Can you mention what design parameters can be changed to make the process faster?How long will it take for the special mineral to diffuse to the top layer of the desalination tank ?
Imagine you are a consultant engineer. You have been invited to solve the scaling issues within a boiler in a thermal power plant.
a. At first you decide to trouble shoot the boiler system by checking the pressure within it. Assuming the water is pure, what would be the expected pressure value for a boiler operating at 150 ◦C.
b. Since you physically observe scaling over the boilers inner surface, you suspect the presence of some dissolved salts in the boiler feed water. Will the dissolved salts increase/decrease/not-affect the calcu- lated pressure in the above question? Lets say the deviation is as mentioned in table 1, what is the concentration of the salt in wt% ?
Upon further inspection you notice a fault in the desalination system due to which there is an uncon- trolled amount of salt in the boiler feed water. Therefore, at the desalination tank you decide to add some special home made mineral at the tank’s bottom, which has the ability to combine with the existing salt and precipitate it.
Assignment 2
c. If the container is left undisturbed, How long will it take for the special mineral to diffuse to the top layer of the desalination tank ?
d. Lets say you decide to increase the diffusion process by heating up the tank. To do so you use the waste steam from the turbines that could heat up the tank to 80 ◦C. What would be the percentage increase/decrease in the time calculated from the previous question.
e. Can you mention what design parameters can be changed to make the process faster? Also mention the associated dimensionless numbers that can be used to characterise/rationalise the changes made.