What impact has COVID-19 had on the public policy and budget process in relation to executive decision-making?Discuss
What impact has COVID-19 had on the public policy and budget process in relation to executive decision-making?Discuss
What impact has COVID-19 had on the public policy and budget process in relation to executive decision-making?Discuss
Undergraduate (yrs. 1-2)
In what ways do economists and policymakers—those who believe that market-based reforms are the key to improving the health care system—criticize the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
Define the term “property rights” and explain why the lack of well-defined and enforceable property rights is detrimental to the smooth functioning of a market system.
Discuss about Chinese branded mobile phones in the western market. Im searching for somebody to write a strong introduction, situational analysis (2 pages) and theoratical framework (5-6 pages). The theoratical must include the following variables to be explained: Brand name & Logo, Cyber security.safety and price sensitivity. These varaibles must be backed. attached you can find the research proposal that got approved for this thesis.
1. Why are the markets down?
2. Situation on the market for the top 3 market cap cryptos.
3. Why is it a good time to invest in crypto currencies?
4. Potential for the crypto market in the next 1 year, 2, years, 3 years and 4 years.
Possible prompts: How are you better off (or worse off) than your parents, your grandparents, or your great-grandparents? What explains the hockey stick figures in Unit 1? Did capitalism cause of the permanent technological revolution? What else might explain the rapid rise in living standards in most countries over the last couple centuries? Why have living standards failed to rise in some countries? How do capitalist economies rely on non-capitalist institutions? How does capitalism differ from feudalism and socialism? Is capitalism responsible for rising inequality and/or climate change?
Possible prompts: Do economic models really enable us to see more by looking at less? Does the technological choice model satisfactorily explain why the Industrial Revolution first occurred in Britain? Does the Malthusian model satisfactorily explain the relatively stagnant incomes until about 1800? Are humans fundamentally animals, as Malthus contends? Does population growth still threaten to undermine economic progress? Can you imagine a model, contrary to the Malthusian model, in which population growth increases rather than decreases average income?
1.did Sub-Prime Mortgages impact the financial markets?
2. How does International Trade impact on employment in the United States?
3. What is the government role in increasing employment
4. How is the United States economy different from other economies?
5. How have Global Labor Markets changes impacted United States employment
6. What was the major impact on business during the pandemic?
The article must be related to explaining how the needs of certain groups of individuals or institutions (e.g., veterans, the elderly, the poor, hospitals, or clinics) can determine how government on the local, state, or federal level spends their money. Using the first few pages of Chapter 1 as a guide, select a specific group of individuals or institutions in our society as a part of your search. In your critique, address the prompts listed below.
What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)?
What is your opinion of the article? How does the article relate to your experience or current job in the public or nonprofit sector?
How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the public sector in a practical sense?
Describe how positive and negative externalities could affect the efficiency with which governments can allocate their resources to provide for the needs of citizens.
The critique should be roughly two pages in length. Be sure to cite all borrowed, quoted, and paraphrased material appropriately in APA Style. Your professor is most interested in your opinion (the second and third bullet points above).
Write an essay analyzing
· Different theoretical views on national debt,
· Long-run costs of high national debt,
· Costs of eliminating the budget deficit solely through (1) personal tax increases, and/or (2) through spending cut by decreasing in transfer payments (i.e., Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) and in discretionary spending (such as defense and education budgets).