What industry-relevant skills have you learned while undertaking this project? Be specific. How well have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a team member?

Self-Reflection and Peer Evaluation

Assessment 4 is an individual task; each individual member of the team will submit their self-reflection and peer evaluation separately.

You will reflect on your own experience in the group. You will consider and respond to these five questions with your reflective essay:
How has the knowledge and skills developed throughout your Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice contributed to the completion of the project your group developed in this course?
In this section, you will need to research the knowledge and skills one is expected to have developed throughout a Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice degree and use that to connect its relevance to the project we completed. In our project, we were asked to look into Indigenous family violence and develop a programme that will help with the problem.

What industry-relevant skills have you learned while undertaking this project? Be specific.

How well have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a team member? Consider how you have fulfilled your obligations under the team contract, including attending scheduled team meetings and meeting agreed deadlines.

Was your serial killer ever a victim? If so when and from what? Find a similar serial killer and compare lives, and similarities if so what are they? Give examples?

You will answer the following questions in your paper:

Give a brief historical overview of your serial killer.
What type of parents did your serial killer have? Upstanding citizens, criminals….etc.…
Did your serial killer have a medical history and/or condition? If so was your serial killer taking any medications at any time during his/her life?
Did your serial killer take illicit drugs or drink alcohol?
Was your serial killer ever arrested prior to being caught? If so for what? and when? How many times etc.…..
Shed aspects on your serial killer’s behavior throughout life? Any abnormalities? Is so what?
Was your serial killer ever a victim? If so when and from what?
Find a similar serial killer and compare lives, and similarities if so what are they? Give examples?
After reviewing theories in this class, what theory or theories do you find most applicable to your serial killer and why?
Did you learn anything additionally interesting about this serial killer that you would like to share?

Paper is on John Wayne Gacy

What is ‘penal populism’ and how has it influenced punishment in England and Wales over the last 30 years?

Punishment in Society

Summative assessment
By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
Evaluate justifications for punishment and the challenge posed by abolitionist critiques.
Synthesise and critique a range of theoretical perspectives which explain the nature of punishment and how punishment in societies has evolved.
Understand different types of punishment used in contemporary society and its impact on particular groups.
Reflect on how punishment is shaped by political economy.
Write a well-argued, clear and accurate document.
Type of Assessment: Essay
Students should write a 2000 word essay answering one of the following questions:
Drawing on Sim’s article on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote: “The current [prison] crisis has been relentlessly tied to the budget cuts. While the cuts have intensified the crisis, they are not its cause”.
How do race and / or gender affect the ‘pains of imprisonment’?
What is ‘penal populism’ and how has it influenced punishment in England and Wales over the last 30 years?
Choose ONE of the theoretical perspectives on punishment we have studied: Durkheimian, Marxist, Foucauldian, or feminist. Critically evaluate the Prison Industrial Complex using your chosen theory.

Discuss in a critical manner approaches to working with substance misusers, methods of ‘treatment’ or other interventions, relevant policy, and programmes available.

Substance Misuse and Crime

Discuss in a critical manner approaches to working with substance misusers, methods of ‘treatment’ or other interventions, relevant policy, and programmes available.

Consider research and evaluation evidence on the effectiveness, impacts, and limitations of particular types of intervention.

To what extent is a concept of ‘masculinity’ useful in understanding developments in international crime? Include a discussion of ‘Masculinity’ in your answer.

International Perspectives on Crime

Answer ONE of the following questions. Your answer should
Be 2,000 words or less
Be written in a conventional essay style with an introduction, argument, and conclusion. Headings can be used if you prefer
Harvard references should be used, including a reference list. There should be more than four academic sources used.
Reading should include the readings given during the module
Take care when using internet sources: Often sites will give you information or opinion, but not support you in developing a critical approach.

Essay Questions
To what extent is a concept of ‘masculinity’ useful in understanding developments in international crime? Include a discussion of ‘Masculinity’ in your answer.
Are ideas of gender or ideas of sexuality more important in understanding particular areas of international crime? Include in your answer referenced discussion of gender and sexuality
To what extent does human trafficking and modern slavery exist today? Explore a particular context in your answer
Is genocide dependent on the presence of armed conflict? Give specific examples in your answer
To what extent are the institutions set up to enforce international law sufficient?
In what ways can gender based violence be explored and policed?

What are the treatment options?Are they successful?What are the causes?

Investigating schizophrenia disorder

To produce a 2500-word REPORT investigating a psychological disorder. Have chosen Schizophrenia.

Have attached the learning outcomes for this assignment. Have also attached the outline of this REPORT, the word count. The title for the REPORT is also in that attachment. This is a report so subheadings will need to be used. Have attached the PowerPoint with all the info (the order of the report).

Introduction – signpost the reader, what will be discussed, in what order (no more than 10% of the wordcount).

Clearly Outline knowledge of psychiatry/clinical psychology – definitions, roles and assessment.

Mental health condition Schizophrenia – symptoms, prevalence (can accept journal articles or NHS website) what are the treatment options? are they successful? what are the causes? demonstrate and understanding of the different paradigms here e.g. biological, behavioural etc.

Association with crime – mini literature review using academic papers. To demonstrate an understanding of the litert and do not simply describe one or two studies in detail. Recognise limitations to the literature.

Provide a thorough critique of forensic psychiatry/forensic psychology
Provide a thorough critique of forensic psychiatry/forensic psychology.
To consider at least one of the following critiques in depth or discuss a combination or all.
Issues with marginalisation and over diagnoses.
Assessment reliability and validity.
Malingering and illness deception.

Make sure your critique also considers advantages too, e.g. access to treatment, diversion from punitive sentences, provides some explanation for crime etc.

​Conclusion – clearly answers the questions and summarises the overall findings of your report. Does not include new information.

APA 7th referencing (plenty of references)

Font: Arial. Text: 12

Based on peer reviewed research as outlined in the TITLE.