 2012. Real GDP is about $19.5 trillion and potential real GDP is about $19.8 trillion so there is an output gap of about $300 billion.

Describe how rational consumers maximize utility by comparing the marginal utility-to-price ratios of all the products they could possibly purchase.

Course: Principles of Microeconomics

Module 3: Consumer Behavior


After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:

Discuss price elasticity of demand and how it is calculated.

Explain the usefulness of the total revenue test for price elasticity of demand.

List the factors that affect price elasticity of demand and describe some applications of price elasticity of demand.

Describe price elasticity of supply and how it can be applied.

Apply cross elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand.

Define and explain the relationship between total utility, marginal utility, and the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Describe how rational consumers maximize utility by comparing the marginal utility-to-price ratios of all the products they could possibly purchase.

Explain how a demand curve can be derived by observing the outcomes of price changes in the utility-maximization model.

Discuss how the utility-maximization model helps highlight the income and substitution effects of a price change.

Give examples of several real-world phenomena that can be explained by applying the theory of consumer behavior.

Relate how the indifference curve model of consumer behavior derives demand curves from budget lines, indifference curves, and utility maximization.

Define behavioral economics and explain how it contrasts with neoclassical economics.

Discuss the evidence for the brain being modular, computationally restricted, reliant on heuristics, and prone to various forms of cognitive error.

Relate how prospect theory helps to explain many consumer behaviors, including framing effects, mental accounting, anchoring, loss aversion, and the endowment effect.

Describe how time inconsistency and myopia cause people to make suboptimal long-run decisions. Define fairness and give examples of how it affects behavior in the economy and in the dictator and ultimatum games

What are the implications of the profit changes for expansion or contraction of the particular industries?

The Bureau of Economic Analysis

The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides profit data for various industries in the United States.

Go to www.bea.gov

Click on Data > by Economic Account > National> Corporate Profits
Scroll down and Click on Interactive Data

Click on Table 6.16D. Corporate Profits by Industry”

In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions:

1. Based on the most-recent figures, which of the following categories of industry classifications has the greatest profits:
Financial or nonfinancial
Manufacturing , transportation and warehousing, wholesale trade, or retail trade
Durable goods or nondurable goods

2.During the past years, which sectors had the largest and smallest percentage increase in profit?

3. Which sectors, if any, experienced losses?

4. What are the implications of the profit changes for expansion or contraction of the particular industries?

5. Reflection – the students also should include a paragraph in the initial response in their own words, using microeconomic terminology,reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace or in everyday life.

What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries?

The assignment is a ‘referee report’. Attached is a breakdown of what this entails, a template for answering and guidelines. You will need a couple of days to do this so please set aside at least 2 or 3 days, although it is only a maximum of 3 pages so it is not too long.( About 1500 words). I am in my final year so although it is quite short the quality needs to be high.

You need to criticise this paper following the template given, Please read the pdf of what is expected exactly, it does not require much background research at all. The Paper is

Chauvin, J. P., Glaeser, E., Ma, Y., & Tobio, K. (2016). What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States. Journal of Urban Economics 98 p17-49.

See attached

Explain the implications of the principles espoused in the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics and Pope Francis’s encyclical,Laudato Si,on engineering economics.

Sustainability in engeineering economics

Explain the implications of the principles espoused in the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics and Pope Francis’s encyclical,Laudato Si,on engineering economics.

What costs must be included in economic analyses according to these publications?

Three pillars of sustainability: Economics, Environmental, and Social

What aspects are subjective versus objective?

Include an argument for objective norms.

Include general guidelines and give specific examples. Make sure you identify all of the ethical considerations for your examples and their subjectivity/objectivity.

Use a minimum of 2 quotations from the Code of Ethics and 5 quotations from Laudato Si.

At least 5 pages long. 12pt. Single spaced.