Analyze how each of these challenges the implementation of NIMS.


This unit’s Assignment is the taking and successful completion of FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute’s “An Introduction to National Incident Management System Course” (IS-700.B).

As a value-added feature of HM501, you will receive a FEMA certificate upon successful completion of IS-700.B.

Go to the FEMA website’s homepage for IS-700.B. Read the overview of the IS-700.B, then click on “Interactive Web Based Course.”

Important: After successful completion of FEMA IS-700.B, please save your certificate and submit your certificate in the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox. If you have already earned a FEMA IS-700.B certificate before the start of this course, please contact your professor to receive an alternative FEMA certificate Assignment.

Once you have completed the certificate course, please write a 2–3-page paper that:

Describes the five levels of operation of the nationwide implementation of NIMS

Federal departments and agency system

State governments

Local governments


Inter-governmental and inter-agency

Identifies one challenge for each of the five levels of operation.

Analyzes how each of these challenges the implementation of NIMS.

Ranks each of the challenges from most to least challenging, with an explanation of why each challenge is ranked the way it is.

Describe, explain and select an appropriate methodological approach and sampling strategy and design data collection instrument/s for a specified research project.

1 Describe, explain and select an appropriate methodological approach and sampling strategy and design data collection instrument/s for a specified research project;

2 Describe and apply principles of ethical research;

3 Report the key elements of a written research proposal according to American Psychological Association guidelines;

4 Be cognizant of the range, complexity and value of criminological research

How concerned should researchers be with ethical conduct in research?

Morals and Ethics

How concerned should researchers be with ethical conduct in research?
What is the researcher’s role and what constitutes appropriate conduct?
The regulation of ethically acceptable research conduct may take one of three forms. Discuss these and include your opinion as to which of these is most effective.
Be sure to include a title page, two pages for the body of your paper, and a reference page. At least two outside references (other than the textbook) are required.

Discuss communication problems that occur in the External environment, such as media or the public.

Communication can be a challenge as there are many variables to consider. In order to manage workplace communication effectively, you need to understand how communication works within the various criminal justice entities.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss communication problems that occur in the following:

Discuss communication problems that occur in the External environment, such as media or the public

Discuss communication problems in Criminal justice agencies using a generic agency or a criminal justice agency of your choice

Explain how the communication issues may be resolved for Internal and External environments.

Explain how technology can play a role in facilitating or hindering communication in each environment.

Describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced.

You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto Rico. You are to work under the assumption that Puerto Rico has just been admitted as the 51st state and build your court system from the bottom up. To be certain you understand how courts are organized in other states, you must research at least three current state court systems, within the United States, and use those systems to create Puerto Rico’s system. Do not use Puerto Rico’s current system as one of your examples. You must describe your proposal for creating Puerto Rico’s municipal courts, major trial courts, appellate courts, and the state’s highest court. Include geographic jurisdictions.

You must also describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced. You should conduct basic research on Puerto Rico (size, geography, population, existing counties or municipios, etc.) to be certain your proposed system will actually work.

Describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced.

You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto Rico. You are to work under the assumption that Puerto Rico has just been admitted as the 51st state and build your court system from the bottom up. To be certain you understand how courts are organized in other states, you must research at least three current state court systems, within the United States, and use those systems to create Puerto Rico’s system. Do not use Puerto Rico’s current system as one of your examples. You must describe your proposal for creating Puerto Rico’s municipal courts, major trial courts, appellate courts, and the state’s highest court. Include geographic jurisdictions.

You must also describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced. You should conduct basic research on Puerto Rico (size, geography, population, existing counties or municipios, etc.) to be certain your proposed system will actually work.