How would you determine whether there is too much,too little or just about the right amount of redistribution in a particular country?
How would you measure the extent to which public policy in a particular country is redistributive?
How would you determine whether there is too much,too little or just about the right amount of redistribution in a particular country?
Useful textbooks:
Barr, N. (2012). Economics of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press [there is a new 2020 edition, but all readings refer to the 2012 version. There is also an older 1998 edition. Any version is fine to use.]
Connolly, S. and Munro, A. (1999). Economics of the Public Sector.
Gruber, J. (2019) . Public Finance and Public Policy 6th edition. [older versions of this textbook are also fine]
Myles, G. and Hindriks, J. (2013). Intermediate Public Economics.