What good are z-scores and why would we need to know about them? For those variables, are any of them interval or ratio scale measurements?  What descriptive statistics are reported? 

This will be a detailed discussion worth 10 points so plan accordingly.
Given our Chapter 5 and 6 readings plus the following videos.
⦁ What is the normal curve and where does it come from?
⦁ What are two observations in your life are normally distributed and what is one which is not?
⦁ What good are z-scores and why would we need to know about them?
For those variables, are any of them interval or ratio scale measurements?  What descriptive statistics are reported?

What graphs or charts are used?  Does the study report skewness, outliers, or indicate that any of the data is not normally distributed?
⦁ What are the names of some of the other inferential statistical tests or procedures used in that paper?  We will not have studied these, but we want to start becoming familiar with the statistical tests used to analyze data in your field of interest.
⦁ List one or two of those tests and explain what you think they do.

What are the user’s overall tasks or goals when using this product? What parts of the overall task does the system perform? What parts does the user perform? Present in tabular format using the template below.

Create three scenarios: using the system goals you defined in the Analysis phase, construct detailed scenarios. While task descriptions are abstract, the scenario should be concrete, using imaginary details and imaginary users. Follow the user through the steps they take to achieve the goal. An example of a scenario is: “Robert is a 65-year-old with diabetes. He needs to monitor his blood sugar level regularly, and take his insulin shots. Sometimes he forgets..”
What are the user’s overall tasks or goals when using this product? What parts of the overall task does the system perform? What parts does the user perform? Present in tabular format using the template below.
Describe the conceptual model in terms of objects, relations between objects, actions on objects, and attributes of objects. Present using the template below.

How long does it take for typical members of the community to learn relevant task? Rate of errors by users: How many and what kinds of errors are made during benchmark tasks?

Using pen and paper, sketch out two different ideas of preliminary designs for your user interface. Consider the particular needs of your target user population. Describe and explain each set of sketches.
Write the user documentation – a brief new user’s guide to getting started. Or, design your interface so it needs no user documentation. If you don’t need user documentation, please indicate this in your write-up.
How long does it take for typical members of the community to learn relevant task?
Rate of errors by users: How many and what kinds of errors are made during benchmark tasks?

Explain when using linear regression is most appropriate. When using linear regression, what would you expect the scatterplot to look like? Explain the difference between response and predictor variables in a linear regression to justify the selection of variables.

Using the Project One Template located in the What to Submit section, generate a report including your tables and graphs to determine if the square footage of a house is a good indicator for what the listing price should be.

Explain when using linear regression is most appropriate. When using linear regression, what would you expect the scatterplot to look like? Explain the difference between response and predictor variables in a linear regression to justify the selection of variables. Data Collection Sampling the data: Select a random sample of 50 houses. Identify your response and predictor variables. Scatterplot: Create a scatterplot of your response and predictor variables to ensure they are appropriate for developing a linear model.

Compare and contrast the shape, center, spread, and any unusual characteristic for your sample of house sales with the national population. Is your sample representative of national housing market sales?

Develop Your Regression Model Scatterplot: Provide a graph of the scatterplot of the data with a line of best fit. Explain if a regression model is appropriate to develop based on your scatterplot.

What questions can you ask given what you’ve learned through weeks 1-4?

1.  Begin by opening  SPSS via the CUNY Server
Next, start following the instructions shown in the SPSS In Focus Videos 4.11 Stats 3e Screencast 4.11 with video 2.12 Stats 3e Screencast 2.12 as a reminder.
⦁ These tutorials show you the basic mechanics of how to request the descriptive statistics and histograms.  Now we need to start moving beyond just getting familiar with SPSS and how to generate output in the viewer window.
⦁ The next steps are to start applying these general steps to new data, explain what you are doing and why, and start interpreting the output.
⦁ What questions can you ask given what you’ve learned through weeks 1-4?  Find out below.

Summarize the essay and the results. Feedback to the purpose. What assumptions, conditions and premises were important for the results? Strengths and weaknesses in the analysis? What have you done / not done – what could further research do?

We are studying national economics and statistics that’s why our thesis should include appropriate methods and models. The topic of our thesis is cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin to be precisely .
The structure of the thesis should be as following: 1). Introduction – here you motivate why the topic of the thesis is interesting to research. You explain your purpose and the research question of the thesis. You describe the method that you are going to use in order to answer the question. And the last you add the layout of the thesis.
2).Theoretical background, Previous studies, Theoretical model, Results. Your chosen model should be as simple as possible without being trivial in order to be able to analyze your question.
3).Summarize the essay and the results. Feedback to the purpose. What assumptions, conditions and premises were important for the results? Strengths and weaknesses in the analysis? What have you done / not done – what could further research do?

Give a pragmatic summary of the nation from its inception to the present and an assessment /outlook for the future.

Albania Case Study

Economic Systems -Institutions –provide information on the economic wealth of the nation- mineral resources if any-the type of economic system practiced- provide information on its relationship with the IMF- World Bank and other lending institutions if any-state whether these relationships shape the type of economic policies that the government pursue-

Give a pragmatic summary of the nation from its inception to the present and an assessment /outlook for the future.

How does range of stress ratio values for industrial grade wood pellets influence the horizontal stress?

Your task is to investigate the effects of the varying properties of industrial grade wood pellets, as given in Table 1, on the vertical and horizontal stresses in a cylindrical bulk silo. The dimensions of the silo are related to the last three digits of your student number. For example, if your student number was 012345678 then the diameter of the silo would be 3.678 meters.
As a guide, the following questions should be addressed in your investigation:
⦁ For the various limiting values of industrial wood pellet bulk solids properties shown in Table 1, how are the vertical and horizontal stresses affected as the depth, , increases? A graphs of the stresses vs depth would help visualise it.
⦁ How does range of stress ratio values for industrial grade wood pellets influence the horizontal stress?
⦁ Do the vertical and horizonal stresses approach a limiting value if the height of the silo was increased?